What does your vanity tag say, and why?


I drive a green Beetle, and used to have "SKITTLE" as my vanity tag because one of the guards at my work entrance said "so what made you decide to buy a big green skittle?" :D It just cracked me up! Later, I got one that said "FIDL DD" because I love Scarlett and GWTW (Fiddle Dee Dee!!) But I got rid of both of those because my husband *hated* it when he had to drive my car, he felt so dorky, so I went with a plain tag.

Well, we got our tag renewal notices today, so I decided to do something fun again, but that wouldn't embarrass my husband. So, I got 4NZK ART because, well, I'm a forensic artist! :D

Now I'm curious: what does your vanity tag say, and why??
Mine pretty much says that I won't pay for a vanity plate!:p

Hehehehe. Mine too. Actually, when I got my plates over 10 years ago, I pulled up to my mom's house in my very first brand new car! My older brother was there (he has since passed away). Ever the jokester, he said "Mary, I see you decided to get a vanity plate". I looked at him and said "what are you talking about? My plate is 9*0 WGC - tht's not a vanity plate". Let me preface his response by saying that my last name begins with a "W". He said "Yes it is - W**** Girls Car"! I laughed my butt off at that and everytime I look at my license plate I think of my brother who died way too young at 50 years old!
Well, my whole family has vanity plates. We give them out for Xmas.:D:D

In Ontario you can also get graphics so I have our Provincial Flower - a Trillium. The actual letters are my name PTRCIA.

Everytime I have to give out my plate number someone makes a joke about being with the CIA. As if a real agent would broadcast that!:D:D
What a fun thread!!

Our personal vehicle plates say DANEWGN. It's a Yukon and it pretty much belongs to our Danes. When we only had one dane (zeus) (and a Jeep) the plates said ZEUSWGN.

We have a chimney sweep business and one van says CHIMNEY and the other van is soon to get it's FLUEMAN plates.
Mine says 2 SASSI (Sassy was taken.) It was a whole lot more punchy when I was a prosecuting attorney and it was on a little black sports car. Now I'm a SAHM and it's on a Subaru. Cool thread.
Mine says GEEEZ...its supposed to mean my car is for my dog "Georgie"..so its slang sorta. But its a really, really fast car, so most people think its like an exclamation or something.;)
I don't have one, but my sister has one that professes her love for Motley Crue :eek: ...there's no way in hell we can actually be related.
I would get one but I don't want to be easily identifiable as I speed away from the bank.

Hee! Funny. :D

I don't have vanity plates but I do have some back window stickers, which I've heard said on these very boards is an indication of my latent hostility. I beg to differ, there is nothing latent about my hostility. :D

My stickers say "Support your local farmer" and "Ron Paul for President." :D


ETA: I worked with an older woman whose vanity plate indicated that she was this wild and crazy fabulous fifty-something lady. Always made me snort because she was the most awful, sneaky, uptight controlling wench. Every morning I walked by her car and had to resist the urge to scribble out her vanity plate and write "Anal Witch" over it in Sharpie. Hello, delusion.
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My husband who is a chef has ASUBBQ for his license plate. It's the name of his catering business.
I don't have vanity plates but my husband, who developed the nickname "skunk" in college, has various plates for his various vehicles, IB POLECAT, 78 SKUNK, etc. :rolleyes: It's NOT fun to be "Skunk's wife."
I hate vanity plates!!

They're sooo STUPID! I can count on one hand how many of them Ive seen that arent just stupid lol :p

I did have one once though.. in my state they only cost like $10 too.. i had a silver-white coupe with tinted windows and chrome wheels.. mmm.. that was a phat ride (remenising here :)

Anyway my plates read "ZOMBIE" on them.. it was *perfect* for the ride and not too corny, dorky or stupid.. but I digress..

I ditched them cuz I didnt want to be identifiable either :-\
I think 'vanity tags', (around here we call them personalized plates, didn't know I was being vain ;-) are a cool thing. I know that some are too cryptic or personal to be decoded but it's fun to try.

I love my last name (Pickles) and there are 4 of us in the family so my plate says 4PIKLS. I get lots of cute and curious comments from people about it, got chased down in a parking lot by a cab driver once because she had seen my car around town and wanted to know the story behind it. I like that it opens a door for people to be friendly. Fun thread :)

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