Recent content by dmauden

  1. dmauden

    Push It

    Hi everyone! Today marks Day 3 of the Feb 2012 LB rotation for me. Monday was BodyMax2 - my first time! - & yesterday I subbed LowMax for Cycle or Step Max. I LOVE BM2!!! So glad that several of you on here influenced me to get that one. ;) Tonight is HiiT 40/20, which I haven't done in a...
  2. dmauden

    Push It

    Hi everyone, I've been trying to catch up on all the updates. Sounds like everybody is doing well. Heartymax, you are a push-up rock star. And an inspiration. All of you ladies are! I don't know how you do it. Susan - happy anniversary! And congrats on the road trip. I'm so happy that you got...
  3. dmauden

    Push It

    Natty - which rotation are you doing? Sorry, I know you mentioned it before but I can't seem to find it.
  4. dmauden

    planter fasicitis

    Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I KNOW how awful it is & people who have never experienced PF don't understand just how absolutely painful & debilitating it can be!!! I used to be one of them! I had custom orthotics made at the podiatrist's office & I only wear proper...
  5. dmauden

    Push It

    Susan - Nothing to fear w/ Athletic Step! I don't think it's as intense as Intensity. I really love both of those workouts! Athletic Step is much shorter, but toward the end there are a lot of lunges (high & low) & then a very brief little "leg blast" (I'd call it) & it never fails to get me...
  6. dmauden

    Push It

    Hi ladies, Hope everyone had a lovely Easter weekend. And hope you were all able to stick with your workouts! :) I got off-track a couple of times this weekend & missed yesterday's workout (CSS). Friday night I met a former co-worker out for a cocktail & then it ended up being more than "a"...
  7. dmauden

    Push It

    Tonight was TBTS UB. Again. I thought about doing Pyramid UB instead. Haven't done that one in a while. But I was proud of myself for sticking to the rotation & upping some of my weights too. It felt like a good workout. Susan - great idea to pair the low max blasts with TBTS LB! I may try...
  8. dmauden

    Push It

    Good morning, My newest Cathe DVDs arrived yesterday! Woohoo!!! So I promptly ripped open the box & did Low Max last night in place of Low Impact Challenge. So much for previewing! Not sure if I was just having one of those days or if Low Max was harder than I was expecting it to be, but I...
  9. dmauden

    Push It

    Happy Sunday! It's a beautiful day. Took the dogs for a walk & later TBTS lower body is on the agenda. Yesterday I did 4DS LIS/HIS double cardio premix in place of LIC. Tomorrow will mark Week 3 of this rotation. I've really enjoyed it so far. Although I'm a little nervous about doing AfterBurn...
  10. dmauden

    Push It

    Stacie - Uh-oh, small world. I may have been the lucky person that snagged the entire shock cardio series on eBay for $75 a couple months ago! :( BUT, I already had the HiiT DVD, so now I have 2 of them. If you didn't already buy it yesterday, I'll give you one of mine. I've never sold anything...
  11. dmauden

    Push It

    Hi ladies! Susan - I'm so glad your daughter is feeling better! I can't imagine how scary that must be. I'm sure everything will turn out just fine. Jennifer - I'm so excited to hear that you have former racers and an ex-hunter! Do yours snuggle together? Mine aren't greyhounds; they...
  12. dmauden

    Push It

    Good morning! Cardio Supersets for me last night. I was very relieved that it didn't feel as difficult as AfterBurn - I don't think my legs could have handled that! Tonight is LIC, which I don't have. I was thinking I could sub with Step Moves or maybe 4DS double cardio (step) premix. Or...
  13. dmauden

    Push It

    Good morning! You all have been busy!! Sorry I've been MIA the last couple of weeks due to travel. But my push-up count is now 5! And I started the LIS rotation on Monday. AfterBurn REALLY exceeded my expectations. WOW. Today is Cardio Supersets. Can't wait! Natty - get it, get it, get it!!! I...
  14. dmauden

    Push It

    Good morning! I couldn't sleep so I decided to get up and try an early morning workout. I did 4 (!) push-ups from my toes, then Leaner Legs, then CTX chest. Feels nice. TRSTACIE - Thanks for the warning...I was wondering about that. Each time I work on my push-ups, I think I'll begin with a...
  15. dmauden

    Push It

    Hi ladies. Sounds like everyone had a nice weekend & is making good progress on the push-up challenge! Laura - Welcome! Sorry to hear about your allergic reaction. Hopefully you will be blotch-free again soon. :) In which part of the UK are you? Natty - Those are 2 of my 3 dog-babies: Didi &...