
Figure Competitions, Tang Soo Do, Capoeira, walking my dog with my hubbie, watching movies, reading
Jan 28, 1980 (Age: 45)
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
my step teacher let me borrow step heat and the rest is history
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
Cause she always kicks my butt with a smile
Where I work out most often
Both Home & Gym
Other Workout DVDs that I own
I sold or gave all of my other workouts away. Cathe is the best!!!
My Fitness Goals
To earn my pro card in figure, to become a Registered Dietitian, and to keep motivating and challenging my clients. My dream is to be in at least one Cathe video!!!
My Success Story
I've always admired the way Cathe looks so strong and muscular in her videos, and I always loved the way the figure competitors look, so I decided to enter my first fitness competiton and now I'm hooked!!! I started at 119 pounds and now I'm a solid 107. Cathe also inspired me to become a group fitness instructor and now I teach 3-4 classes a week at my local YMCA
Hairdresser/group fitness in./personal trainer/mak


