Xer.........Tidy Tuesday.......................

Look at you:) :) always up to something, you are a GEM Tracie ;)

Okay are you sporting a new hair do or what? I think short hair would really compliment you. Just me .02cents

Consider it done.

Carol - I checked out your blog. You look like a spring chicken!! But not really a chicken. Just young. You know what I mean. Your Fit Test results are already impressive! Can you believe that in 13 short weeks, those numbers will look so different? Ready, steady, GO!!!

Cardio X, check!
Yoga, coming up!

Hi girls,

I am off to do yoga but wanted to say howdy first:D

*Traci-X, What a bummer that your hair appointment was canceled :( That is why I will not be working until my children are grown. I was so anxious to see the pictures of the new hair too. When is she rescheduling you for? I did the same with my eating yesterday. I had a protein shake for breakfast, coffee for an afternoon snack and Eat Clean Stew for dinner. At least I did one thing right:p Thanks for getting a list of addresses together for us all:*

*Tracy, Good idea to lay off the weights today. Yoga is a good toning workout so that should be great. I'm off to do that too.

*Debra, The new rotation looks like it will be a nice change. Are you all swollen from Chinese food last night? It always kills me the next day:p The PT os trying to figure out if I have disc problems or muscle. They want me to stretch a lot so my muscle soreness doesn't distract from the real problem.

*Teddygirl, You'll catch up to us, don't sweat it. We're all taking it slower this round as not to injure ourselves:p

*Carol, Doubles to start?! You are a crazy woman, aren't you? I was sore for the first month, so hang on to your hat:D Glad you like my meez. That's about how I feel right now:)

* Lea, I have that BK and I never noticed Seane was in it. I'll have to look next time. Is your son ok? They keep you on your toes, that's for sure!

*Jeanette, Isn't Cardio X fun? It knids kicked my butt this morning. I'm glad I'm taking baby steps into Plyo X which I will probably only do a couple of times this round. Glad you love your new shoes:) You're getting to be pretty stylin';)

*Laurie, I am so glad you like push-ups, I don't! I am scared to do them tomorrow because my upper body feels weak right now. My sister printed off my wall chart but I have yet to pick it up. Traci is such a sweetie, isn't she?

*Wendy, So happy you popped in to say hi! I will continue to check your blog for updates:)

*Sandra, How is the X going for you? Are you keeping track of your progress? How are the girls doing?

Ok I am off to get centered and stretched:)


Bring it!!!

Gosh...Have I really not been back here since 9am?? What the heck have I been doing since then? Let's see...Dr's appt, errands, nap, Amy's Slo Mo back and shoulders, outside Xmas lights out, laundry, cleaned DD's room (not a small project, even with her help!), dinner, various phone calls, sheets changed on all the beds, email to Traci, helped DD with homework....hmmmm...I think that is it...no wonder I am just sitting down!

Let's see...Amy's Slo Mo...I am sure you guys have commented on this before...I really liked the exercises as they were very different from Cathe...so I think it will be good to switch up with for the muscle confusion. I didn't like her lack of form pointers. I guess I am so used to Cathe reminding me to stand a certain way, how to hold the weights, etc, that Amy's complete lack of pointers stood out...especially since a lot of the exercises were new or just presented in a different way. That being said, I will like this dvd once I get to know the exercises better and use it a bit more to be more comfortable. And I also have to mention...Does Amy have the biggest boobs or what??? I am obviously a very small chested woman, and these just stood out at me...kind of like Jari Love's since you don't normally see such in shape, toned women with such big boobies!! Okay...enough about that...LOL!

Also have to report...I gave CB my cold...Ooops! Poor guy. I feel really bad! DD still hasn't caught it...she is probably immune to all of those urchin germs by now.


****Carol...Congrats on making it through your first 2 days..only 88 more! I always think of PlyoX as being boy style Cathe intervals...which let me just add, I was never good at! Too many sports-type moves for this girl.

****Lea...So funny you noticed the way people are dressed in Bryan's dvd...I just noticed the other day that there is some sort of wardrobe change in Eoin's PY4H...I have done this video a million times, but just now noticed it...LOL! Hope youngest DS didn't require any serious bandages!

***Jeanette...Glad you enjoyed CardioX today...I always liked that one, too...I remember I subbed it a couple of times for Plyo during my first round. I am sure your hair is looking lovely! All the guys I saw on campus yesterday either had really long scraggly hair or grimy looking clothes...When I went to college ages ago, the style was definitely more preppy!

****Traci...So sorry about your hair appt being canceled...Those darn germ infested urchins are always causing problems! I will work on the new meez...although, I gotta say, I am going to take all the naps I can from now until school starts....I am going to have a very rude awakening! One of my errands tomorrow is to find a charger for my camera battery, and then you will have pics of pom poms...I promise! Doc appt was fine...just getting refills on my various medications that my insurance won't pay for...but that is another rant for another day. Forgot to say in my email for you to definitely send the master list to me less anyone who doesn't want their address mailed to a bunch of strangers...LOL! Thanks for doing the typing for us!

****Laurie...You are probably jumping around like a rock star right now! Sounds like you are enjoying round 3 already. Congrats on being able to up your weights and having an easier time with the pushups...you are the woman! I know anatomy is going to be rough, but I was kind of hoping to go ahead and get of 2 anatomy classes over with. I like Bryan's jean shorts too...Zen-like! LOL about Cami "talking".

****Sandra...That is a good sub for PlyoX, I think. I am sure you will be able to stay motivated as long as you sub when necessary. A glutton for punishment on the legs, though, hunh?? It is such a chore for me to do legs at all..I actually like Tony's leg work since there are few weights used. I guess because I am lazy. Speaking of being a student...anything going on with your dissertation? You're right about the holidays being for everyone else and not the mom/wife...even vacations are not vacations anymore since you are still taking care of everyone.

****Nicole...I think I am just bloated from lack of exercise over the past week plus some extra eating. Yuck. I probably ate more veggies last night in the Chinese than I have all month. I am back on the eating bandwagon as of tomorrow, though, and I am back on the exercise bandwagon as of today. I had my one last day of poor nutrition today. So...hopefully, I will be able to stay on track through Xmas at least...LOL! It sounds like the PTs are on the right track...I am a big believer in stretching to help a lot of back problems. I hope it doesn't turn out to be something too serious. Hope your Back in Shape dvd helps.

***Teddygirl...You crack me up as usual! Hope you have a good night.

Waving to Amy, Swifty, Cheryl, Tracy, and Wendy (who is far, far away!)

Well...I think I am finally caught up...I think I got to the rest of personals this morning. I have my yoga class tomorrow and lots and lots of errands to do. I guess if I was good, I would make homemade chicken soup for CB...Do you think he would notice if it was Campbell's Chunky??



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Please notice the shoes...because that was a very conscious choice...and just felt like dancing without any pom poms...You will have to wait until you have pics of the actual lighted ones!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Love it Debra! Are the pictures of the Christmas decor next?:)


Bring it!!!

Hi ladies,
Work was good today, worked thru my lunch and then got to leave early to buy the Christmas tree permit ($10), send the golf shoes back, hit the bank and then haircut and color. Got home around 7 p.m. My haircut is similar as last time, but more of a messy styling look. I like it, but DH says it looks punky. I don't think so. The color and weave turned out good too.

Anointed, know you will tailor P90X to what works for you. I'm always limited on time that I want to devote to exercising in the morning. I will be doing my Ab Ripper X workouts in the evening in the computer room. How's the computer working? My hair is growing way too fast. I scheduled this haircut at 5 weeks instead of 6. Even my haircut lady commented how fast it is growing. She wondered what I had been eating. My secret is sweet potato casserole.

Traci, so sorry that your hair appointment was cancelled. I always look forward to having my hair done. Hope your next appointment is soon. How was Wendell tonite? Did he make dinner or rub your feet? Now Wendy wouldn't wait until the blow up point, she demands a foot/back rub on a regular basis. Kind of like preventive maintenance. See, your mind is always going when doing a workout like CardioX. Me, I just am wondering how many more minutes until it is over LOL! Great idea on the addresses. You are the sweetest thing! I'm with Anointed, I think short hair would look great on you too!

Laurie, you are rocking on the X already! Goes to show that my little Christi Taylor workouts aren't all that challenging, huh? Wide pushups are always easier for me. Closer and I feel it more in my shoulders (not fun). Glad the cold symptoms have moved on. Hopefully not to resurface any time soon. I liked CardioX today, nice variety and being the lazy Xer that I am, wanted the stretching and yoga to go on and on. Hope you get the skunk stripe taken care of. Mine had gotten so flat on the top of my head from growing fast and then just heaviness taking over. I have thick hair that only looks okay for about a month I think. Maybe I need to use more styling products.

Nicole, I like your rotation and will print it out. Hope your back is okay today. Those darned supermans and bananas again today in CardioX. Can't say I miss PlyoX yet. Do we have to do that one in the rotation? I didn't see it in the first 3 weeks anyway. Will they do an MRI on your back? Wouldn't they know once and for all if you have a bulging disk? Do you do Shoulders & Arms tomorrow? I didn't think we had pushups in that one. I'll have to check.

Lea, hope your DS is okay.

Sandra, great workout for you. You described just how I feel about having to do the same workout for the whole 13 weeks. I definitely will be subbing and will try the BC/KB premix. I need to see when I have to do PlyoX. Maybe not at all? Hmmmm.... Which CIA workout has Christi Taylor? I may want to order it. Did not like the Dreya Rolls 2 days in a row. I remember at this point in the first Round, Dreya was just another participant in the workout. Now I gag a little to myself when I hear about the flying thru the air thing and how "gawjuss" she is. Oh, I was so naive during the beginnings of Round 1. I'm not sure how the bike changes color, but it changes in the different light. I saw a classic car at a car show once that had paint like that too. I turned colors depending on which angle you looked at it. The bike does the same thing. Not sure how. One of those great mysteries for me.

Debra, what a day you have had!! You put me to shame big time. Glad you liked Amy's workout. Sure some mixed reviews on that one. I thought Jari Love had little boobs. Guess I never noticed. Sorry CB has your cold. Wonder if he'll suffer in silence or be the vocal kind like Carol's DH. Yuk on the long scraggly hair and grimey clothes on the college boys. Not a look I like. I love all the veggies in Chinese Food, just don't like what the sauces do to me. What is it that makes Chinese Food do the bloating thing? Is it the sodium or MSG? If you make the Campbell's soup for CB, maybe you can add a little dried parsley on top for that homemade look. Can't wait to see the Meez you are cooking up...


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