What is your most dreaded Cathe Cardio????


Since there's a favorite Cardio post out here, I'd thought I'd ask, "What is your most dreaded Cathe Cardio??" I have tried them all, and for me it is MIC (Maximum Intensity Cardio). I am dying by the end of this one. Body Max and IMAX, even Bootcamp are so much easier for me! I can get through them without modifying or gasping for air! Even the Terminator workouts are tolerable. But there's something about MIC that really gets me!! I really love it too because it pushes me and I swear, I lose 1/2 a pound each time I do this workout!!

So, what's your most dreaded Cathe Cardio???

Danielle :7
OK. as of now, my most dreaded Cathe Cardio is Imax2. I have to do this with no risers, when I tried it on a 6 inch step my chest feels like it's going to explode, but someday I will be able to nail that sucker with 6 inches!!! My body just does not like those plie jumps either. I love this workout so much, but it just about kills me every time!!! :) Other than that, I haven't tried or bought the terminator workouts, Imax, Body Max, or MIC yet but I WILL be getting them at some point...slowly going to buy them ALL because Cathe is just so addictive!!!!!
Purplesky1120 :):)
Right now it's Rythmic Step in that I'm trying to learn the footwork on that one and StepWorks. Not the intensity that's killing me, it's the step patterns. But, I'm gonna overcome in the end.

RE: What is your most CHALLENGING Cathe Cardio????

Oops...I should have named this topic..."What is your most challenging Cathe Cardio?"

I LOVE them ALL too, but MIC is the most challenging for me. I LOVE it, because I am seriously working to the point where I can easily fly through this entire thing without wanting to keel over at the end!! So I can say, my most dreaded is actually my favorite because I really want to conquer it!!

Does that make sense?

Danielle :7
RE: What is your most CHALLENGING Cathe Cardio????

I just ordered Body Max a few weeks ago, so I haven't yet "conquered" it. It kills me....It is one of the most challenging workouts I've ever done.
My is also MIC, I can only make it for 20 minutes. The first time I did it and I only did it for about 10 minutes. Well so far I only did it 2 times so I guess next time I will try for more then 20 minutes.:)
I think MIC is the toughest. It never lets up and it's quite long. I use it to substitute for my 5 mile hill run during the summer when it's too hot to run.

Next toughest for me is BodyMax, then IMax, then probably Imax Extreme.
I don't dread any of them but the ones I find the toughest would be MIC and IMAX 1. IMAX2 I don't find as hard as #1 for some reason! Susan
MIC all the way!

I've done the whole thing many, many times but must say I don't enjoy it. I always feel exhausted after I'm finished -- like all my gears have been stripped and I need an oil job. You know what I mean?

And I always have negative thoughts like "So you did it this week. Well and good. Are you prepared to do it again next week and the week after that?" Depressing thought!

My second most dreaded is the step and intervals in Body Max -- I find doing intervals and lower body work, especially involving barbbells, particularly gruelling. Legs are my most dreaded body part. If my legs are tired, then I'm tired, and that affects any workouts I do later in the week. I much prefer upper body work 'cause I don't walk on my hands!

Third and more recent most dreaded cardio is Boot Camp. It's the start/stop aspect of the cardio that wipes me out. To go from lying down and up and running is a real shock to the system. Also, I find that the hour seems to take forever -- again, the start/stop aspect has something to do with it. I don't mind it that much in Circuit Max and Cardio & Weights though!

I'm gonna admit I always, always do MIC as two workouts. The Hi/Lo one day and the step the next. I just do, and may always.

I did MIC yesterday and I am so wiped out at the end of that one. I love it though. I just have to really mentally prepare for that one. Imax 1 is right up there with MIC. Love them both!
I feel great when I am done because I think about the days when I would have to split MIC into two days.

ALL of them. Why? Because they're ALL tough, even her "easy" tape "How To Get In Shape For Your Wedding."

It should be "How To SURVIVE Getting In Shape For Your Wedding!"
Excellent point Kimba. Today I felt like crap, and wanted to take it "easy" so I pulled out Step Jam followed by CST. I haven't done Step Jam in a while, and it might start out easy, but OMG, I was a sweaty mess! No Cathe tape is easy!
Hey Danielle, I agree with you I dread MIC the most sometimes I am tired enough from the Hi/Lo that I don't even want to do the step..but I truely love this video, because I really feel that i accomplished something after I'm done with it! Sometimes I dread Imax too.
I think my least favorite is Circuit Max. I just never grab for that one. I feel pooped after doing that one. Hmm...maybe I should try that one again. I think it's been a good 6 months since the last time I've done that one. I always like a good butt-kicking every once in awhile. }(

For some odd reason, I like MIC. I like to do it when I've had a really bad day and feel stressed out. After doing it, I just feel so great. Or maybe I'm just so darned tired I don't care anymore. lol!
I did the Terminator's IMAX Xtreme today! This one is so fun! It is tough...very tough, but I still think MIC is THE toughest for me. I really think maybe it's the "no recovery" periods that kick my behind!!

Danielle :7
me, too. I decided the last time that MIC is too high impact for the knees and feet all at once. I got through it, but stopped the tape twice and wasn't enjoying it. Who needs that?It is two workouts from now on...murph
;( I would have to say Maximum Intensity Cardio. By the time I get done with the high impact aerobic section I have had it, very high impact! Then right after there is the step section. Wow, you really have to be rested to finish this one! Also Power Max and Interval Max are quite challenging!:9
I am the same way. I did the first part of MIC this morning and was I wiped out at the end. The fact that I have a toothache and feel a sore throat coming on didn't help. I have never been able to do the whole video at once. I'm sure Cathe and the crew took a break when filming this.

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