Recent content by kEwL

  1. K

    Tough decision - advice? input? (long)

    It's a hard decision but when an animal is causing your life to be miserable then it's time to rehome it. It's not your child, it's a cat. Life is too short for this kind of misery. Your upset, the cat is upset. Rehome the cat and it will be happy and you will someday realize that this...
  2. K


    You have to have the subscription for the GWF. Is it worth the money ?, maybe. It's good to wear it and figure out your base line calorie burn. I think it's not as accurate as it claims to be. Wearing a heart rate monitor is uncomfortable but would give you a decent view of your calorie...
  3. K

    Favorite Super Bowl Commercial

    I laughed out loud at the Doritos commercial with the dog bark collar.
  4. K

    Howard Stern to replace Simon Cowell

    My opinion is that Howard Stern would make the show about HIM and not about the quality of ther performers. I am not a fan. I also do not have a high opinion of Kara. Without Simon it just will not be the same. Maybe I'm just tired of tv shows, 24 just does not seem to hold my interest...
  5. K

    Shelley allwildgirl

    With all the 'leg lifting' in this forum today does that mean we don't have to work out tonight??
  6. K

    "DC Sniper" should be dead in about an hour. Good.

    It's a double crime against society, they murder someone and then the people have to pay millions to defend the court decision and the criminal gets 3 hots and a cot and better health care than many people. It's just amazing at how our criminal system fails in many ways. In some countries...
  7. K

    weird true and freaky

    All processed food has FDA acceptable limits of insects allowed in the food.
  8. K

    Didn't medications used to be for...

    LauraMax was using it
  9. K

    HILARIOUS Post About You, Cathe

    Instead of posting what looks to be an advertisement link to your blog in the Ask Cathe forum AND in the Open forum, why not just post once in the Blog section?
  10. K

    I've been banned! Like Howard Stern!! Except from a fat support group!!!

    When you post the same thing in the Open and the Ask Cathe forum then it's Spam.
  11. K

    I've been banned! Like Howard Stern!! Except from a fat support group!!!

    Spam? Maybe not, but self serving indeed. If you post promoting your new blog as often as people post their minutiae on twitter then I can see why you can be marked as a spammer. Good luck in your weight loss.
  12. K

    Why would someone lie about this?

    No one can make their business YOUR business unless you let them. Sheesh ! I think the problem is YOU want to be the only drama queen in the office and this lady is upstaging you. Always the victim huh? :rolleyes:
  13. K

    Need new music

    Depressing song - Everybody hurts by REM uplifting song - Feeling Alright by Joe Cocker
  14. K


    Yes, my spelling and grammar are terrible. Make fun of me. That still does not take away from the fact that Monavie is a multi level company and historically speaking these types of businesses are scam's. For every positive review of monavie that you drag up I can find one proving the review...
  15. K


    Sorry, spelled it like you prounce it. It's Madoff. And if you don't know who he is then you've been under a rock. And piss off, I don't attack on every post. And isn't it great that M.O.R.E. gives pennies away on their profits from those who believe this stuff works. Wow, that really...