Recent content by rickrach

  1. R

    Will Health Care Reform Increase Life Expectancy?

    I took it to mean that she thinks that the US focuses more on trying to treat diseases than promoting health.:)
  2. R

    Has STS ruined you?

    I think that wearing a 20 lb weighted vest throughout CLX made all the difference in the world for me. My legs are strong and adding the weight allowed me to get my upper body weight right while still challenging my lower body. Plus, I saw nice changes in my legs from working my legs three...
  3. R

    Today I hate that morning jogger

    I could have written this post! It's hard to believe that anyone could be so self-centered to think that the jogger is somehow wrong. And, if you were kidding.....that is just plain strange to get people upset. Why stir up trouble the way a troll would??!!:mad:
  4. R

    Need strategy for getting my daughter to agree

    I'm kind of old school. Explain all the reasons why you want things to change, and that it will happen on X day. Then do it, without apologizing, without reacting if she "puts up a fight". I don't think it's your job to make her like the idea. She has to get used to things she doesn't...
  5. R

    Why are you NOT ordering STS?

    1- Originally wanted the audio only version. After seeing the clips...... 2-Too many one-arm-at-a-time exercises. 3-The music. The synchronization aspect of it is awesome, but when I am working hard, I want something that is truly motivating. The music I hear in the clips, is so...