
nutrition, art/design, cooking, reading, church, family
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
about 3 years ago
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I bought a vhs workout from Ross for like $4.00, it was Cathe's Allstep workout, a great fun step routine followed by shoulders and abs. The best (and most fun) step workout I had ever done.
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
The choreography is awesome, never boring. She challenges you way beyond any workout video I have ever done before, while others might stop a move after 8 reps she does 2 more sets! She never uses wimpy weights either, she is awesome!
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
Step Reebok the original, Step Reebok Extreme Step, Cindy Crawford (her first 2), The Firm (around 8 of them) some yoga workouts, and Winsor Pilates.
My Fitness Goals
Loose 5 more pounds and get less jiggly and be able to keep up with Cathe.
My Success Story
I have 3 kids and have always had to watch my weight since I was a teen. My success is not letting myself go like so many moms do, keeping the weight off being in great shape, being strong so I don't have to ask for help to do certain things and setting a good example for my girls.
mother and faux artist


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