Your home gym


Hi Cathe and everyone,

Do you have a room where you use only for working out? Could I please see the pictures? What would you recommend I should think about when get one built? Any thoughts? Any words of wisdom? Any thing to advise from your experiences?

My husband is going to get an addition done for me whether I want it or not. It'll be on our now back porch. This will be both my workout room and also my study. Not a big room. Only about 372 sqf.

I know there has to be a full size mirror on one wall to watch your forms. But how can I "turn the mirror off" when I'm not working out? I'm afraid of ghosts!

On one side there will be a (gas) fire place with faked logs :) So I can't have another mirror on that side. Should I have more than one mirrors?

I also have to have a TV. Now I have one wall with mirror and one with fire place. The one across from the mirror will be big bay windows. The wall across from the fireplace will be either a big window(s) looking out to a new porch or a sliding door. Where should the TV go? Can't be on the fireplace because it'll be too high for when I workout.

Could I please solicit help from you guys?
Thanks :)
thats so funny I am planning the same thing I have an unused tack room above my garage and I am planning on converting it into my workout room. I have it all planned out new windows, carpeting, propane stove and a bath. I have a large mirror that I will lean up against the wall and I am planning on mounting a small tv on the wall like in the gyms. I am so excited about this and I cant wait until it is finished Maybe we can share pictures. Good Luck
Not Cathe, but you might get more responses and ideas if you post this question in the Open Discussion Forum.

(Also, I don't think there's a way you can "turn off" a mirror. You could always just take it off the wall when you're not working out.)

I would definitely get some foam mats for your floor. I use 25 tiles, 5X5, for my workout area. It is plenty big enough. Here are the ones I use and I see they are on sale:

I only have one mirror but it is really big, covers one whole wall. I don't have to "turn it off," doesn't creep me out. You could put up some sheer drapes or something like that to cover the mirror when not in use. You should put the tv on the wall where the mirrors are. Mine actually is to the left of my mirrors and I can see it just fine. You can buy a ceiling mount for your tv but you probably need to let your contractor and cable man know that.

Good luck, you will love having the dedicated space.

Monroe, WI
We initially carpeted our room in a flat industrial style carpet but tore it out after a couple years. It was a pain to clean & it got smelly. I replaced it with wood laminate flooring & can damp mop it in a few seconds. much easier to move things (and your feet) around on it as well. You can get mats to put under equipment if needed but a mopable floor is much better than carpet. Just a thought.
HI Susie

I just recently did my second workout area. (We moved so I had to leave my first one behind) What I learned most was that the flooring is the most important part. I highly recommend a floating sub floor covered with hard wood flooring. ( We chose pre finished ) It is worth every penny. The first floor I had was carpet and padding over cement. I had to cover that with puzzle mats after having several injuries. Plus as mentioned above, the wood floor cleans up easily.

One wall with a mirror is fine and it will be fine to share that wall with a TV. Are you purchasing a new TV too? If so have it wall mounted to save space. You can get a narrow table or small chest of drawers ( I used an old one from my Grandparents) to put your cable box on and store your DVD's in too. Another purchase that helps conserve space is a weight holder. We bought a cheap one at Target . You do not have to get it all at once. I'm sure there will be great sales in January on TV's and chests etc. But do the floor right and you will be thankful every day for it.

I should really post some pictures.

[font color=purple][font size +1]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well.
William Osler

***Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan[/font]

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