When was YOUR first sign of fatigue/exhaustion?


Hi All!
I'm not PG yet, but this next cycle I start taking Clomid to help battle my ovulating problem that I didn't know I had the last 5 years!! Thank goodness for the only Reproductive Endocrinologist here in Nevada!
I have an 8 year old now, but I was SOOO young and didn't pay attention to my body half as well as I do now, so my question is, how long after conception did you feel fatigue? Is it possible to feel it the very next day???

Hi Myra

I don't know if you can actually feel the exhaustion the very next day, but I can tell you that your body will give you signs pretty quickly if you are pregnant.

I remember being tired within the first week after conception. I also remember feeling crampy...but not exactly like menstrual cramps...and veeeeery emotional. I just knew something was up.

Trust yourself and your body...you'll know when something is "different".

Good luck!!!!
Hi Myra! I think this is another one of those "every body is different" kind of things. To be honest, fatigue didn't really hit me until my second trimester!! I'm 22 weeks now, and it's really been the last 4 or 5 that have been tough. Right when I conceived, though, my "symptoms" were so similar to my usual PMS that I was sure I wasn't pregnant that cycle.

Good luck!

Lucy K
For me, it was around 6 weeks. It peaked at 9 weeks and then got much better.

I don't know if it is possible to feel it the next day - I would tend to doubt it - but... what do I know :) GOOD LUCK!!!

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