What (if anything) do you combine LL with?


Active Member
Hi ladies :)

I am ashamed to say that I have had the CTX series for about 6 months now and still have not done the Leaner Legs tape. Even worse, I have never even previewed it before (I know, I know, you all can slap my hand :) )

Anyway, my question is: Do you combine Leaner Legs with any other
tape(s) when you do it?? I just don't know if I would be satisfied with ONLY working out my legs on a workout day. I prefer to do an all over strength workout, like MIS. I suppose I could always do MIS but replace the leg section on the tape with Leaner Legs. Do any of you do that?? Any other suggestions would be great also.

Also- I have seen great results in my legs using Cathe the past 8 months or so. The only problem is, my thighs are still not that great looking. My quads and calves look great, but no matter what I do, I can never seem to tone up the back of my legs. They are definitely firmer than they were before my Cathe days, but there is still this small layer of fat that never goes away. Is there any way to get rid of this?? Do any of you have this same problem? I know that eating clean plays a big part, so I have been doing just that since the beginning of this year, and still I have not seen any significant changes. It is so frustrating!! The rest of me looks pretty good, but this one area is my "problem area". Am I destined to have these thighs forever? :eek:
All I want is legs like Cathe's!! (Don't we all :) )

Please help!!

Thanks for any replies in advance!! You all are great!

Hi Marisa!
I, like you need something else besides toning work, so I add on at least 30 minutes of running pre-LL. I really really like this combo-I warm up my legs for what is to come, it actually gets me to really feel this workout more, and I can squat deeper and do everything just a little easier than if I was working with cold legs.

Anyway, this is how I use leaner legs! It is a fabulous workout! And really, if you do this, and just about any Cathe video IMO, your legs will really really firm up! Another thing I like is just to run, that really tones my legs as well!!!
When I do CTX I do LL all by itself, like this:
Sat. Step and Intervals Chest and Shoulders (from All Step)
Sun. Power Circuit Back and Bis (from Kickbox)
Mon. 10-10-10 Triceps and Chest (from Step Intervals)
Tue. Kickbox Bis and Back (from Power Circuit)
Wed. All Step Shoulders and Tris (from 10-10-10)
Thu. Leaner Legs
Fri. Rest

If I do LL in a differnet rotation, then I do either CTX Kickbox cardio segment afterwards, or my personal favorite comob: LL and then the upperbody segment of Body Max. Hope this helps! P.S. You will love LL by the way!
Before I received the Intensity Series I did Power Hour and LL rotation. PH 2x a week and LL 1 time. It really helped shapen my legs. After my Total Body Blast rotation I'm thinking of doing Pyr. Lower 2x a week then LL once and Pyr.Upper once to get them in super shape for summer!
LL is a really great workout! Have fun! Susan
Hi Marisa

Please do yourself a favor and get this video off your shelf, dust it off and DO IT! Yes, it's a toughie...but the results are SO worth the effort. Like you, I tend to have a difficult time with the back of my legs and this video has really made a huge difference!

I started off with a small amount of weight and last night, for the first time I did it with 35lbs just like Cathe. It was a goal for me since August and I'm proud to say that I finally did it. The sweat was pouring off of me and my legs were shaking!

It also helped to put a day of running on the treadmill in my rotation. I'm hoping that my legs will be bathing suit ready by summer!

Let us know how you like it.
RE: Hi Marisa

I was doing Leaner Legs (I just started using PLB instead) on Sunday mornings and then a short cardio in the late afternoon - such as 1/2 of MIC or if I felt strong a full length step tape. Last week I did PLB for the first time and was so tired that I couldn't do a cardio workout that day. LOL! See how you feel, LL is tough, especially at first...but SO worth it!
Thank you!!

Thanks everyone for all the wonderful responses!! You guys have really given me some great ideas! Well, I have decided that I am going to pull out LL tomorrow. It's about time that I give it a try.

dansinnfoo- I really love to run also, unfortunately I don't have a treadmill at home :-( . But I used to run 5 miles, 2 times a week last summer, and I will start doing that again when springtime comes.

letswork-I am so happy that you got your weight with your barbell up to 35 lbs!! Thats awesome! I am on the same page as you because I just upped my weight to 30 lbs on mine after doing 25 lbs for like 6 months (long time, I know x( ) I am hoping to be at 35 within like 2 or 3 more weeks. It's just sad that I wasted so much time using only 25 lbs when I could have upped my weight a long time ago. I think it was just a bit of fear holding me back, but now, nothings holding me back!! 35 lbs here I come!! :)

jillybean- Thanks so much for the rotation. Looks like a great one, and I was recently thinking of trying out a new rotation using only the CTX series. The rotation I do now (if you could call it one) is basically MIS 2x a week, any Cathe cardio tape 1x a week (usually MIC), and usually 2 different circuit tapes a week (I really love CircuitMax, and I also like doing Power Circuit from CTX combined with Kickbox from CTX, minus the weight work in both of them). I also like to snowboard at least once a week (I do this on the weekends). I think I will start your rotation next week and see how I like it, and after that, I plan on doing the Overall Body Blast rotation with the new series (when I get it).
Also- thanks for the BodyMax suggestion. I do have that tape, so I think that I will try using the upper body section of that tape tomorrow when I try out LL for the first time. :)

I'll let you all know how I do with LL!!


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