Recent content by Loan

  1. L

    New Video Clarification

    Hi Cathe, I would really, really love it if you can produce the following four workouts: 1. Low Impact, high intensity cardio 2. Imax3 3. Circuit Max 2 4. Cardio Kicks Keep up the good work with chaptering - it's amazing. I love those time crunch options available in the Intensity...
  2. L

    New Video Poll

    Hi, I would love it if you can produce any of the following videos: 1) Cardio Kicks or Circuit Max II 2) Hi\lo floor aerobics. There are too many step videos out there, but not many good athletic hi\lo. Please no dancy choreograph - the reason I turned away from Kari A., Christi and...
  3. L

    Best rotation for weight loss using Intensities series

    Hi Cathe, You have created the following rotations for the Intensity series: Total Overall Body Blast, Advanced total Body Conditioning with Heavy Weight Training and Advanced total Body Conditioning with focus on Muscular Endurance If my primary goal is to lose weight, which of...
  4. L

    Weight loss rotation - new tapes

    Just another bump hoping to catch Cathe attention.
  5. L

    how often should I work abs?

    I've been waiting for her answers, too. I've been ignoring abs work for a while. I have the pregnancy pouch that I need to get rid off.
  6. L

    Need help in creating rotation

    Hi, Thanks for the suggestion. BTW, IMHO, KS LWLW lower body is easy and I don't think I'll achieve effective strength training. I do a lot of cardio because "experts" said that cardio is the best way to burn fat. Are they wrong? It's hard for me to workout at home because my older son...
  7. L

    Need help in creating rotation

    Hi, Well, today is my first day joining this forum. I have been exercising for the last three months and seriously for the last three weeks, and I don't eat a lot of fattening food. However, I have lost only 5 - 6 lbs, and I'm getting frustrated. I think I have reached a plateau, so I...