
I recently saw a post about people using a weighted vest to increase poundage. Can anyone tell me of a reliable brand and where one can be purchased.

Thanks so much!

I use a fishing vest, and just put weight plates in the many and various pockets. But I never put more than 20 lbs in the pockets.
I got mine at a local SportMart (Twin Cities MN); mine is the AllPro brand, and can go up to 40 lbs. total. A tad clumsy (kind of like you're wearing a weighted pup tent, especially if you're shorter) but I really swear by it.

Thank you all so much for responding. I think I may want one that can go up to 40lbs. so I will look into the All-Pro. It'll have to be on-line since I am in WV.

Again - Thanks!
I bought a cheap backpack at Target and put plates in it. It seems to work great. I'm up to 30 pounds worth and the backpack seems to be holding up.
Re wearing a weighted backpack in lieu of a weight vest:

IMHO this can create an unnecessary risk of back strain, because the weightload is concentrated in one singular area. I recall reading that children and indeed adults have that problem with overloaded backpacks that they carry around for their everyday use. Plus, because you're overcompensating for the weightload being concentrated in a smaller area, your form for the squats, lunges and any other weighted leg movement can be compromised, diminishing the effectiveness of the leg work.

The AllPro and most other weight vest brands are such that you can spread the weightload (the AllPro model has a bunch of little 1/2-lb rods that you slide into pockets sewn into the vest) around the entire trunk area (front, back and sides) as well as up the middle of the back. Thus the weightload is far more evenly distributed.


Thanks Annette. I've been thinking about that myself, but so far it doesn't seem to cause me any discomfort or bad form. It does pull on my neck, though, but I would think a weighted vest would do the same thing.

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