I was very fit 2005-2008 while in medical school, then I had my daughter. I quickly got back in shape after having her. I stayed fit throughout residency. I had a son in 2013 and quickly got fit again. A year later I had surgery, a lot of stress, my husband battled colon cancer last year and I'm getting back into fitness again hardcore. My goal is to be as fit as I can be by the age of 40.
- Birthday
Jun 8, 1982
(Age: 42)
- Website
- Location
Cincinnati, OH
- When I began doing Cathe Workouts
- 2005
- How I found out about Cathe Workouts
- 2005. I think I have an old user name that I can't remember. Found her online and have loved her workouts since!
- Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
- Fun and challenging
- Where I work out most often
- Home
- Other Workout DVDs that I own
- Almost all of them.
- My Fitness Goals
- Get in the best shape of my life by age 40.
- Gender
- Female
- Occupation
- Internal Medicine Physician
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