Your favorite TOTAL BODY weights workout?

Hey there. I was not able to log onto this website for about a month! My computer at home had some virus and my boss is really watching our internet useage!!! grrrrrrrrr
Now I absolutely know that I have to purchase the DVD with Power Hour on it. Right now, the only total body workout I have is MM.
>Now I absolutely know that I have to purchase the DVD with
>Power Hour on it. Right now, the only total body workout I
>have is MM.

i think you will really like this one. MIS is a killer workout. and of course it has body max which is crazy LOL an hour and half.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
It's Muscle Max, but lately Muscle Endurance has been gaining on MM.[/img][/url]
I am hoping to score all the Hardcores for my Christams/Birthday present :)

I already have KM and GS Legs because I could not resist ordering the kickbox and legs dvd, but I cannot wait to get MM!!!!
powerhour I also hated this one with a passion now I love it i find it harder than me.Followed by pushpull-superset-me.

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