What do you all think of cardio & weights?


I think circuit training rocks :7 It's good to alternate w/ just cardio and just weight tapes. I saw a lot of posts w/ earlier dates that thought it was too easy but I didn't think so at all, especially w/ concentrating hard on form and quickly switching from cardio to weights and vice versa.

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
I throw circuit training in the mix to shake things up. I have always liked Cardio and Weights. "Easy" is a relative term. I have learned through overuse injuries, that you don't have to push your body to extremes in order to get an effective workout. If you like circuit workouts, do them and enjoy:)
I like it a lot. In fact I just did the 30 minute step premix this morning cuz I was short on time. I think the step is REALLY fun!
Cardio and Weights is FABULOUS and lots of fun. I read it was one of Cathe's "easier" workouts before I acquired it. I don't think it is. For me, like any workout, you can make it as easy or difficult as you'd like. Love this one!!!! You need it.:)
I like this workout, but I love, love the abs section at the end. Its got alot of different moves for abs and is pretty challenging.

I don't do alot of circuit training workouts normally, but I do find myself doing the ab work of C & W frequently.

Take care, Lynn M.
Interesting you brought this up. I did the C&W step only premix yesterday as an add-on having neglected it for a while (HC's and all!). Anyway, I forgot how much I enjoy this routine and the music.

>I like it a lot. In fact I just did the 30 minute step premix
>this morning cuz I was short on time. I think the step is
>REALLY fun!

I just did that premix last night for the same reason and yes, it certainly is fun!:)

I like C & W a lot!

I think a work out is what you make of it...there's always ways to pump it up or even to bring it down a notch to suit the needs of the individual. Being pregnant, I have learned quite well how to modify! ;)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


I did this one for the first time last week and I was grinning from ear to ear the whole time. What a blast!! This has got to be the most fun I've ever had working out.
I did this one for the first time last week and I was grinning from ear to ear the whole time. What a blast!! This has got to be the most fun I've ever had working out.
I like C&W too. There's a great ab segment at the end.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
I think C & W gets a bum rap when it's described as "too easy". You use heavy enough weights and it's a very thorough workout, particularly for the upper body.

Anytime I start this workout thinking this is gonna be a light one, I am sorely (and I mean "sore") disappointed.

What I really like about it is that it doesn't include heavy legwork (barbell squats, etc.). Just a personal preference but for weight work, I like to work my legs separately from my arms.

I've always enjoyed C&W. I do pause the workout for about 10 or 15 seconds after the step segments. Cathe moves so fast into the compound moves! I find if I go right into the weight work, my equilibrium is somehow "off" and my balance and focus isn't there.

I also go much heavier than her on the back segment - deadlifts and rows. I don't understand why she does that with 8# weights. I grab my #15s.

The step segments are great fun and I love the ab work. I feel very worked out afterwards.

I just did this one in it's entirety today (had done C&W premix step only a couple weeks ago). This was so much fun. Uncoordinated me could actually kind of get into the cha-cha's and mambos with a little hip action. Really fun. Finally felt the "happiness is when you know what's coming next" (or something like that). I liked the weight work too, though I was scrambling a bit to pick up weights, would have to pause the DVD to collect right equipment. Loved the plank and ab work. This is one of my favorites! Makes me think, who wouldn't enjoy exercising like this? But then lots of folks don't seem to like the sweat or effort. Hard for me to understand. Good, fun, tough exercise is such a high! And very empowering. ("I am woman, hear me roar", playing in the background...)

For me, the cardio is easy and the weights are tough, which makes this a good workout. I always mix cardio with my weights. I feel I get a much better workout. I rarely do just a weight workout because I don't get winded or sweaty which happen to be my goal when I workout.}(
Enjoyed reading the comments on this workout. Sounds like fun!
I Have not yet crossed over to Cathe's step workouts that are difficult to follow. I have finally ordered and done Basis Step/Body Fusion and High Step Circuit/Beginner workouts.
I can follow these easily(well almost) Is the the cardio & weights workout difficult to follow?
I am getting so hooked
I also ordered Muscle Endurance, Pyramid Upper Body and now Push & Pull/Supersets!
Easy to become addicted :>)))))))))))))))
Enjoyed reading the comments on this workout. Sounds like fun!
I Have not yet crossed over to Cathe's step workouts that are difficult to follow. I have finally ordered and done Basis Step/Body Fusion and High Step Circuit/Beginner workouts.
I can follow these easily(well almost) Is the the cardio & weights workout difficult to follow?
I am getting so hooked
I also ordered Muscle Endurance, Pyramid Upper Body and now Push & Pull/Supersets!
Easy to become addicted :>)))))))))))))))
Enjoyed reading the comments on this workout. Sounds like fun!
I Have not yet crossed over to Cathe's step workouts that are difficult to follow. I have finally ordered and done Basis Step/Body Fusion and High Step Circuit/Beginner workouts.
I can follow these easily(well almost) Is the the cardio & weights workout difficult to follow?
I am getting so hooked
I also ordered Muscle Endurance, Pyramid Upper Body and now Push & Pull/Supersets!
Easy to become addicted :>)))))))))))))))

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