It took me about 2 years after hearing Cathe's name for the first time before I took the plunge and purchased any DVDs. I actually tried Cathe's workouts on FitTV and was hooked! I bought my first Cathe video in 2005, and I have been building my Cathe library ever since! My first DVD purchases were "Slow & Heavy" and "The Intensity Series 3-pack".
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
My officemate's wife (also a Cathlete) told me about Cathe in 2003.
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
Cathe's workouts always provide a welcome challenge. I love their intensity and creativity. She is the only instructor who can make me tolerate step :-). Lastly, I love Cathe's energy and personality. Her commitment to fitness keeps me coming back. I admire her strength and level of conditioning. Seeing her always gives me something to strive for!
Where I work out most often
Both Home & Gym
Other Workout DVDs that I own
While I treasure and adore my Cathe collection, my workout library is massive. I'm so proud of it! I'm about 80% complete on converting my workout DVD library into digital for my home server.
My Fitness Goals
Today, I'm about 20 pounds away from my normal weight, and am on a journey back to optimal health. My 6-month goal is to simply get my body back in balance.