Weight Watchers - Third week of May, 2011

Good morning girls..
Yesterday was carb overload day for me...
I wanted to know do any of you gals manage not to use any of your weekly allowance or activity points? I manage not to touch the activity points EVER but always seem to touch the weekly allowance...

Shereta: What do you do on sparkspeople? is there some interesting stuff i'm missing? BTW you are such a positive person..you must be fun to live with:D

Stacy: there is this book i am reading (i forget the title its at home) that talks about the psychology of weight loss and that we have to change our way of thinking..it suggest positive thought cue cards that you read every morning to help you stay on track (i am not finished and am not psychologically ready to start this part yet) I'll get you the title and tell you how it goes when I actually start applying what it says...it actually makes sense. It basically says that permanent weight loss is a life long choice and that you have to choose to keep the weight off.

Boilerchick: I am sure you are on the way to great success! you seem to be the main one who keeps up with it all :) koodos on the weight loss this week.
My favorite weight loss book is The Four Day Win by Martha Beck. Something about her really resonates with me, she makes sense, she is very real.
Happy Thursday, All. Today's workout was the Firms Aerobics Body Sculpting with Allie. I love, love, love that workout. It's cardio and weights. She hits every major body part. But, I was so sore from MMA boxing yesterday, that I dreaded working out today. got to bed late as is usually for Wednesday nights (bible study night). Got up a little late this morning, got my crockpot food ready and got to working out. I earned 9 aps; burning 709 calories. I realized that I just cannot afford to give up. When I have setbacks, I just dust myself off and get back at it.

Stacy, it seems like you know what to do. It's just hard to actually do sometimes, especially when the stress level is high. But, you are worth taking time out for you. Keep tracking, it makes a big difference. Find the foods that are good for you and eat lots of it.

Steph, I enter my foods on sparkpeople like I did with WWers, I also enter cardio, and just proruse the boards. They're more active there it seems. I can check my calories, protein, fiber and stuff at a glance. I love that part. I'm always concerned about not getting enough fiber. And you cant see that stuff on WWers.

Thanks for the compliment. As far as me being funny, I can be a true riot a lot of times. I don't really try to be funny, but I try to laugh and find the humor in life. Did that make sense? Just laughing at life itself puts people at ease about real situations that you just cant control sometimes. It helps with the stress at work, church and at home. I try to hold back sometimes. But, more than usually, it just comes out. Life can be depressing and I want to always look for a postive no matter what. Im not naturally a people person; I love my alone time. But, hey, if I'm going to be around people, then we're going to have a good time. I like everyone to feel at ease and get along. Being real about life and its obstacles takes me to the funny stuff.

Good Morning Ladies.

I am the girl Diana was referring to in her post yesterday. Finally the lurker comes out of hiding! :D

I hope it's okay if I join the check-in.

I signed up for WW online 5 weeks ago tmrw and have found great success with it after struggling for 1 or 2 years trying to lose 5 or so pounds that crept up on me when I wasn't looking! :eek: I love the program and will probably maintain my membership long after I've reached my goal. :)

I am looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

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Hello again.

Well I was going to wait until more folks came by before starting with personals but it's been a while since anyone's been here so I guess I'll just start now with personals to those who posted today so far....

Steph:: The only time I really ever touch any of my extra points is when I am doing something out of the ordinary like going out to eat, going to a party, going out of town, etc. Otherwise I have been able to stick to my DP's only. The "free foods" are very helpful to this end. I probably eat an average of 5+ servings a day of zero point foods. It really helps! What I also find extremely helpful is to stick to lower point foods which are, ofcourse, the healthier foods. I try to stick with foods that average no more 3 points per serving because I can eat a lot more that way. HTH! :)

Shereta:: I love your outlook on life and must agree that you are very upbeat! :) Good job with the work out this morning! Keep it up!

Suzanne:: I've never read the book you are talking about but I am always interested in checking out books on fitness and nutrition so perhaps I'll check it out!

So are we posting our food for the day here or is that a thing of the past? I am game for whatever you girls decide.

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Wendy, I used to be a daily poster of food, but I got tired of it. Do it if you like. We're pretty flexible here.

editing to ask: How do you like STS? I'm still on the fence about ordering it.
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Shereta:: Well there is a definite story to STS. I love it-but that wasn't always the case. :p I first attempted an STS rotation back in the spring of last year. By the time I had gotten to week 3 of M1 in the 3.5 month rotation I had blown up like a balloon. I gained 5-6 pounds, lost my ab definition, exploded out of my pants. I looked and felt just awful! Everyone told me not to worry, that it was just water weight from the heavy lifting and it would dissapate over time. Well IDK what it was but wasn't waiting around. I quit STS and started a rotation doing 5 days of cardio with 1 day of f/b weight training. I never lost all of the weight but I managed to pretty much get my body back to pre-STS shape so I was pretty happy. This was last year-2010. While I was working to get my old self back I was thinking about STS and what may have gone wrong. #1-the 1RM's did not work for me. Most of them put me lifting weights that were just way to heavy for me and instead of adjusting I was struggling to lift what my work out card said. #2-I was doing the rotation as prescribed with only 3 days of cardio. I decided that perhaps I needed more. Those things being said, I decided to give it another go in January of this year. I switched over to the 5.5 month rotation, scrapped the 1RM's and went for it using the weights I thought were right for me and I set up the rotation so that it allowed me 4-5 days of cardio instead of just 3. Well it worked! No more balloon! Up until I joined WW, I hadn't gained any weight. STS was working wonderfully for me--I was gaining strength, size and definition. It was fabulous! Now that I am on WW and have lost some weight, my results are even more obvious and I couldn't be happier with them! Does that answer your question? :D
Wow, thats really good, Wendy. I've heard mostly negative things about it, but look at you. You figured out what may have gone wrong, made a new plan and then added WWers to get some losses. I've heard of people gaining some strength, but got burnt out and dropped it. You go, Girl!

Did you decide if you will post your food intake here?

Thanks Shereta! :)

M1 was tough for me to get through and since I am doing the 5.5 month rotation I had to do every work out TWICE! :eek: It felt like it dragged on FOREVER but I am soooo happy that I pushed through it b/c if not, I would have never discovered M2 and I certainly would not be able to lift as heavy as I am lifting w/o M1! As with every program there can be things you like, things you don't like and thing you love about it. So far in weighing the good with the bad I would say it was very well worth the investment for me and I am sooooo very glad I didn't let my first attempt at it spoil me for life. I will definitely be using the program again!

As for posting my food, I will do it if it's something some others are interested in doing with me but if not, no biggie at all. Either way is fine with me. :)

So on to some exciting news! Fridays are my WW weigh in day and the scale tells me that I am down another 1.4#! That puts me only .6 from my initial goal! YAY! I was hoping to be at goal in time for my trip to the casinos over Memorial Day weekend and it looks like I will probably make it! *happy dance* :)

Ok I've babbled on long enough :p...time to get more coffee. BBL!:cool:
Happy Friday, All. Today's workout was 4DS Kickbox. I earned 6APs. busy day today. Gotta get cracking. My eating has been good this week. I hope to be down 2 more pounds by tuesday.

Shereta:: 4DS K/B is one of my fave k/b routines by Cathe! :D Good job with staying on track! I'll be rooting for the 2# loss for ya! You can do it! ;)

Where's everyone else? I'm starting to hear crickets in here! :p
Hi girls
Today i managed to avoid a pot luck lunch at work by going shopping! yeah..and i even managed to find a zumba basic set (it has 6 dvds in it) i think it might be the instructor one at goodwill for 10$ I have never tried it but i thought my kids might enjoy it..my 6 year old is trying to do cathe imax extreme and its not pretty;)

Workout wise i have done plyo legs from sts as well as gym style back-biceps and shoulders.. I hope either to go for a walk after supper or do a cardio of some sort this evening..i just got my imax3 so i might give it a go..

My main goal for this weekend is to stick to my points and try my darnest not to dip into my 29 remaining anytime points.. my weigh in is on monday...and i hope to be down at least .5

Good job shereta on the 4ds...now you have me wondering if i need that one too:p

Wendy : you have me excited to actually start my sts rotation next fall. I will be away most of the summer so i decided to hold off the rotaion but do use the plyo legs as my legs workout...i love the sweat! Quick ? do the other legs routine give a good workkout as well? i haven't even taken a peek at them. I just sort of jump in and never really view before i start..

So in conclusion...i am keeping my fingers crossed that i can avoid crappy food tonight...
have great evening everyone
Steph:: Yes, the leg work outs from Mesos 1 and 2 are excellent!!! They are all butt kickers in their own way. M2 work outs are tri sets which is a new way of training for me and it's slaying me!...In a GOOD way ofcourse! ;) So how do I get to go away on vacation for most of the summer? That's awesome! :D Good job avoiding the pot luck at work! The people at my job are constantly bringing in different treats to share with the office or we are having a birthday celebration or some other darned thing that involves bad eating. I politely turn down 99% of it, walk away and eat my own food. As long as I have enough food packed I am fine and can usually pass on the bad stuff thank goodness. :rolleyes:

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