What move do you just hate?

Well, mambos are no.1 on my list. Strangely enough, I like what most of you don't. I also don't like moves on the top of the step, such as knee lifts, cha chas, or skips. It feels awkward and lowers my heart rate. Power 15's (or 7's) have got to go. I'm tired of them.
Oh thank you Katie! I feel sooo much better now that I know what it's called! LOL

The only reason I hate it is because I can't do it! :p
Kim, this is hysterical. Gosh we are all so different. All the above moves I love. They are so fun to me. But I swear, I feel your pain. I pre-op too many back, hip and knee patients not to feel sensitive to your pain. Also, everytime I get done with a good workout that test my joints, I do say a grateful blessing. I don't want to end up like one of my patients.

Pony up's, I just can't stand them and unfortunatly she includes them in a lot of routines. Ugh! That part of my brain that registers boredom kicks on during this move. I hate, hate, hate it!
I have extreme difficulties with all moves that come in triples as opposed to the 4 count moves and I think it is strange but I am very consistant about it. Let's start with the mambo chacha and end with a pony. I never master Rythmic Step and never will. It's off the list of things to be mastered, in fact. Why, even the word "rythmic" is awkward although strangely pleasing on the tongue, I need 1-2-3-4 and the more basic the choreography, the better it is for me. I cannot dance either and I think this has something to do with it.
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

I have yet to figure out the shuffle repeater move. I don't like jump tucks-get too winded too quickly so I usually sub airborne jacks.

I can't even figure out what Cathe is doing on a reverse V, much less myself. I can't get the step count to match and end up in the same place, so I march - kind of lame!
You guys are cracking me up! We are so particular, aren't we? I used to hate the pivot turns with a passion, but just the other day I realized I hate sashays even more. I think too many years of running makes it so hard for me to readily involve my upper body.

Another move I can't stand? Four count Mambos. Somehow, I ALWAYS end up on the wrong side of the step.

>SUMO SQUATS!!! Hate them!
I dislike squats but like sumo squats, isn't that strange? Maybe it's because I like Tammilee Webb so much (I want that body DVD)
What I love is learning that I'm not the only one who ends up on the wrong side of the step on a 4 count mambo; does tripping around the step more frequently than triples; and thinks tuck jumps were designed by evil leprechauns.

I have patio doors that reflect my image at 5:30 AM so I know I don't look as good as Cathe and the crew doing most of these moves, but that's okay. I love the way I feel after I do them!
Christine, all I have to say about the tripping is that you are still moving, right? Moving your butt burns calories.:)

1. lunges off the board/box lunges ... too many ... too dull.
2. Pony up then you run up.
3. Over the board ( one end to the other ... usually too many again )
4. Ricochets ( torquey )
5. triples around ( takes too much space ... and I get dizzy )

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