animals, exercise (esp. running, triathlons, and strength training), studying Irish Gaelic, voluntee
- Birthday
Sep 11, 1978
(Age: 46)
- When I began doing Cathe Workouts
- I have done them on and off for about a year, but now I think I'll stick with her for my strength training.
- How I found out about Cathe Workouts
- Collage Video
- Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
- Challenging, and she is an excellent instructor.
- Where I work out most often
- Home
- Other Workout DVDs that I own
- ~Get Ripped! series
~Turbo Jam
~belly dancing (Neena and Veena, amongst others) and other dance DVDs
~The Firm Transfirmer series (and others)
~Tracey Staehle CoreBlast and StrikeZone
~yoga DVDs
~Amy Bento Hi/Lo Extreme
- My Fitness Goals
- I've lost 75 lbs over the past 2 years and have a little over 30 to go. I would like to continue to improve my race times (5Ks, 10Ks, triathlons).
- My Success Story
- WW has helped me discover my true self (not to sound dramatic!). It is no exaggeration to say that I have undergone a complete life makeover during the past 2 years. I have discovered a true passion for exercise and fitness, and I now back in school to study exercise and sports psychology. I am also studying to take the ACE personal trainer certification exam, which will be an asset to my study of psychology and exercise physiology.
- Occupation
- student (exercise psychology)/veterinary technicia
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