What kind of shoes do you use for stepping?


HI Cathe:
I was wondering what kind of shoes do you and your staff use for your workouts. Do you all use the same shoe.
I was particularly interested if you try and use a shoe that doesn't have too much traction in the toe area. I need something that is good for the higher impact of your workouts and also helps facilitate the turns.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank You.
Cathe's on vacation so I hope you don't mind my answering....

Cathe wears Rykas. I don't know about the rest of the crew but they look like they are Rykas, too.
Hi Lori, I tried the Ryka shoes and for me they really made my feet hurt and fall asleep, but they may not for you. I just got these Freddy's high impact pro trainer that alot of people were talking about on this thread and they are wonderful. They are so light and it has alot of room in the forefoot which I really like. I went brought 3 pairs that are just sitting in my closet right now because all of them either make my knees hurt or of the sleepy feet. If you want the ryka they sell them at Lady's footlocker. Try them in the house for awhile with your excerise and see how they feel but don't wear them outside or you won't be able to return them if they bother you. Hope you find the right sneakers;-). Oh if you want to view the Freddy's sneaker it is at www.freddy.com.

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