Would you have Plastic surg

It's amazing the stuff dermatology is up to these days if you have the time and money to undergo the treatments. Lightening creams, chemical peels, lasar resurfacing. It's a whole new world of non-surgical procedures. You just need a good recommendation for someone who specializes in the field. I think they're called cosmetic dermatologists. I haven't been to one yet, but I plan to go to see what can be done about the developing "liver spots" on my face.
I personally would not have plastic surgery unless I had a deformity. I feel as though when you alter what is naturally you -- part of you is gone. If I change my nose (as much as I hate it) I will no longer physically be 100% Monica. That just sounds scary and not meant to be. Just my opinion -- since you asked.
I had my nose done and my top teeth are veneers. Neither procedure was fun, but it was my choice. As for results, I'm still me, only better!

All the lunges and clean eating in the world won't take away my genetic tendency to have fat thighs. If I decide to have liposuction, nobody will make me feel bad about it.

But it's up to you. Do the research and take your time making the decision.

Best of luck, whatever you decide!
>>Anne, have you tried visiting a dermatologist? There seem
>>be lots of methods for dealing with dark circles under the
>>eyes and such that don't involve surgery these days.
>There is no surgery I know of that will deal with dark
>circles. What can dermatologists do for them?

The latest on dark circles is getting Restylane injections, but those are temporary and you have to get them every couple of years. I've seen before and after pictures of people that have had the Restylane injections and the dark circles look lighter but it's nothing drastic. Basically some doctors think that dark circles are caused by veins that are really close to the eye and when the blood on them oxidizes then the dark circles appear, but I really don't know if that is true or not. The Restylane supposedly works by getting rid of the "oxidation" and the dark circles appear lighter. You can always find more information by doing a search on the internet.

Mine are hereditary and I had CO2 laser on them a couple of years ago (done by a plastic surgeon not a dermatologist) and the recovery was awful the first few days. The results? Well the laser definitely got rid of the crinkles (smallest surface wrinkles around the eye) but not the deep wrinkles and the dark circles are about one shade lighter (that I can tell from the before and after pictures, but there's no noticeable change in my dark circles that I think of). Would I have the procedure again? No way! That was a waste of money.

I think having invasive or non-invasive procedures is a very personal decision and everybody should do their research in advance. I learned my lesson after all the money and time I've wasted.
Ummm heck yeah, I've already done it! I got Fraxel (a laser procedure done) for the smoker's lines around my mouth, & the results were miraculous.

I'm also a botox addict. I love my botox. I've been doing the area between my eyes for about 5 years now & will never give it up. :p
I had a breast reduction in January both for medical and cosmetic reasons.

I am very happy with how everything turned out and would do it again in a heartbeat.

As for something purely cosmetic, I am not sure. Right now I say no but I am only 30 and am fortunate to look very young for my age (I am mistaken for a collage student often at my alma maters home games).

I will not say never as I am not sure.

I agree with the poster who said to take your time and do your research. Talk to friends, research on the internet, see as many surgeons as it takes for you to be comfortable. I honestly started out wanting a woman but found a man who was just awesome and made me feel very at ease from the word go.

Good luck to you, whatever you decide. :)
Well, I looked at your picture trails and you are absolutely gorgeous. I would not spend the kind of money you're talking about now. Maybe if things decline dramatically in the next few years, you could revisit the situation but geez don't be so hard on yourself:)

You're a picture of non-plastic surgery, lol!!

Only you can answer that question. But, I also had some plastic surgery done, nothing major and it went well. Would I do it again? Probably not. If you do go for it, make sure you have a great doctor. Really. And do a lot of research. And recovery does hurt a bit.

Take care, and let us know what you decide,


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
<<Would you do it?>>

As others have said, this is YOUR decision and only you can make it. Research, research, research. Do it for you and have realistic expectations.

I will share my personal experience. There is one procedure I plan to have and one I am considering. I had a rhinoplasty in '00 when DD was almost one month old. I didn't have it done for anyone but me, which is good since most people didn't notice. :) So, I guess my loved ones truly love me as a person and not the superficial.;-) Anyway, I have only one regret... that I didn't do it sooner.

Best of luck to you!!

Well, i am going for a consult.
I don't know what will be said , but i am going to explore my optons.
I am afraid of the pain, my biggest part. I am not ashamed, and i will go back to work / bruises and tell them. I had my face done.No emabrrasment.
This is 2006 everyone does it.
Hi Anne,

Just me .02 cents here ;) Just looking at your pictures I think your a very nice looking lady and you look young. However, do what you feel is best, if my husband offer to pay you bet I’d jump on it, there's all sorts of procedures you can have done now a days to reduce fine lines and winkles.

May I ask how old are you? You don’t have to answer that question, but my point is do what ever you feel like doing to make you happy ;) :) :)

I would do it in a heartbeat if I wanted to. I'm 48 now and I'm comfortable with the way I look but if something about my appearance started to really bug me I would change it in any way I could.

I don't really understand the prejudice against cosmetic surgery, some people think it's "cheating" or something. But we all spend, I'm guessing, maybe an average of an hour a day working out, we spend loads of time and energy and money trying to eat really well, we bleach or dye our hair, we spend lots of time on hair styling products, and don't get me started on clothes and shoes and makeup!!! To me cosmetic surgery is pretty much the same sort of thing.

You're very smart to get a consultation and just keep it on the back burner of your mind. Probably you'll just wake up one day and say OK I'm going for it, or OK I'm going to table the discussion for awhile. Good luck whatever you decide!
I don't think I would. I hate the thought of surgery, hated having to have a c-section when DS was born, don't want any more unless it's totally necessary and life-saving! But, you have to do what you feel comfortable with.

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