WW or BFL?


Which program would you recommend, Weight Watchers or Body for Life?
Just looking for some opinions or success stories. Anything would
be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Tina! I'm sure you will hear great stories on each, I just wanted to wish you success on finding the right program that better suits your needs and lifestyle! It's all about finding a "realistic, healthy eating program and being consistent"! Best of luck to you !
Hi Tina!
I wanted to be the first to give WW a huge thumbs up! I started in November and have lost 25 pounds. I have followed the program not strigently, but fairly well. What I love about WW is it sets you up for success. The weekly weigh-ins, meetings and lifetime status all are built in for accountability. I love that it doesn't just stop when you make your goal weight. If you maintain it for six weeks, you become a life-time member. Then you can weigh in once a month at your goal weight and never have to pay as long as you stay within a few pounds. I know that my "issues" with food will not disappear just because I lose weight, but I know I will need the accountability for quite a while as I learn to form and maintain new healthy patterns. I love WW and dream of being a leader someday. Hope you find the right program for you. :) Heather
Hey Tina,
I joined WW on line and have lost 23 pounds. I feel that WW is something I can follow for life because no food is off limits. You just have to stay within your point range. If you get off course for a while it is so easy to come back to. It is a lot of work at first figuring out how many points your favorite foods are, but once you have done it for a while it becomes very easy. It also encourages healthy eating and eating everything in moderation.
Good luck Tina!:7

I have to agree, I vote for WW. The main reason it's because there are no gimmicks. No special foods to buy or food that is off-limits or food combinations that you have to do. You just have to eat below a set number of points (depending on your body weight) and that relates to calories and portion size, doesn't it? That's what it is all about. WW is something you can do for life, in any situation, eating out or whatever. They keep things simple also, they encourage exercise but they don't try to do that part for you and become your trainer - and I like that. They are focusing on the food, which is what I want from them.
BTW, I'm a lifetime member.

Thank you for all or your responses. It sounds like
everyone who has tried it has had success. You all have
to be very proud of that. I'm going to join next week.
I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again,


Before you commit to a program, let me ask you what your weight loss goals are?

I want to tell you about my experience with WW meetings.

I only had about 15 lbs to lose, I fought those 15 lbs for 2 years. I tried joining meetings. The meetings had a lot of really great people in them, but they had WAY different goals than I. Most were looking to lose more weight & had issues with learning to eat properly. They needed more guidance & they didn't exercise regularly. I liked the women until they started whining about it being everyone elses fault that they couldn't lose the weight. When I started talking about exercising, I found that even the leader had no idea what true physical fitness is. That was very frustrating for me. I was hungry all the time because she told me to never add more than 2 activity points for exercise. 2 points is the equivalent of a banana. Until recently I didn't know that there are ways to calculate activity points so that I am getting the nutrition I need based on my activity level. I ended up quitting after 3 months & was only down 1 pound.

I tried BFL but didn't have enough information about nutrition from the book to make it work. I ended up quitting that, too.

Fast forward to 3 months ago. I joined a program on-line called Physique Transformation (www.physiquetransformation.com). I downloaded the free e-book, read it in 1 sitting. I stuck it out through 7 weeks & learned a great deal about nutrition. But I found it too restrictive. I wanted to eat more vegis, which was hard to do on this program. I did lose body fat, not so much weight because I was having tremendous muscle gains--I have definition that I didnt' before.

I decided to try WW on-line 5 weeks ago. I like the idea of being in control of my own destiny. I like the points system but I felt there had to be a better way. I was going to give it a real shot & see what happened. I paid the $59.99 for 3 months. I was more determined to get rid of the jiggles.

Today I am down 5 lbs (I've had 2 bad weeks & have gained back 2 pounds that I had lost). I can see some true definition in my arms that wasn't there before. My love handles are going away. I tried on my bathing suit from last year & look pretty darn good--I never should have worn this suit last year but I did (it wasn't pretty! lol).

I want you to notice, I said I HAVE had 2 bad weeks. I ate what I did knowing that I was not being productive in my weight loss goal. I've had some celebrating to do & let my eating get out of control. I'm not going to a meeting & saying "well, you know it was mother's day, graduation week, & my birthday. Everyone was putting out chips & cake & we were drinking too much wine." I put these foods into my mouth knowing I was going off program & just preparing myself for the worst.

Today, I start back on program again. Next week when I weigh myself, I will have weight loss again because I'm taking responsibility for my progress & moving forward again. No looking back.

Now, that being said, know what your goals are. Know that YOU have to take responsibility for your goals. I assume that you know a little about fitness if you are posting or reading this forum (Cathe doesn't call us the educated crowd for nothing--lol). You might go into a meeting & find that you are the only one in the room exercising with any kind of intensity. I HATED THAT! I wanted people I could relate to.

I highly recommend www.weightwatchers.com. Using their e-tools has been awesome for me. I have found that I can calculate my own activity points using the intsensity level Cathe makes me work at (high). When I was in meetings I was taking my 2 little points & starving. Now I know I get 4 a day. It's still only 2 bananas but I'm not hungry!

Be prepared for SLOOOOOWWWW weight loss. It's better for your body but you can do it.

Whatever you decide, on-line, meetings or BFL, GOOD LUCK! You can do it!

I also was on WW and felt I didn't get enough points for my activity level. Even the 4 activity points did not seem like enough, especially if I wanted to add lean muscle. My concern was really about messing up my metabolism by "starving" my body. When I calculated how much I was eating is was really about 1100-1250 calories a day. I'm assuming that if I added more 0 point veggies then those would help to bring my daily caloric intake up.

Anyway, knowing that you are one of the experts on these forums, you have me seriously considering rejoining. I need to lose about 10 pounds still. So, did you tweak the program at all or are you following it religiously. Thanks for any input you may have!

RE: Deborah...

I agree with Deborah about WW.

I joined WW last January and had lost about 25 lbs by April. And it stopped. I hit a plateau and could not lose the last 5 lbs I needed to lose to become lifetime. In September I quit and decided to just try to tweak the program. Well I couldn't. I also workout at a high intensity and I could not get the workout/eating pattern to work together. Since then I had gained 14 lbs

So after trying WW and Atkins (1 1/2 weeks), I decided to try WW online 2 weeks ago. Like Deborah, I am so glad I did. Not only is being a member much more convenient (no attending meetings) but I've lost 4 lbs in the process:)

I have read the BFL book but never tried the program. Like a lot of people, I can't be too restrictive with my eating. That is why WW has been the program that I keep returning to. I have decided that I will continue the online program, even after I reach my goal b/c it does work and I am not going to allow myself to gain the weight back.

Losing weight is truly a lifetime committment. All the exercising in the world will not take the place of a proper diet. I have slip-ups every now and then but I'm human and I acknowledge that those are my mistakes. I just resolve that issue and keep going!

Those of you using WW online--can you tell me why you chose to do that over tracking calories at fitday.com? What benefits make it worth having to pay for? Thanks! --Karen
Tracking calories on fitday.com was too "labor" intensive for me. Fitday didn't have a lot of the foods I eat on a regular basis. I also found that the nutritional info wasn't the same as what a package might say. I chose to go with the package & had to customize a lot.

I also needed to be told how much to eat in a day because using fitday, eating 1700 calories a day, I wasn't losing. Using WW, 25 to 27 points a day, I'm losing about 1 to 2 lbs a week.
Thank you Deborah. I was afraid WW would be the one that was more work. Can I be nosy and ask approx. how many calories 25-27 points gives you? --Karen
I'm not Deborah but one point is usually 50 calories. I say usually because it takes into account fiber and fat. My cereal is 80 calories per serving so, normally you would count that as 2 points but since it has 10 grams of fiber it is only counted as 1 point. My string cheese which is 80 calories is counted as 2 points because of low fiber and higher fat. My daily point range was 18-23 points so that was 900-1150 per day. Now that sounds low but you don't have to count most vegetables. Vegetables have calories (as we all know) so if I ate my 5 servings daily it adds up. This is also why I quit because I felt I wasn't eating enough to sustain my activity level (I don't usually get all of my vegetables in).

So I hope this helps.
In my eighth year as a WW Lifetimer. Am still at or maybe lower than my goal weight. Lost about 45 lbs at 40 years old after decades of trying to lose weight on my own. WW teaches you to teach yourself. As another poster mentioned, no silly talk about food combining, low-carb diets, Atkins-style diets and when to eat and when not to eat.

Oh, but I do hate these books that put a time limit on when to eat -- i.e. nothing for 3 hrs before going to bed. Well, I get home at 6 and go to bed at 8:30 pm so I can get up early to exercise. To NOT eat a good dinner would seem like a punishment for exercising! And who keeps cooking pots and pans at the office? Oops, sorry, gotten off-track -- that "rule" is a pet peeve for me!

Anyways, I highly recommend WW!


P.S. When I attended the meetings (I haven't for a long time), I was following what was called the "Fat and Fibre" program. I don't think it's offered any more but I still use it as the basis for most of my eating habits.
Sarah, were you adding activity points? I use ALL of mine, which is where I get my 25 to 27 points a day. Without activity points, I'm at 18 to 23, too. I crave a lot of sugar still--5 weeks in but I don't give myself time to really "detox" before I cave. I don't feel hungry as often as I did when I wasn't using those activity points. I always make sure I eat EVERY point I'm allowed every day & I was still losing weight (before I went on my binge these last 2 weekends). I'm back on program with a vengence today & will start to lose weight again.
I didn't add them for the example above. I would add 4 per day for my activity level but I felt it was still low. I WAS losing weight and I lost 15 lbs. I had been recovering from a back injury so when I got to the point where I was my usual active self, I didn't feel like 4 points extra was enough. Now I wonder if I shouldn't have quit. I don't have a sugar habit or anything, but I was concerned about not getting enough protein.
Hey Sarah,

I've noticed that I can eat more protein if I cut out bread or cereal. I eat a lot of low fat turkey breast or low fat lunch meat (2 oz is only 1 point) & egg whites in salads. I also eat cottage cheese (fat free) mixed in my oatmeal or cream of wheat in the morning. That usually gets me pretty good on my protein for the day.
Wow, now I'm really excited to get started on this program!
I went to WW about 15 years ago after I gained weight on
BC pills. I know the program has changed since then, so I'm
really looking forward to it. After I went off the BC pills,
I went back to my normal weight and never had to worry about
what I ate UNTIL I started a new medication this past year.
As long as I worked out, I stayed at the same weight for the
past 8 years, then BAM, I gained 15 pounds in 3 months
without changing anything. I even added walking a couple
miles a day to my 6 day a week Cathe habit. All of these
responses have really gotten me motivated. Maybe I can
even lose 25 pounds to be a my pre-wedding weight. I can't
imagine where I would be at right now if it wasn't for
Cathe. I know I would be in alot more trouble than I am

Everyone on this board is so inspiring!!



WW is a good program. I lost 99 pounds on it. But then I got stuck. Couldn't lose any more, no matter what I tried. That plateau lasted a year and a half. Turns out I wasn't eating NEARLY enough on WW. Whoda thunk it? Truthfully, I didn't believe in the "not eating enough to lose weight" theory. I do now! I'm using physiquetransformation.com and finally broke the plateau--eating 2,840 calories a day! I lost 7 pounds during their "conditioning" phase (which is a metabolism-building phase, not a fat-loss phase), and another five since I started "fatburning" 2 weeks ago. (In "fatburning" you cycle calories/carbs in and out of your diet to fool it into believing you're not starving). I love this program! I get to EAT!

Good luck in your fitness efforts,

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