what are you gym pet peeves?


Active Member
My biggest pet peeve in the gym is when people don't strip their weight. Especially the men who put the 100 pound dumbbells on the leg press and then leave. Hello, I can't pick up a 100 pound dumbbell.
What drives you guys nuts?
1. Waiting for someone to leave the weight assisted dip machine
2. Fighting for a spot for a Body Pump class ... can get ugly on Saturday mornings
3. Don't come up to me while I'm on the outer thigh machine
Great thread!!

1. Not getting a spot in my Spinning class (I can sign up 72 hours in advance, but if I forget and call, say, 60 hours in advance, sometimes there's no room left).
2. People standing right beside the machine I'm working on, walking in and out of my line of vision, thinking that if they keep pacing really close I will finish my set faster. (I would rather they asked if I was almost done, rather than pace!)
3. People who won't "work in" with you (let you use the machine while they're resting, and they use it when you're resting).
4. People who drop free weights on the floor when they're done their set (rattles the whole gym) -- if you can't put it down gently, it's too heavy for you!!
5. People who don't wipe their sweat off the equipment when they're done with it.
6. People who don't put away their free weights / steps / mats when they're done with them.

This is why I do so many of my workouts at home now!! (I've virtually given up weight training at the gym -- I just go there for Spinning and the occasional class now, or to use the cardio equipment.)
I know what I find really annoying. Listening to people go on and on and on loudly about their personal problems to their "personal trainers." It is unbelievable to me the way people are willing to pay their trainers $30.00 or more an hour and not even focus on the weight training. The trainers seem to just go along with it. I guess personal trainers are cheaper than a shrink! :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-02 AT 06:46PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-02 AT 06:44 PM (Est)[/font]

I posted some with Honeybunch in the ask cathe area but here it goes....
1. Loud grunting idiots who act as if they are having an aneurysm during lifts.
2. Not wiping sweat off the equipment.
3. Someone who takes a newer model spin bike, leaves a regular like me with an older model, then the person leaves the class halfway thru because they can't hack it.
4. Half naked women who have this attitude like.."i'm letting this thong show along with letting my heaving breasts almost fall out of this outfit in order to get noticed but if you DO look I am gonna give you the hairy eyeball!" I guess it's cool to be over the top about getting noticed, and then acting like you are pissed when guys do look! lol!! I have mentioned this before, so please no hateful emails okay! It's my opinion and not an indictment of women in general. :)
5. People lifting too heavy who swing from the equipment.
6. People lifting way too LIGHT and wasting their time as well as mine.
7. Trainers who don't know what they are talking about or have trouble demonstrating equipment.
8. People talking and milling about in the gym.....get the workout done and take the social interaction to the nearest bar.
9. Garbage music over the soundsystem......file Pink, Creed, Eminem and any other rap into the garbage can and give me Enigma to spin to, AC/DC to lift to, and Aerosmith, Def Leppard, Beatles, Queen to do my cardio to.
10. People who wear jeans and/or flip flops/and or docksiders to workout in. What the **** are they thinking?
Having said all of that the club I go to is actually really good and I enjoy it immensely. The classes and coffee are free!! :)
Trevor :) :-jumpy
People who just sit on the bench and TALKS to any and everyone --- ok there is one woman in partiuclar who drives me nuts...

People who moan and groan when their Personal Trainer tries to push them

People who don't stop blabbing to their personal trainer about everything - I'm trying to be politically correct (not so when I describe it to friends) but its like they are paying to have someone listen to do them....

Personally I like the music (wish it was louder) - dont mind the folks in good shape dressing for show - dont mind the folks lifting heavy and keeping the weight on - but oh the folks dont keep yapping... that drives me crazy!!
Great Question!

1. When guys sit on the weight machines for like 5 minutes between sets. I know I can technically work in with them, but I really don't want to adjust all the settings and weights, then sit on a machine where some big, sweaty guy in a tank top was just sitting.

2. Girls who come there to prance around- very tan, skimpy outfits, full-makeup, push up bras, jewelry, hair done, etc. Makes me feel bad since I just came to exercise!

3. Old, yucky men who stare!

4. People who come into spinning half way through. And on top of that, they usually don't know their seat settings and forgot water, a towel, etc.

5. People who come into aerobics late and then stand right in front of me so they can see themselves in the mirror while they block my view! Are they oblivious??

6. When the instructor doesn't show up for class after I hustled all the way to the gym!!!! (especially if they don't let the gym know so we're all waiting there for 15 mins like idiots!)
1. People who look like they're made of chewing gum giving me lifting pointers;

2. The sounds of grunting;

3. The smells of . . . well, you know.

I love the guy who follows me from machine to machine constantly looking to see if I am wearing a wedding ring and trying to grunt and seem strong. Of course I am not wearing any jewelry. I would appreciate it if he would just get the nerve to ask me then I can tell him I am married.

I hate the chatty people talking to their personal trainers like the trainer really cares about every detail of their life.

I hate the music they play. I have to bring my own head phones.

I love the people that go over the 30 minute limit on the machines!

I love it when I get in front of a fan and I am enjoying myself and someone comes along and points it on them.

I also hate it when people drop the weights so that everyone in he gym stops and looks at them.
1. Women who wear work-out clothes that require CONSTANT tugging to stay in place.

2. People who talk on cell phones while on cardio equipment (the whole time, not you just took a quick call)

3. People who sit on the equipment chatting, not working out, or taking REALLY LONG breaks, and make it necessary to point out the obvious--hey, I am waiting here!

4. Unsolicited advice, regardless of whether it's from someone knowledgable.

5. Power lifters who load the equipment with 400 pounds per side and then don't rack at least half of that when through

6. Jerks who smoke right in front of the gym while waiting for someone who is inside working out, then you walk out and the air smells like an ashtray.

7. People who fight you for your favorite spin bike, and then dilly-dally through class or worse, leave.

8. Instructors/trainers with poor form

9. Instructors/trainers who spend the entire class/session looking at themselves in the mirror and never check the client/students for form

10 WHen the front desk people who scan the cards are engaged in conversation, scan your card, never even look at you, and completely ignore your "Hello" and "thanks." I HATE this one the worst of all.
I haven't worked out in a weight room for a long time, but those pet peeves are amazingly easy to remember. In no particular order:
1) people who don't wipe the sweat off the equipment;
2) guys who start spotting you in the middle of a set, then stare at your chest the whole time, even though you're not well=endowed, and you can't tell them to get lost because you're not done with your set yet (hmm.. is this too specific ;-)) ;
3) young females who arrive in groups and monopolize a set of weights or a piece of equipment
Ok, I only have one really big pet peeve. Those persons (mostly female) who find it necessary to wear tons of fragrance to spin class. Now I realize that perfume/cologne is generally a preferred smell as compared to BO, but... when one sweats, the perfumy smell gets much stronger, thereby making the air I am trying to rapidly inhale, cloying. I am an avid breather (alright, I know we ALL breathe), I never miss a beat when it comes to breathing regularly during any form of exercise. Spin is just the one class where you can't move away if something is bothering you, you're trapped!

Beth Kelly :)
Inappropriate use of cell phones (& not just at the gym).

Non-stop chatter during a group class.

And more Spinning gripes:

A twist on leaving body fluids on the equipment: for months some misguided soul was putting vaseline on the outside of their shorts instead of on the chamois. They did not clean the bike seat after class. Yuckkkk!

The Spinning room has a few wall mounted fans. There are plenty of bikes that are out of range but invariably someone who doesn't want the fan on them takes a bike in front of the fan & then complains. Often as not, they're wearing the bare minimum. I want to tell them to put some clothes on, shut up, use more tension & you'll warm up fast.

It's so fun to vent!


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