#1 working out.
Reading, traveling, cats, computers, many other things I can't think of righ
- Birthday
November 5
- When I began doing Cathe Workouts
- 1996 but I've been working out regularly since 1980
- How I found out about Cathe Workouts
- videofitness.com
- Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
- The variety, intensity, fun factor.
- Where I work out most often
- Both Home & Gym
- Other Workout DVDs that I own
- Lots. Firm, Christi, pilates/yoga, Amy Bento, Seasun Zieger
- My Fitness Goals
- To remain as active and healthy as I can as I get older.
Weight loss, while I won't ever complain if I lose 10 pounds, has never been my primary goal.
- My Success Story
- In my mid-50's I continue to do Cathe's workouts and love every one. I even have some old ones that are no longer in print.
- Occupation
- retired