Search results

  1. M

    Rotation for energy and bone density increase

    Hi, Could anyone recommend a rotation that is geared towards increasing energy level and bone density? I am 5 months post c-section, lost all baby weight + 12 pounds, and feel a lack of energy. I am a huge Cathe fan and I used to do 5 full workouts a day before this baby. Now, I think I...
  2. M

    Have a Question

    Shannon, I have exact same story. My OB won't see me until March 14th. I am eager to check that everything is OK, but... I agree that HPTs are very accurate, I used them a lot while I was trying to get pregnant for the first time and never had a false positive. So, let's just keep...
  3. M

    Updated Cathe Compendium??

    Could I please get a copy of the compendium too? I would greatly appreciate it. My email is [email protected] Thank you!!!
  4. M

    Rotation for pregnant women

    Hi, I've been using Cathe workouts for the last 3 years and absolutely love them! I am about to get pregnant (or may be pregnant already) and don't want to stop working out. Therefore, I was wondering whether there are any rotations for 1st trimester on this forum. Tried to find it using...