What else can you do with EZ curl barbell?


Just received an EZ curl barbell and I guess it's supposed to make bicep curls easier to do because of the grip? Is that all there is to it? What else do you use it for?
Hi Kiwi.....I've always used the EZ curl bar on my shoulders when doing lunges, squats, and for overhead presses. I think it works just as well as a straight bar. Give it a try!!! :) :)

Thanks Hollie! I was playing with it awhile ago and it did feel good to do curls and those skull crushers with it! The SO was laughing when I asked him what it was for, I have that padded Firm barbell and was complaining that it was hard to do bicep curls with it so he brought the EZ bar ... though I suspect he likes my padded bar.
Hahahaha......true enough...

that padded barbell will feel much better on the shoulders when doing lunges and squats. But still, the EZ curl will work well also.
Hahahaha......true enough...

that padded barbell will feel much better on the shoulders when doing lunges and squats. But still, the EZ curl will work well also.
RE: Ooops......^ Sorry.

Oh yeah, I'm not about to give the padded one up! I love using it with my firm videos and Cathe's Leg workouts. Today I used the EZ curl bar and you can really feel the difference, I was so happy! The tricep press felt great and the skull crushers too. I used it for Corey E's GHAS and my padded bar for S&H legs.
Hi Kiwi....

All the years I've been lifting weights, I've never heard of "skull crushers". What are they?

Yes, the EZ curl bar is pretty cool, huh? I love doing lying triceps extensions with one of those! :)

RE: Hi Kiwi....

Skull crushers are the lying tricep extensions. When you lower it to your forehead ... you crush your skull? By the way, do you know what the different grips are and what parts they work by any chance? Does it matter?
Oh yeah....

Duh..I knew that. LOL

As far as the different grips, where the bar bends, if I remember correctly (it's been a while since being in a gym using an EZ curl bar), the narrow bend would be for triceps, of course, and I think biceps curls, and the wider for perhaps shoulder presses....HTH


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