We're in This Together (March 2013)

Rebecca Small's Step 2 Success today. Love her stuff :) Complex choreography...my favorite. Speaking of I think I need to get some Amy Bento. Natty- I saw your post in that thread in OD and I think you should try it too. I bet you would like it.

Working now. Pumping break. It was a crazy night. Must have been that full moon. Injections, seclusion, restraints. My kind of shift. Love to stay busy.

Tony and I are going snowboarding tomorrow so that will be my workout. We are leaving the house at 8, dropping B off at Grandma's and then headed to Duluth to go to Spirit Mountain. We are only going to board for 4 hours as we hate to be away from B on our day off. We considered not going but we know it's important to have couple time. Plus I have Sat, Sun and Mon with him. Tony is off Sun too :)

Jen- Ugh! Nothing worse than drunk annoying people. Even worse when they hit on you! Enjoy your other parties :) 10 days....eek!

Natty- Thanks for linking that article. I'll check it out when I'm done posting. I totally agree about doing cardio that you don't dread. Lately I have been doing just that. My step workouts may not burn as many calories as Intensity or TTM but as least I really enjoy them. I like those other workouts too but nothing beats step for me :) Thanks so much for saying that Natasha :) I do agree and think I'll stick to the 30 day. Variety is the spice of life of course ;)

Colleen- Way to go with the one-legged roll-ins. Those are sooo hard! And nice job with the creamer. Sorry about DH. That is never fun. Tony gets that way sometimes too. I feel ya on the avoidance. Brings ya down just to be around it. That STS check-in surely helped me. So hard to stick to something that long. I'll have to check out the workout manager. I hear so much about it but have never used it.

Sarah- I love how you worded the comparsion of love for husbands and children. Makes total sense. Yippee for a new dishwasher :) Enjoy spring break with the kids. Your weather sounds great! Way to get a workout in!!!
Hi everyone :)

Yesterday Bella and I went for another nice 1 1/2hr walk. By accident I took a route that I was not familiar with and it lead us to a dead end :confused:. So we had to go all the way back. It's all good though ;).

This w/e is going to be super busy for us. Sat we go to the in-laws in Hamilton and then Sun is at my aunts house. I'm not really looking forward to both of them :( (for my own personal reasons). We'll just leave it at that.

That's so weird about Mark, because my Mark has been the EXACT same way! Must be this stupid weather :mad:. I called him yesterday at work to ask him a question, and he was being all snippy. I told him to stop acting like a b**ch. I also asked him if he wanted to borrow one of my Tampons for his "man period" lol :D.
Congrats on the 1-legged hammie roll-in! That's awesome! I remember when I did that for the first time (successfully :p) it was like I had an out-of-body experience :eek:. I was thinking "omg, is that my leg up there?".
Thanks for the link on all those forums -- I really had no clue they existed :confused:. The only forum I frequent is this one TBH. But I do like to read blogs and health/fitness articles.

Congrats on the new dishwasher! I LOVE kitchen appliances.
I check-out Melissa Bender. WOW she is great! She has a really solid body too ;). WTG on getting your w/o in yesterday :).
I never even knew Cesar existed until I saw his show on Netflix 2 weeks ago. I was scrolling and was like "ohhh what's this? It looks interesting". And now I'm hooked! My type of active lifestyle would be exactly like his: outdoor walking, roller blading, swimming, biking, anything that would allow me to be outside. I enjoy indoor cardio (sometimes :rolleyes::p) but I don't love it.

Can you believe that Clare (maddiesmum) actually PM'd me on my bday and asked if I wanted her Amy Bento ASC #4!!! She is sending it to me in the mail this week! How incredibly nice of her OMG :). I'll let you know how it goes. I don't think it's gonna be pretty :p but I am gonna nail that sucker one day. With regards to the intense cardio that burns all those calories, I usually get so ravenous afterwards that I eat them all back :eek:. LOL what's the point? At the end of the day, my main focus with cardio is to condition my heart AND have fun.
Have fun snowboarding today! I am super, duper, uber, jealous!
Crazy night at the hospital :eek:.

Sorry I misunderstood the situation with the drunk guy. Ya, keep your distance from that man!

Have a great one ladies!
Marie - Have fun with your husband. It is really important for you guys to spend time together as well as the 3 of you. But to me, it sounds like your relationship has been been boosted with B, instead of what happens most of the time when babies put the wedge in the relationship. Those are the benefits in waiting to have kids for awhile. You know you relationship is working already and kiddos just add to the family. Other people think oh well the marriage isn't going well so maybe if we have kiddos it will bring us closer. Doesn't work. My husband and I are in need of a date day. Haven't had one in 6 months : ( We again, had planned on one tonight but when the girls got in trouble at the beginning of the week we took their laptops and Ipods away from them for a week. My mother doesn't want to watch them if they can't have those things. Which is fine we gave the punishment, we need to enforce it. I have never been snowboarding or skiing, and would LOVE too. I have always wanted to and I'm sort of an outdoors adrenaline junkie. I've always said I will try anything once. Although I'm getting older and it does take my body longer to heal after a stupid mistake.

Jen - Well I'm glad that you didn't have to deal with drunk guy too much.

Nat - I love taking different routes for walking. That's what my husband and I did last night because the walking path was so busy. Congrats on your Amy Bento, what a great way to try her out. I think your going to like it. However there is a fine line, for me, between enough to keep your mind in the WO, and having to concentrate so much that it's not fun. I took a Burlesque class awhile back and I like it a lot, but the instructor went soooo fast through the choreography, I was constantly feeling behind instead of conquering it. Melissa Bender is good. Her boobs bother me a little bit. But I like her personality ; ) Hilarious about your hubby.

Colleen - I'm sorry your hubby is down right now. Hopefully just a few weeks left to go. Did the vacation help or make it worse for him? I have been in a little bit of a downer mood lately wanted the warmth from the sun. Congrats on your one legged hamiie roll-ins. I can't believe I wasn't sore from HC. I am the same with Nat, this is the only forum/blog I frequent.

I made pineapple upside-down cake last night and had one bite it was really good. I gave the rest away. I was also very bad. I bought Cathe's new ones as well as about 5 others. Oopsie, NOT.

Sarah (p.s. so far no WO)
Snowboarding yesterday was a blast but I sure missed my little man. We went to Tony's Grandma's for dinner afterwards and she made fried shrimp. Oh so good but oh so bad.

Today's workout was AT. Haven't done that one in awhile. On a walk now with b. I'm doing the talk and text thing. Luckily no one else is around so I don't look like a crazy person.

Natty- That is so awesome that she is sending you her Amy Bento. What a nice person. I can't wait to hear how you like it. I already told Tony I plan on getting some of her workouts so he better prepare himself ;) Hope your Easter goes okay. We are going to Tony's grandma's house. Always chaotic! I as well would sooner not go and just spend our day off as a family of 3.

Sarah- I'm glad you bought the new workouts as well as the other ones. You deserve it! Your pineapple upside down cake sounds tasty. Great job on the willpower! You should really try snowboarding. It's so fun! I'm with you on that always trying anything once.

Hi Colleen and Jen!
Hello ladies!

Bit of a marathon today, sort of. I wanted to do July Hardcore HC so I put that in and started to do it (love this one!). I did complete it, however my sister and BIL came over right as I got going so I kept pausing and taking breaks throughout to chit chat. I just felt bad working out while they were there, and yet I really wanted to get it in! :confused: When they finally left, I decided I needed more since the whole challenging aspect of HC is muscle over load (hence, you really shouldn't take breaks! :eek:). So, then I did Paul Katami's Bootcamp 4x4x2. That felt awesome! :eek: Now I really need to get in the shower (finally at 2 in the afternoon...:eek:) Hehehe.

Tomorrow we're going to my parents farm for Easter. Hopefully it will be a good time. Mom hasn't hosted any holidays in quite a long time (she always backs out at the last minute). She seems determined not to disappoint everybody this time, though, so hopefully it'll go well.

Natty- Have fun with the Amy Bento! She's a favorite of steppers on VF. :)

Marie- loved those pics of you guys snowboarding! :D Sounds like so much fun!

Sarah- awesome you're getting the Cathe preorder, too! :D We all deserve it, darn it! :eek:

Jen- I hope the packing is going well. Last minute stuff is always stressful. Just when you think you've got everything all set it's like "D'oh! There's this and that and the other thing I forgot!" I always forget that last minute stuff!

Have a great Easter girls!
Have a Happy Easter everyone.

Marie- Loved the pics.

Colleen- Hope youdon't end up hosting the Easter celebration. Good job on your double dose even if the first one was half-assed.

Nat - The weather here is so pretty, I want to take a long hike. You would love it.

Jen - Happy Easter, hopefully you can enjoy a little down time before M Day.
Maybe with no drunks this time.

My hubby took the kids to a Winterhawks Hockey game tonight. He never takes the kids alone. I actually like hockey the best of all the sports, but though it might do the kids some good just to be with him. Tomorrow we are having Salmon for dinner, so even if I over indulge I won't feel horrible. I had to go get the kids some things for there baskets today and had 2 See's candies. Oh my, did they taste good.

Yesterday's WO was Cathe Tabatsize #1, Melissa Bender TB Circuit, Tabatasize #2. Then later I took a run, and the knee was great and the Songza was good too. This morning I got up and fit in hiit 30/30 really quick before dying eggs. Walk tonight, maybe??

Happy Easter to my awesome check-in buddies :)

Yesterday I went to the in-laws in Hamilton (near Niagara Fall). It was such a pretty day and we were stuck in a car :mad:. It's too bad his family does not like to walk (or be outside for that matter) or else we could have gone to the park. Oh well :(. So get this, Marks mom and sister told me how "skinny" I was, and asked me if I lost weight. For some reason, I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable if someone calls me thin. Perhaps that's because the whole perception of my body has shifted -- that's not my main goal or priority any longer. Keep in mind, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being skinny! Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and I don't want to reflect a negative body image, especially for the sake of my daughter. My goal is to look/feel healthy, fit, strong. Anyway, so Mark's mom asked if I was offended, and I replied "no, absolutely not! But I would much rather be called FIT". They proceeded to asked if I lost weight, in which I replied again "no, I don't think so. I just have a lot more muscle now". Anyone else feel a little awkward in these types of conversations?

Which Cathe's did you buy??? :eek:
You know hockey is my fav sport right? Here in Canada, I truly believe baby boys are conceived solely for the purpose of being bred into the sport ;). I hope Bella wants to get into hockey. Girls/woman's hockey is really exploding these past several years!

I hope you have a great Easter at your parents house :).
I meant to ask you earlier, why did you give up on the GD of VF?

Loved your snowboarding pics!
I hope you have fun at Tony's nonna's house :). Italian are just chaotic -- they don't know how to be anything else! ;)

Hope you have a wonderful day :).

Gotta get ready. We are going over to my aunts house today. Hope to squeeze in 30/30 today before leaving!
Question: What does a Cathe lover do on a Saturday night when she has the house to herself with no husband or kids?

Answer: I did Burn sets Upper Body, yes all 5! Then I managed to fit in a chick flick and sat blubbering on the sofa.

I am glad Nat you are getting some nice days out there. It's so pretty here and suppose to be 72 degress. I know that won't touch the weather in Texas Jen. But for the Northwest thats as good as it gets this time of year. I had 2 Reisen's this morning. So good. If you have never tries them and like Tootsie Rolls and dark chocolate these are for you. I also had a couple of bites of homemade cinnamon buns. I had to since I went to all the work of making them ; )

Hello Friends.

Happy April Fools Day Monday! Snow here.

7 days till Texas. Cats visit the vet to get stress test so I can get Health certificates for them to fly. My friend suggested I give them calming bites. Monitoring them now. So far, its been happy mellowness from them. Cat nip is the complete opposite of violent aggressive behavior.
Due to sequester, my unemployment benefits end June 31st & no longer elgible. Have faith it won't be an issue. Many states lost tier 4 federal benefits so the outcome will be interesting.
Pray I land gainful employment soon.

Jen - Knowing about your unemployment being over in June, must make this even more stressful for you. I honestly can't imagine what it would be like to be in your shoes. You are a very brave strong person to be going for it.

Yesterday was like 73 degrees here! I took a leisurely Sunday stroll with the dog and hubby. Honestly when the sun comes out the dog is a big baby. She acts like she dying of heat stroke. We had a competition with the kids to see which team could find the eggs faster. It took me and the hubby 20 minutes to find 40 eggs. It took the kids about 22, not including 2 eggs because the hubby and I forgot where we hid them. Hopefully the dog will find them and eat them since she had already started doing that while the kids were hiding theirs.

Marie - How was B's first Easter?

Colleen - Did your Mom end up having everyone over.

Nat - The DVD's I got were:
Cycle Max Workout DVD ( All I had was the DL and it was on my daughters Laptop)
Athletic Step Exercise DVD
MMA Boxing Exercise DVD
High Step Challenge Workout DVD
High Step Training DVD
7 DVDs Discount Bundle (Includes Pedal Power)
Power Hour + Maximum Intensity Strength + Body Max DVD (replacement for the one that broke)

I wonder who was speaking and enabling me when I ordered these ; )

Yesterday's eats were not great but not as horrible as I have been in the past when it comes to letting my guard down on Holidays. Yes I had candy, and some cake and too much dinner. But all and all, I'm doing better. Thats all I can hope for.

So today I woke up to knowing I needed a high calorie crusher WO and looked at the new rotation Cathe did and it looks good. So I did Intensity. Loved it! I think I might do the rotation, all though don't hold me to it : ) Because I still want to fit in HC once a week.

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter :)

Really excited to tell you guys I'm getting Body Beast! I was looking at clips on youtube and proceeded to "show" Mark ;) (btw, I've been eying that program for a long time). He was interested in what he saw, and thought he could apply some of the training concepts at the gym. I love that the w/o's are only 30-40min! The trainer, Sagi, is super :eek::eek:. I think as soon as I receive it, I will adhere to the rotation posted. This will allow me to throw in 1-2 Cathe cardio (although minimal cardio/hiit is recommended). I know my results depends on eating "clean", so I will definitely try my hardest. A lot of protein is emphasized, so I might have to get used to eating chicken & veggies as a mid-day snack :confused::p. I don't know if it will hold a candle to STS or XT, but I'm willing to give it a try! Another exciting piece of news -- Mark's friend is giving him an adjustable bench and weight plates! He is moving and does not have enough space to store the equipment, so it's ALL MINE! OHHH HAPPPPYYYY DAYYYY!

Yesterday's w/o was Tabatacise (a premix made in my WO Blender - 30min)

I'm a sucker for cinnamon buns :p. When I was working downtown Toronto, I would get off the subway station, and guess what was at the station? A Cinnabon store :eek:. I can't tell you how tempting it was day after day to walk past that incredible smell, and resist stopping to indulge. I promised myself 1 cinnabon/month :p.
Great job on not over-indulging this holiday :).

How did your send-off parties go?

Off to do a 25% water change in my fish tank :D. Have a great day everyone :)
Evening ladies!

What a busy weekend :eek: . Friday my work schedule was jam packed. Since it was Good Friday apparently I was one of the few O.D's in town that was available for appointments. I would actually love it if it was like that everyday but man was I tired at the end of the day! Then Mark and I went out for dinner while my sister watched the kiddos. Saturday involved cleaning and all the household stuff I usually do on Sunday, but wouldn't be able to due to Easter. My workout on Sunday was Crossfire (managed to squeeze it in before we left for the farm) and today is my day off. :)

Sunday at my parents went pretty well. Of course, for whatever reason my mom decided to take a double dose of her sleeping pills at 4 am and slept until 2:00 pm. :rolleyes: Luckily, my youngest sister spent the night down there so she went ahead and put the ham in and got potatoes peeled while the rest of us brought other sides and goodies. It all worked out at least. I miss going down to the farm. I really don't get "home" much these days and I really feel like my kids are missing out. The valley where my parents live is seriously beautiful with a creek running through it. We are planning on having my dad take Dylan fishing this spring. Good grandpa/grandson bonding. :)

Natty- I think Body Beast would be right up your alley! It got good reviews on VF. You will have to let me know what you think! I have considered getting it a few times now but never took the plunge.
Did you watch Walking Dead last night? I SO wish I had HBO right now, too. As it is I'll have to wait until next year when the dvds come out. Grrrr. Mark thinks we pay way too much in cable as it is to justify another $20 a month to add it. :(

Sarah- Awesome weather!! Wanna send some my way? ;) I was thinking the same thing when I did Crossfire yesterday...have to counteract that comfort food I knew I'd be eating! :eek:

Jen- 7 more days until your life changes! For the better of course ;). Scary about the unemployment expiring but I know you'll be fine and will find something soon!

Hi Marie!

TTYL girls!
Quick check in for me. Headed to the Wild game in a bit with Tony's parents. It'll be Breckin's first hockey game so I'm excited to see what he thinks.

I did intensity this morning. I needed to crush some major calories since I ate so much yesterday. However burning all those calories led to eating too much again today including my ever favorite cereal. I was going to try and give it up April 1 but that didn't go as planned. Oops!

I'm thinking of loosely following Cathe's latest rotation she just posted. I have never done one before. I don't think I will do two days of upper body though. I'm thinking one upper body day a week and make that second upper body day a cardio day instead and then have my rest day be UY. I don't have ab circuits though. Does anyone have those workouts? If so how long are they? Thinking I could do core 1 or 2.

Adios for now :)

Personals later :)
Just a quickie post and then BBL for personals!

I got Body Beast from Amazon.ca!!! The estimated arrival is early next week!!!
I have decided to do a full rotation as written. The only thing I might have to tweak is doing a 5X/week, instead of a 6X/week w/o schedule. The rotation will take me a little longer (obviously :rolleyes:) but that's ok, no rush :D. I was looking at some clips on youtube, and it DOES look right up my alley :eek:. I am really excited to see how my body changes/responds to a program that focuses so heavily on weight training. Cardio is 1X/week, but I will be walking a lot this spring/summer (walking is my #1 love ;)).

I absolutely adore farm & cottage country. Something about being outdoors in nature just makes me so happy. I can literally feel all my stress melting away [ahhh]. I'm sorry to hear about your mom though :(.
I'm determined to really give my all to Body Beast :eek:. This will be my first ever Beach Body program! I was looking at youtube vids (transformations/reviews) and loved what I saw. I'm hoping that by the end of the program, I will be able to knock-out a handful of unassisted pull-ups :eek:. And of course obtain some nice muscle definition too ;).
No I didn't watch TWD yet! My cousins were totally disappointed apparently :confused:.

How did Breckin like the hockey game?
I'm one of those people that gets extremely ravenous from doing intense cardio. I literally finish my w/o and then turn into a food monster, raiding the fridge :eek:. BTW, what cereal do you love? I think it's perfectly acceptable to eat any type of cereal :D. It's not like you're eating McDonalds for breakfast everyday ;).

Have a good day everyone :cool:
Yesterday after Intensity I did 3/4 of HC. Then we took a walk, all 5 + dog, its a lot of people to get on the same page. But the kids need to get out and run. One of my daughters wasn't happy but got out of it within the first 15 minutes. Then we played a couple of games of tag on the pump track, which is meant for bicycles but I like it better as a tag track.

This morning I did Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's plus Core 1. It was suppose to be Chest, back and shouders but since I did HC I flopped a few days around. I still haven't commited 100% to the get ready for summer rotation. But I will try for awhile ; )

Nat - I so curious to see how your body responds to the rotation. I went to look at clips of the program but what I saw was more of a commercial, so I couldn't really tell enough to know. Are you working TB or is it splits still? I liked the pic of Bella with the rat. I had a rat when I was about 12 and I loved it. They are a good mix of indepedant but still interactive.

Marie - I have ab circuits. I haven't used it a ton. But I like it, most fall in between 15 - 20 minutes. I am going to follow the rotation also, for awhile anyway.

Colleen - My son (actually the girls do too) loves fishing. My father used to go all the time, but his legs are so bad now that he really can't get around unless its a supper level surface. He also had a boat for Salmon, Steelhead. But again it's to hard for him to get in and out of the boat (he had polio). It's too bad because it would be some really good bonding and my hubby just doesn't have the patience for fishing most of the time.
Good for you for getting your WO in before the celebrations began. Now that I WO earlier in the morning, I do love that feeling of it "being done". If I have enough time to fit another short one in, fine, if not, no biggy.

Jen - Your going to be so busy getting settled next week and looking for a job, rest up girl (if you can)!

Afternoon girls!

Today I did XTrain All out Low Impact Hiit- w/u + floor cardio and then the standing portion of Butts and Guts. I also did some one-legged deadlifts (with 25 lb kettlebell) while Cathe did leg raises on the ball, and then I joined her for some hamstring roll-ins. Then I did a few of the bonus exercises- the leg presses and glute squeezes on the ball. I so wanted to do some hip thrusts, too but I ran out of time.

I actually did most of both workouts while wearing my 8 lb weighted vest (took it off after the standing portion of B&G was done) which upped the challenge nicely. I loved it! Actually, I also used it when I did the Crossfire firewalker tabata on Sunday. I found when I took it off to do the rest of the workout my jumps were suddenly higher and I had more spring for some reason! :D I'm going to try using it more often like that.

I'm getting really excited about the results I'm getting in my lower body since I started doing short bursts of Hiit (no more than 20 minutes) before doing my heavy lower body routines. I am noticing my thighs especially are leaning out nicely. :eek: :D I have this theory that the Hiit is helping to blast some fat stores in my lower body while the heavy weights are building the muscle. It doesn't seem to affect the amount I can lift...in fact I've been increasing my weights quite a bit and will often go much heavier than Cathe. :) Speaking of which, I told Mark I must get some 30 lb dumbells! He was like "Do it!" Now I just have to get that Fitbit...I really want to get it before summer because I promised Mark I'd be better about taking walks after dinner when the weather gets nicer. He is always asking me to do that and I'm embarrassed to say I usually beg off. I'm not much of an outdoors girl. :eek: You think I would be growing up on a farm and all! LOL

Natty- TWD finale was not what I expected, but I was okay with it. One thing is for sure, I've read online that the finale was nothing like the comics. It'll be interesting to see where they take it from here.

I forgot to comment earlier on your question about why I'm not going on VF lately. I haven't posted on the General Discussion section in over a month. It just got too irritating...sometimes on our check in we call GD "General Drama". hehe I was finding many of the ladies whom I admired and had more in common with weren't posting as much lately either. These days, if you aren't doing barre workouts, Tracy Anderson, high rep/low weight or low intensity workouts you don't fit in so much. Nothing against Leslie Sansone and you guys know I love Ellen Barrett, but you are often made to feel like a freak or obsessive who'll injure yourself if you like to push your fitness level with high intensity. The last thread I started just confirmed it. The negativity is not something I need. I mean, it's supposed to be fun, right? LOL :eek:

Marie- I love cereal, too! I do try to keep the sugar down, although lately I've been loving my honey nut cheerios with almond/coconut milk blend. Yummy! I keep meaning to go back to the unsweetened oatmeal in the morning, though. I was really good for awhile there. I would make oatmeal and put a little coconut oil and cinnamon in there. What kind of cereal do you like? I think it can be perfectly healthy...if it's the right kind. I made the mistake of buying Lydia Lucky Charms and now that's all she wants :eek: :eek:. For myself, I try to stay away from wheat in favor of oats.

Sarah- Great job on the workouts! If you ever want to try any more HC's just let me know. I'd totally be willing to lend you a few to try out. Just let me know your address and I'll send 'em out! :D I have most of them...all the volumes, Bootcamp and all the 101's and Hardcores from year one except for a few Hardcores that I traded on VF. Let me know!

Hi Jen!

Have a great day everybody!
Congrats on the LB results! That's amazing :eek:.
How cool of Mark to support you in getting 30lbs weights! Give him a big pat on the back from me. I have to admit, mine has been not so supportive of my need/want for new w/o equipment :(. The only reason I'm getting Body Beast is because he's interested in it too. He laughed when I told him I was going to do the program :(. He still seems to think that I'm this weakling girl playing around or something while I'm working out :mad:. I'm getting so frustrated! Anyway, yes get the heavier weights and kick some booty :eek:.
Oh ya, sorry about having to back-off from VF. As much as I love my walking, I would not dare judge anyone for doing high intensity! Heck, I love my plyo just as much as anyone! Some people just have to rain on other's sunshine :confused::rolleyes:.

Great w/o yesterday! I love how the whole family was out and about spending time together. That's really important.
Body Beast is 5X of splits + 1X cardio (6X w/o days total). I PM'd fit44 since I know she loved the program, and she told me she got amazing muscle definition from it. My only concern is over-training, so that's why I might scale it back to 4X split + 1X cardio. We'll see how it goes! I am optimistic that I will do great. I know my results are dependent on my "clean eats" so I will try my hardest :eek:.

Marie & Jen
Hi !!!!

Have a good day ladies!

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