
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I began working out at home with the "Firm" workouts and from their forums I heard about the wonderful Cathe and how much more challenging the workouts are. I never looked back.
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
She challenges and inspires me. I am never confused or scared to follow her workouts. I always feel rewarded when I'm finished even if I didn't complete every rep or set.
Where I work out most often
Both Home & Gym
My Fitness Goals
My husband and I are going to begin planning for a child soon. I want to have my body in the best condition it can be for my baby.
My Success Story
I began working out in 2002 at home because I gained an enormous amount of weight due to the comfort of a relationship. I thankfully snapped out of that and bought myself a Tae-Bo video to begin my journey. I upgraded myself to the Firm series and began to see some result with good nutrition. I heard about Cathe and decided to try one of her workouts. My body took shape so quickly that I was almost a little scared that I may have been eating incorrectly and loosing too much weight. I dropped the fat that I wanted and gained a wonderful amount of muscle in a very short time. I swear by Cathe.
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Everyday do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow. - Doug Firebaugh :rolleyes: