You can learn to levitate! :)


That coremax levitation move- I thought it would take me months, but I am happy to say I can now do the first few on my hands and then I go to my dumbells for a little extra boost. Of course, my four year old and my eight year old can do it MUCH better than I can.
Good job Amy. I can now do three very brief levitaion moves. The first time I actually did it I scared myself -LOL. I really felt it the next day. My 10 year old neice can do it all day long x( I'll just keep practicing. It's like those stabiltiy ball pikes it took me forever to get those. Now if I can just learn to levitate without the hands, hmmm....

Exactly! I can't get off the ground, but my 11 year old can and my 8 year old does it and swings her body through her arms back and forth while she does it! God I'm jealous!!

Please! Please! Tell me what your secret to success is! I am beginning to fear that I will be the only person left who can't levitate.
Did you do anything special to practice?

Your not alone. I can get the butt off the floor but the feet are still down. I don't feel too bad because it looks like Rhonda is having a tough time in the video also. Her feet look like they are down on a couple of the reps.

Can you sit in a chair and levitate with your feet hanging down? That might be the first way to practice. Then try it on the floor with something under your hands like yoga blocks or weights (maybe the higher the better) and also keep trying to do it on the floor lifting your feet. I bet you will notice progress if you keep trying. Cathe didn't require that everyone in the video be able to do it perfectly b/c both Brenda and Rhonda have their feet touching part of time. That said, it must be pretty advanced. Also, I don't think its a "mark of great fitness." Maybe more like a trick.
Good for you Amy. I can do a few, but the remainder my feet on still on the floor.
What I've done to help get up, is place my 7½ and 5½ barbell plates under my hands. My limbs are short and my torso is long.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
That's awesome, Amy! Good job! I received my Core Max last night so I had to preview it ASAP. When I saw the levitation move, my jaw DROPPED!! Well, something to work towards, anyway!!

I use the dumbells to help me with getting my butt off the floor. I have found that I can't support myself on my "fingers" the way Cathe and the gang do in the video. I thought I had strong abs, but I can't get my legs off the floor (yet?)
I feel like my arms are too short!
Oh how funny! I was thinking the same thing-that my arms are just too short.I am so relieved to see this post. I wonder if I'll ever get it. My kids can do it. They are having such fun laughing at my ridiculous attempts to get my legs off the ground. The rest of the workout is very doable so I don't know why I'm having so much trouble.Glad I'm not the only one. :)

I finally was able to do them by paying attention to their leg positions, I found that if you pull your kneeds up towards your abs a bit while you lift it helps. Give that a try. I have short arms too.

for me is very hard to the levitation, then I read Amy B. post about trying on a chair, I though I'll try it and I did it, Thanks Amy B.:)

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