What is The STS Pyramid Rotation?


I don't know where I saw this phrase, but someone was doing a rotation called STS Pyramid. I assume it's where you do the mesocycles as Meso1, Meso2, Meso3, Meso2, Meso1??? With an active recovery week in between? Is this listed in the Rotations tab of the Workout Manager? I'm intrigued!;)
This sounds like fun! I'm following the STS/cardio rotation and loving it so much, I think I'll just continue right back down the pyramid. There isn't enough words to express how much I love this program. Five pounds down, 12 to go. : )
The Kikster!

You're right ;) , it's M1,2,3,2,1...Fun stuff! :D

I don't know if any one ever made up a rotation for it in the WM. But here's the forum thread where the pyramid was "born"


I also did a blog post on myfitnesspal about it here:

FAQ- What is the STS pyramid?....


Thanx for this eye opening information! I read the blog post and was really impressed with your logic! I think we should call this type of rotation "The Kikster"! I'm planning on starting this in May and am super motivated by your enthusiasm for this rotation! Thank you again for responding to my post; I feel empowered!
LOL @ the Kikster :p

Hey, Cathe does all the work, I just sell it. ;) ....seriously I love STS so much I could sell it in my sleep (actually, I may have once :eek: )
just enough time to do this before the NJ Road Trip!

I'm in week 4 of Meso 2, and loving STS so far. It's going pretty fast, and I have NO problem sticking to the schedule. I'm NOT a rotation person...I like to do whatever I'm craving on the given day or week...but STS is only prescribed 3 days a week, so I get to fulfill my cravings on my other 3 workout days! Perfect!

Right now, I'm looking forward to the Meso 3 plyo legs, just for the change of pace.

But I just realized (last week or so), that I have just enough time to do the 2nd part of the pyramid before the NJ Road Trip! WOOHOO! I think I figured I would finish 2 weeks before the Road Trip... just enough time to kick the cardio into high gear before the trip! SWEET! :cool:

So, thanks for the idea. Makes PERFECT sense to me!
Glad that worked out so well for ya Leane :) I'm on my way down the pyramid now, back in M2. I can't believe it's going so fast.

Love STS!

See ya in Glassboro ;)
Just popping in to say that there is an STS Pyramid rotation available in the Workout Manager now. Basic w/o cardio. I did that because everyone's cardio preference is personal, and it allows for some variety/spontaneity in an otherwise long rotation. So whatever cardio suits a person can be added on in-between days...

Just downloaded this rotation into my workout manager. Thanks for posting it there. It's going to be an awesome 5 months!
Just popping in to say that there is an STS Pyramid rotation available in the Workout Manager now. Basic w/o cardio. I did that because everyone's cardio preference is personal, and it allows for some variety/spontaneity in an otherwise long rotation. So whatever cardio suits a person can be added on in-between days...


Starting on April 18th!!!!! WAHOOOO!!!!! (Just have to get those cardio days filled in!);)
clarification on sts pyramid

Hi Kiki -
Thanks for the great rotation - this is just what I needed. I just started m1 this morning so perfect timing. Just to clarify (and bc I seem unable to figure out the rotation thing!) you do ALL of M1, All of M2, All of M3 then back to ALL of M2 and ALL of M1? With a week in between each cycle (between M1 and M2 and so forth) for active recovery...do I get it?

Thanks again!!! I am so addicted to STS and always looking for a new way to spice it up :)
veghead said:
Hi Kiki -
Thanks for the great rotation - this is just what I needed. I just started m1 this morning so perfect timing. Just to clarify (and bc I seem unable to figure out the rotation thing!) you do ALL of M1, All of M2, All of M3 then back to ALL of M2 and ALL of M1? With a week in between each cycle (between M1 and M2 and so forth) for active recovery...do I get it?

Thanks again!!! I am so addicted to STS and always looking for a new way to spice it up :)

Yep you got it. You still take your weeks off in between each Meso. The workout manager rotation is set up w/recovery weeks included ;)

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