Recent content by Stevie

  1. S

    CIA 9801 vs.Christi Taylor's Happy Hour High/low

    Check out Christi's new tapes avail. in July that would be more comparable to Happy Hour. I think you might like it better my 02 cents Stevie
  2. S

    cross training with pilates

    Kathy.. re Pilates thanks for your input. I am still quite a Pilates beginner--working with an instructor and also a book at home to improve my form..... Brooke Silers The Pilates Body. anyway.. I like to do the Pilates before I do step or any other cardio so that I can be in good form and have...
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    cross training with pilates

    I noticed that my work outs improved as did my posture and abs since I started pilates along with my workouts. I was wondering if anyone else is doing pilates out there ? I am using a book along with a class on how to do pilates which is fun .. but I don't know many people who are mixing...
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    I started Pilates

    and I LOVE it. what a great resistance work out that really makes you focus. a great thing. I combine it with a cardio bit too. I take two classes a week and practice what I learn daily and it makes a wonderful difference also a new book from Brooke Siler called The Pilates Body really helps...
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    started Pilates this week. Had my Physical Therapist talk to instructor BEFORE I started but the understanding a month ago was that I was going to start with mat classes. Had first two classes this week. She did not really give me a once over.. and she started me on machines. I told her the...
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    Anyone interested in a mentor?

    do you have any pilates experience?? bec I would love a mentor. will go check this out
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    Recovering after illness and discoraged

    Lora!! Hi there thanks for the comments. I haven't had asthma all my life, but it is a recent occurence due to stress and allergies. so I live with it--no biggie as long as you manage your meds right. I have this great upper respiratory infection now and it is getting better. But I am on all...
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    Recovering after illness and discoraged

    understand how you feel .. read on had an asthma attack the other day and wound up in ER.. NOT FUN. and then found out I had an upper respir. infection to boot. so that stopped the workouts while I get everything under control with inhalers and all that. But I am doing my ab work and some...
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    With Deepest Gratitude

    You are an amazing woman.. a real inspiration I applaud everything you accomplished. YOU are a real hero. God Bless you Stevie
  10. S

    swiss balls.. anyone use them??

    Paul Czech.. read on got this from a friend.. will ask her where she got it. I like it. he is very basic and has great instructional presentation. then they do the entire thing outside in San Diego where it is gorgeous. anyway.. I did the warmup and instructional part and starting the first...
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    swiss balls.. anyone use them??

    I just got a new to me Paul Czech ( sp?) video and I love it. Really good intro and demo on it and he tells you how to progress. what do you think?? thanks Stevie
  12. S

    Pilates anyone??

    Does anyone here do Pilates?? Do you do mat or machine?? do you use videos at all? just curious. about to start a mat class thanks
  13. S

    What do you think???

    don't think it is really good or right. imho nt
  14. S

    I know this is posted below.. but Low Carb diets??

    Thanks Susan.. this is a sugar buster type diet and sounds like it is reasonable I think I might try this one
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    I know this is posted below.. but Low Carb diets??

    I know that you should eat a balanced diet. But do you think kicking some of the more refined starches is a good thing and focus on fruits and veggies instead? And what about juice?? I am overwhelmed with people asking me about this and quite frankly would like to get MORE opinions on this. I...