Xers:: Magnify Monday

Hello, dear workout friends! How the heck are you?? Hope everyone has had a lovely Monday. I got lots of errands done today...so I just have some afternoon things to do tomorrow, but so far on track for the week...a good thing!

I did my new Eoin today...Just got to do one of the premixes since the diva was feeling a little punk this afternoon (she seems to have rallied now, though...think she is catching a cold). The dvd is very Eoin...not as much nectar....but lots of peaceful feelings. I will say that I do not recommend it to anyone who has not done PY4H #1...There is not quite as much instruction, but he does give you tips that he didn't in the first one. There are premixes similar to the first PY4H. Only 3 participants...Eoin, his partner, Insiya, and another gal I haven't seen before. The hip section is definitely shorter than PY4H, but there is a great ab section and 2 shoulder opening sections as well. He has definitely targeted moves toward surfers to help the people who participate in that sport loosen and strengthen certain muscles...do not let that fact dissuade you from getting this dvd....I think I am going to like it better than the first one, once I get used to it. Have I mentioned lately, that I love Eoin?? Well, I do!

onto personals....

I gotta figure if my BF is 19 that Cathe's must be in the low single digits whenever she is shooting a video. Amazing! I just don't have that kind of will power when it comes to food...for example...DD wanted Mac and Cheese for dinner, so that is what I had too. Probably not the cleanest of choices! Hope you got the dog stink out of the house...My baby is going to the groomer on Wednesday since she smells like a garbage can, as Julia says. CBL just wasn't his normal jovial self...and was pretty non talkative all night...and a little moody. He isn't like that very often, so it is forgiven pretty soon after it is done with for me. I am not one to hold a grudge. He did apologize before he left last night for being bad company...so at least he recognized it..well, after I pointed it out to him he recognized it...LOL! I, of course, now realize you DID post the link to the message from Chris...Well, I am obviously a dumb a$$ since I posted the initial question on YESTERDAY'S thread. Just ignore me.

Well, you crazy woman...are you really not planning on taking a single rest day for a whole month's rotation? I am going to do a version of Cathe's Feb rotation...but I am sure I will have plenty of rest days...and I also HAVE to add yoga in at least once a week...more if I can figure out how. I will let you all know my rotation when I get around to making it.....but I have a test and a paper due on Friday. Gracious! You would think I am in college or something. Good that your thesis is coming along. I guess it is hard to find a sitter with sporadic availability. I wish I had someone to take DD sometimes on week nights. My mom has vision issues, and shouldn't be driving after dark. I agree with you about STS...You don't want it, don't buy it! I think that people on these forums want Cathe to be their own personal trainer and tailor make workouts just to suit their tastes and their abilities. Who are these folks, and what planet do they live on?? You want a personal trainer? Hire Traci! Yes...it is nice to send away the man who is on your nerves and know that he has his own bed to go home to (as opposed to a blanket on the couch!) and that no one's feelings are going to be hurt the next day.

Glad to see you pop on this morning...and happy to hear you are feeling better. I have never heard of Kristen McGee's pilates....is she on Collage?

Well, yeah, you're thin...Is this some sort of revelation to you, you silly woman who wears a size 0??? Well, as long as Phil can handle your moods, who cares who he abuses at work...LOL?!?! Thanks for the Georgie link...LOVE HIM!! And it was a pretty funny commercial! Sounds like you had a great and relatively healthy lunch...what a good girl you are.

I always have to do the core work in PUB first if I have any chance of finishing it! I think it's not so much core strength as upper body endurance to me, anyway. Good you had DH and the girls to keep you company last night. And good your sister was there to relieve you later, too. I know how hard it is to care for an aging family member. I don't usually run too late, but just right on time....especially in the morning....I am NOT a morning person and I try to stay in the bed as late as possible!

I bet those forearms are burning about right now! LOL about DS and Shiva yesterday...She may be a little too avant garde for novice yogis...LOL!

Hope the sneezing doesn't turn into anything more than a few allergies. DD was sneezing tonight...I told her to keep her germ infested urchin hands to herself...LOL! I do think she is getting a cold...I guess I shouldn't complain since this will be her first were for the season. How wonderful that you are seeing such good results from the X and a positive eating plan! I figure if your DD's notice any bodily changes, they must be pretty significant! Great job with the 10 mile on the TM, too...I am just not a runner...no matter how hard I try.

Okay...I think that does it for me now. I have read my chapter twice now and taken notes on it...so I think I can be done for now with school work. I must get started on my paper topic tomorrow. I guess I will also be doing legs tomorrow...LG, I suppose...if I have to! Hope everyone has a great evening!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi all,
Busy today at work. Came home, got dishes done, vacuuming, reloaded the Cardio Coach workouts so that they will play in order when I want them to, paid bills and now sitting with DH on the couch. Sure love this laptop. Think I've told you all that before.

Nicole, please rest until you feel better. (((hugs))) to you.

Debra, so is the new Eoin good? Want to hear the details. Glad CBL was over whatever was bugging him. You know that 70's song, "I haven't got time for the pain...". Was that Carly Simon? Anyway, glad all is well again. Oooh, so the new Eoin IS good! Might have to check out a clip somewhere. Glad CBL realized he wasn't good company for you. Nice that he apologized. You are so right about it being easier to do the abs from PUB first. I've also done the biceps first too and it's much easier. Today I did it as produced and it was a killer. I always have to break before that heaviest shoulder set. I'll be doing GS Legs tomorrow. We can suffer together.

Laurie, way to go on the looser pants and comment from your DD! Always a good thing! I enjoyed running on Mom and Dad's treadmill yesterday. Hmmmm, do I need one? Nah, not yet anyway. Maybe sometime in the future, who knows? Maybe I'll feel my abs in the morning from PUB. That's a toughie on the core work for that one. How's that new dress coming? Is your DH sewing on it yet?

Latrese, good to hear from you. Way to go on the weight loss! Hey, I do the same thing sometimes. Sabotage myself.

Wendy, yummy lunch! What a feast! Did you have company for lunch? Much more interesting than my chicken breast, orange, yogurt. Crazy hat day? Never heard of it. They have "hippie" day at my nephew's private school. Mom and Dad don't allow him to participate. My Dad HATED, HATED, HATED that era and anyone with long hair. To this day, he says bad words about hippies and that psychedelic period of time. Heck, we weren't even allowed to listen to the Beatles when growing up.

Sandra, I sure was hoping to meet you at the retreat, but I definitely understand about the cost. When I get done posting, I'm going to preorder STS. Then I'm going to post all kinds of suggestions to Cathe on how she can make STS just for little old me. For instance, I want all the songs from the 70's on it. Lots of Air Supply and Bee Gees and America. I want all floor work for legs so I can relax while working. And no pushups or pullups. That's not asking a lot, is it? Plus, I want her to fatten up so I won't feel so bad about my high 20's BF%. Yep, tailor made just for me as I've been working out with her for about 4 years now. I wish I was leaning out, but not sure with TTOM right now. But,,,,, I am less puffy this time. I think I have water retention issues, but just read the OD thread from Beloved Heather. I sure feel for her and hope she can get some help.

Okay, going to order STS now. I've procrastinated long enough.


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