Figure Competitions, Tang Soo Do, Capoeira, walking my dog with my hubbie, watching movies, reading
- Birthday
Jan 28, 1980
(Age: 45)
- When I began doing Cathe Workouts
- 1998
- How I found out about Cathe Workouts
- my step teacher let me borrow step heat and the rest is history
- Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
- Cause she always kicks my butt with a smile
- Where I work out most often
- Both Home & Gym
- Other Workout DVDs that I own
- I sold or gave all of my other workouts away. Cathe is the best!!!
- My Fitness Goals
- To earn my pro card in figure, to become a Registered Dietitian, and to keep motivating and challenging my clients. My dream is to be in at least one Cathe video!!!
- My Success Story
- I've always admired the way Cathe looks so strong and muscular in her videos, and I always loved the way the figure competitors look, so I decided to enter my first fitness competiton and now I'm hooked!!! I started at 119 pounds and now I'm a solid 107. Cathe also inspired me to become a group fitness instructor and now I teach 3-4 classes a week at my local YMCA
- Occupation
- Hairdresser/group fitness in./personal trainer/mak