Your Favorite Generic Rotations?


Here's a list of my favorite generic rotations. What are yours?

Alternating Upper/Lower Body Rotation

Weeks 1 and 3

Day 1 - Total Body
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Lower Body
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 5 - Lower Body
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Rest

Weeks 2 and 4

Day 1 - Total Body
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Upper Body
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 5 - Upper Body
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Rest

Split Routine

Weeks 1 & 3

Day 1 - Lower Body
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Upper Body
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 5 - Lower Body
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Rest

Weeks 2 & 4

Day 1 - Upper Body
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Lower Body
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 5 - Upper Body
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Rest

Total Body General

Day 1 - Total Body (Heavy)
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Total Body (Light)
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 5 - Total Body (Moderate)
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Rest

Lower Body Blast Rotation

Day 1 - Total body plus cardio
Day 2 - Floor Work plus cardio
Day 3 - Standing Leg work plus cardio
Day 4 - Floor Work plus Upper Body
Day 5 - Standing leg work plus cardio
Day 6 - Floor Work plus cardio
Day 7 - Rest

Periodization Training

Week 1 - Three Days of Cardio plus three circuit training days
Week 2 - Three Days of cardio plus three high rep strength days
Week 3 - Three days of cardio plus three moderate weight training days
Week 4 - Three days of cardio plus three heavy weight training days.

Opposing Muscle Group Rotation

Weeks 1 and 3

Day 1 - Legs and Abs
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Chest, Shoulders, Back
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 5 - Back, Biceps, and Abs
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Rest

Weeks 2 and 4

Day 1 - Legs and Shoulders
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Chest, Back, and Abs
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 5 - Biceps, Triceps, and Abs
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Rest

Cardio Intense/One Muscle Group Per Day Rotation

Day 1 - Cardio plus Legs & abs
Day 2 - Cardio plus back
Day 3 - Cardio plus chest & abs
Day 4 - Cardio plus shoulders
Day 5 - Cardio plus biceps & abs
Day 6 - Cardio plus triceps
Day 7 - Rest

High Intensity High Interval

Day 1 - Total Body (Heavy Weights)
Day 2 - Interval Training
Day 3 - Total Body (Light Weights)
Day 4 - Interval Training
Day 5 - Total Moday (Moderate Weights)
Day 6 - Interval Training
Day 7 - Rest

I just wanted to say thanks for posting this. It is really nice to have them layed out like this and just be able to plug the video's in that I want to use for a particular workout....

>I just wanted to say thanks for posting this. It is really
>nice to have them layed out like this and just be able to plug
>the video's in that I want to use for a particular

No problem. :)

Cross-Training Rotation

Day 1 - Circuit Training
Day 2 - Kickbox
Day 3 - Total Body Weights
Day 4 - Interval Cardio
Day 5 - Lower Body Weights
Day 6 - Upper Body Weights + Cardio
Day 7 - Rest or Yoga

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