Xers - Wed & Wickedly Tired!

Hi you fabulous Xers!
Finally getting on here today. Had a great Christmas yesterday. We had a real houseful. The prime rib came out WONDERFUL! However, it started to cook faster than what I had planned so we had to turn down the oven and accelerate the preps. We made it and it came out just right! Oh the food and desserts!

Our kids got me some new Corelle dishes and my DH got me a new 17" laptop. Now I've got to get used to Vista. Big jump from Windows ME I think. My other computer was about 7 years old I think.

The rotation this morning called for CardioX but I did HIS instead and then was going to do my new Christi workout (from Sandra), but my sister got up and wanted to work out with me so out came CTX Kickbox. It was fun working with her, though her endurance is not good and the punching drills really made her shoulders burn. She does an 8 minute in the morning workout by Jorge Cruz so is not used to the longer workouts. Tomorrow I think is CST so she can just use lighter weights and modify as she feels. Tonite was supposed to be the Garage Boys, but I thought my sister would be around to visit with me. Turns out she's visiting my parents. Oh well, I wanted to play with my new laptop!

Traci, know the days ahead will be sad, but sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy. Sorry, Traci, but I couldn't join you in Core Syn today. I did it already on Monday. I just read, awesome about your nephew getting to come home.

Tracy, we will have to check out Dirt Joe. Never heard of it before. Once I get a new DVD player, I may go back to Netflix again. Are you off from work during Christmas vacation? Can't wait to hear about when your DH goes for a run with you. You are going to wipe the floor up with him. No doubt in my mind. Wouldn't it be fun?

Debra, how was the pecan pie? We had my sister's chocolate and it went over very well. Sandra's brownies were good too. I'm sending out good vibes that things go decently with your XDH. Love the pictures of your CB. He is a cutey!!! You lucky girl, you! I don't think I'll be taking down the tree for a little while. Seems like I just got the decorations up. Love your partying Meez too! I'm short too, 5'2", but nowhere near your low body weight. Wish I was, but oh well.

Nicole, glad to see you back here. Life will be back to normal soon enough. Did you ever take pictures of the GB house? How wonderful to have received the Ipod. I was thinking maybe that's what the kids would get me. They got me the new dishes and DH got me the new laptop. Too cool about the low fare for the flight to Greensboro. I was telling my mom and sister about the upcoming trip to Debra's. I think they think I'm crazy too.

Carol, sorry that your shoulder is bothering you. Yep, that's a move that I always kept from pushing hard on. I felt so vulnerable with that one. Hope the hip quits bothering you. Heard from Wendy at all?

Sandra, no holiday for me today, though DH is home until the 2nd. Congrats on the new nephew. My house is a mess too. My sister and her family are staying here. They picked up some stuff but other stuff was still out, like unused pancake batter with the whip still in it. Oh well, I cleaned it up when I got home. The brownies were very good. I was bad when I got home from work and ate a big one. Got to quit all this eating and get serious. I still haven't gotten to do my new Christi tape yet. Very good intentions but circumstances beyond my control. I too will go easy on the Scarecrow move tomorrow. I will look at my past starting weights. I'm looking forward to this workout. Is the chest workout all pushups? Maybe I'm not in such a hurry to do it. I like bench press and flies so much more than pushups.

Lea, glad to see you on here. Hope DH gets better soon. No fun being sick.

Well, must go and do some more setup on that new laptop. May have to get my BIL to give me some tips. He got the wireless router thing to work today, bought me a flash drive and a case (too small) and a wireless mouse.

So far, so good.


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