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  1. L

    Transformation Challenge: 11/24-11/30

    RE: LA! Hi Janice, Nice to hear from you honey. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, and everyone else!!! Have a wonderful weekend everybody!!!!!!!
  2. L

    Transformation Challenge: 11/24-11/30

    RE: LA! Hi Debbie, Not to worry, I actually thought there was a Lisa :) , hey, we all make mistakes. Yes, I can tell my legs are more toned from doing it every morning, my calves are really stiff every morning like never before, but I stretch them consistently with yoga. My upper body is...
  3. L

    Transformation Challenge: 11/24-11/30

    RE: Bita and Lisa! Hi Debbie, I'm not Lisa or Bita, but I'm sure you're going to love your rebounder. Bita was right about it, and I do it every day like she does. I ran into a similar problem about space the other day when my BF and I were going to do yoga together, and placed it against...
  4. L

    Transformation Challenge: 11/24-11/30

    Awesome job ladies!! Bita, 2 days to go, and I'm sure you'll do awesome, so good luck!! FS, sounds like you're doing great. How good are you doing with your new and improved way of eating, and have you noticed any difference? Robyn, I'm so jealous girl, still waiting for the BB series ;(...
  5. L

    Transformation Challenge: 11/24-11/30

    Good morning ladies, Hope everyone had a great weekend, and ready for another week. Bita, you are awesome!! Thank you a million for introducing me to so many different w/o's. I did Powestrike 2 w/ my weighted gloves and what a w/o!! Outstanding! Anyway, rebounded this morning, will be...
  6. L

    Transformation challenge 11/10-11/16

    Good morning ladies, Hope everyone is doing well! I didn't feel like posting at the beginning of the week, because I pretty much do the same thing on Monday's & Wed's at the gym. Robyn, way to go! You know it's so true, sometimes I wake up and I'm not really in the mood to w/o, but once I...
  7. L

    Transformation challenge 11/10-11/16

    Good morning ladies, Hope everyone is doing great today. Bita, awesome job! BTW, I did some of my yoga poses on the rebounder, you were right, very nice! I only have time for a 15 min yoga practice at my desk this morning. TGIF, I'll be getting my evening w/o in the form of dancing to Swing...
  8. L

    Transformation challenge 11/10-11/16

    Good morning everyone, Hope everyone is doing great today. It was so windy out here last night, that there were power outages everywhere. I was only able to teach yoga, since the power at the gym came back on time just for that one class. I managed to get a 45 min upper body w/o, instead of...
  9. L

    Transformation challenge 11/10-11/16

    Good morning ladies, Thanks everyone for the congrats! Janice, I know how you feel, I hope to see you back soon, take care of yourself. FS, I have several yoga certifications, but I did not have a group fitness one, so because I am now teaching kickboxing and body pump too, I thought it would...
  10. L

    Transformation challenge 11/10-11/16

    Good morning ladies, Whew, what a great convention that was. I had a lot of fun, and learned a lot from Gay Gasper. Jeff Howard, instructor at the Golden Door's Spa in PR, AFAA examiner was the person in charge of the practical exams. We were taught all of the latest "to do's" and "not to...
  11. L

    Transformation challenge 11/3-11/9

    Good morning ladies, FS, good for you, there is always room for improvement, so best of luck to you in this path. Otisan, yes, my w/o's have really helped me get over that hump in life, so I'm just simply enjoying every minute of it now. Bita, girl I loved Intermediate UR, had so much fun...
  12. L

    Transformation challenge 11/3-11/9

    Good morning everyone, Otisan, beautiful picture, Congratulations!!! Send us some more:) Great job ladies, keep up the great work. Janice it's so nice to see you're back and working out again. Same to you Gloria. I really like your rotation, good luck! FS, how was your last cleanse...
  13. L

    Transformation challenge 11/3-11/9

    Good morning ladies, Hope everyone is having a good day so far. I did rebounding this morning for 30 min's. Tonight is PUB, Kickboxing and Yoga. Have a great day! LA
  14. L

    Transformation Challenge-- 10/27-11/2

    Good morning ladies, FS, I can't believe you haven't started your new BB series. You have a very strong will power. Your Dr Phil book sounds really good, good luck to you with your cleanse, and morning w/o's. Janice, hope you're doing better! Robyn, hope your schedule has lighten up a bit...
  15. L

    Transformation Challenge-- 10/27-11/2

    Good morning everyone, Good to hear you're all doing so good! This morning I did rebounding, and tonight will be a little bit of everything at the gym (wt. training, cardio & yoga) Have a nice day!
  16. L

    Transformation Challenge-- 10/27-11/2

    Hello everyone, Bita, G-Force was a great w/o this morning. I have noticed a big difference already by the time I get to work every morning. I feel awesome! Needless to say, can't wait for my DVD's, it sounds like everyone is having a blast w/ the BB series. Anxiously waiting.... Robyn, so...
  17. L


    Good morning ladies, Bita, thanks for the review on KP&C. Sounds like a great w/o. I can't believe you've done all of that already, more power to you! I was only able to do the first 2 segments of Keep on Rebounding this morning. Yesterday's w/o kicked my tush, but I feel fantastic...
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    FS, Oh my God, you must let us know!!!!!!! Please, pretty please! LA
  19. L


    Good morning ladies, This morning was Keep on Rebounding for me, just loved it:) Tonight is same as Monday (wt. training, kickboxing and yoga). I'll be slowing it down for the rest of the week w/ the SS & rebounding. Have a lovely and productive day! LA
  20. L


    Hello everyone, It's a good morning for me so far, and hope it is for all of you as well. I really needed that little kick in the butt, I'm feeling fantastic today! I ended up doing about 40 min's of wt. training instead, ran out of time. So I only covered back and legs. Kickboxing was...