Weight Watcher....**Saturday**


Hey all, good morning!! I decided to take Traci up on her marching orders....LOL!!!

It's just shy of 0100 and I guess that's close enough on the 24th, right???

Anyway, GS C&T hurt SOOOOOOOO good yesterday!! I made sure to push myself and actually took a page out of Traci's book. Instead of doing all chest then all triceps, I alternated between chest and tris so that I could give my all to each exercise. The last few times I did this tape, I did it as written and ended up having to drop to 12's then 10's from 15's to finish the chest exercises. By alternating the exercises, I was able to finish chest out with all 15's for everything! I also was able to do tricep kickbacks with 10s for a set as well! I kept hearing Traci quoting FitnessFreak, "get in, get out, work hard" and that's what I did. I know that the DOMS are going to kick in later today!!!
Good Morning Ladies!:)

Amy, I think you may have beat Traci's time!:) Its just as well to start it as soon as the clock hits midnight. You sound like you had a good workout yesterday. I did that workout earlier the week as well and my chest was sore for a couple of days. I can't beleive that I use to do all of those push ups on my toes! I could barely do them all on my knees. Sometimes it feels like I have a long way to go but yet I can run 5 miles straight without stopping and I think thats pretty good for someone who took 8 monthes of rest.

I was right last night, DH wanted to go out for dinner so we did. We had a pretty good dinner but it was hard to pick what I wanted to eat b/c I am so limited with breastfeeding and everything else was jam packed with extra cals. I ended up having chicken and a backed potatoe. And we shared dessert. I figured I mind as well give the scale a reason to go up...but today its down (go figure) not back down to where it was a couple of days ago but its going back down.
And I want to say Thanks to you guys b/c you know just the right words to say to make someone feel undefeated. After reading some of your post I know I could keep on truck'in. I was 129 lbs before and I will see it again.

So its a snowy, yucky day here today so I doubt I will be doing very much. My plan is to get some really good workouts in and cut all sweets out to get the scale moving downwards. My workouts today were going to be DM and I would like to get a run in after lunch. Doesn't have to be a long one just something to shock my body and make it let go of the fat thats hangin out.
Thats it...I don't think I have anything else to say!:7 Now...where is everyone else?
I am here, good morning! Lori, we are supposed to be getting the snow and freezing rain here tonight & tomorrow in MI. I hope it is our last winter blast.

Everything went well yesterday. I have a good burn in my legs from GS Legs. Today I am going to do Super Cardio from the Firm. I have alot of their old vids, and they are good workouts. I am going to squeeze them in now & then. Vol. 1 still kicks my butt everytime I do it!

I will be back later, have a great day!!
Goood Mooorning, Amy and Lori!

I couldn't let you chat here alone. Amy, I hope you survived work and that you're set for a wonderful weekend. Any great plans on tap?
I have to admit the thoughts of a potential Cathe road trip are making me smile.

LoriG, great job on the dinner out - and I know you will be seeing 129 again soon! Glad the scale is moving your way again.

The weather is gross here, too. I meant to run outside but the roads look slick and the sky looks terrible. I'm sitting here contemplating Hardcore Extreme (never tried it before, but it's looking fun) plus an S&H this morning, maybe chest and back.

Here's to a wonderful weekend! I'll check back in later -

Good morning Amy, LoriS, Lori and Cheryl,

I am running late today. I got up at 8:30 a.m. Didn't sleep to well last night. It was really stormy all night long. I couldn't sleep with all the noises woke me up, winds up to 60 mph.

Last night my daughter Alesia came home from work and told me to get ready to go to a movie with her and her boyfriend. My husband had a b. dinner he had to go to. Later we picked my DH up and went dancing. I had one drink and I felt like I drank all night long. My head hurts this morning:+ We didn't stay long it was too crowded in the club.

Amy great job on your workout yesterday!

LoriG glad you enjoyed your dinner last night.

LoriS have fun with Super Cardio!

Cheryl have you ever been on a Cathe Road Trip? You are going?
As for me if the Road Trip isn't in July ( we are going to California for 3 weeks! On the beach)

Teddygirl hope you have fun with FF. rotation!

Have a wonderful weekend! I'll check in later:)

Happy Saturday Ladies.

My DH is gone to Honduras w/ work so I have had a busy week and just started checking in again the past 2 days. We're both lonely, but it's nice having time to myself actually.

I've started following an aggressive low carb high protein eating plan. It's one of the plans they use where I work. I love my new job. All I do is data entry. Everyone is really nice too. It's amazing to me too that it's a weight loss center! And they found me! I put my resume online and they called me to see if I was interested. They told me to come in around my own schedule and I'm making more than I ever have in my life so far. So I'm happy.

I did PH on Thursday and didn't feel it till last night! I was supposed to do RS last night but opted to clean instead so I'm off to do it right now.

Amy, so did those DOMS set in yet? That's a good idea going back and forth! I think I'll try it next time too.

So what did you end up doing Lori? Did you get your run in? I want to go powerwalk and run a little on the TM in the basement, but without DH here to supervise, my guys will have a field day up here. There is nothing worse than trying to workout with "thuds and bangs and bumps" above your head knowing they are just going wild. LOL.

How are your legs feeling Lori?

Hi Cheryl and Belinda! We've had bad weather here earlier in the week, but today it's very cold but sunny. Those winds were horrible. I didn't sleep either Belinda when we had them. Scary. The crap weather is coming back tomorrow tho with some sleet and snow in the forecast. x(

Well have a good afternoon. It's good to be back with you guys.


Hi, everyone - can't resist sharing - I just weighed in and it was 123.2. I was shocked! My calories have actually been up the past several days to 1600-1700, but all clean calories and have really pumped the protein and fiber. Also, I had 5 heavy weight workouts this week - a first. I'm sure the end of TOM didn't hurt anything either }( }( }(

Kali, good to hear from you. Be careful with those low carbs that you don't scrimp on fruits and vegetables, you hear now? :D Sounds like your new job is great.

Teddygirl, can't wait to hear how that new rotation is working out for you -

Have a great afternoon, everyone - I'm going to get a massage, hurray!

Hey ladies. Do any of you combine BFFM and WW? I am currently doing WW, but the scale aint moving. I eat VERY clean 90% of the time and workout 4-5 times a week. I'm beginning to feel desperate. I was losing great on my own before I added in workouts. I decided to go with workouts and WW and the scale stopped. I wasn't eating healthy at all to lose before, but I had my daughter in November, so I am sure that's why I was losing.

How does WW and Cathe work for you? Anyone do BFFM and WW?
Cheryl enjoy!!!

Hi Jessica. I don't do WW's. I'm just watching my weight. LOL. Trying to lose weight is the truth of the matter. I'm sure the other ladies can help you out.

When I lost all my weight initally Cheryl I was doing low carb but on my own. I KNOW I was not eating healthy. I wasn't eating any white starch, only chicken or turkey or tuna, egg whites and salad basically. To a point it was healthy but I didn't eat enough fruits and veggies by any means. This plan I'm doing has fruits and veggies in it. A lot more than I used to eat. So I'm hoping......

I'm so aggrivated w/ myself for gaining all this weight back. I barely made it thru RS. I didn't think my legs would carry me thru! x(. But I made it. :)

I had eggwhites and ww toast for breakfast this morning and I just had a double chocolate pudding protein supplement. I'll have a soup supplement and nice big salad for dinner. I can have 2 more supplements after that if I choose. I know I have to make sure I eat enough, but with the extra pounds I'm carrying right now I think I have enough fat stored for my body to burn. :p

Hope everyone is having a nice afternoon. Talk to you guys later.


Hi again -

Jessica, a lot of us are looking closely at the Rosca Reno Eating Clean Book/Diet, which is pretty similar to BFFM. I like the structure and motiviation of WW, but I don't think it goes far enough to qualify what clean eating really means. I've done much better since I've started logging nutrition on SparkPeople.com (for free!) than I did logging on WW.

Hope that helps. I'm not 100% structured on the deal of eating every 3-4 hours and making sure each of those mini meals is part protein part carb, etc. - that's just too structured for me. But following the Tosca Reno principles of eating almost all clean and trying to keep it between 1200-1550 calories a day (although 1600-1700 seems to be doing me really well) seem to be my best tickets lately.

Kali, sounds like you're on a very good track! You should see lots of progress, especially right now while your new program is so fresh (much as it hurts).

Have a great afternoon!

Wow! There as been alot of chatting going on here today! We had a community nap in our house so I was out of commission for a while:)Baby went for his nap, DD went to a sleepover last night but didn't sleep so shes out for the count and DH had to work b/c of the storm.

Kali...glad your back. I was wondering what happened to you the other day. I think we willboth get the scale moving downwards, I think being positive is half of the battle.

Cheryl, youjusth ad to come in here and brag about that scale didn't you?;) Maybe I need a new scale! LOL Good for you. Im glad things are going the way you want them to.

I did DM so far today. It was my first time doing it and I really enjoyed it. I haven't got my run in yet b/c I had a nap but I am going to do it and I think it will be soon, just to get it over with.

Its still snowing here;( Its suppose to be like this until MONDAY! I guess I will be lounging around the house and not putting make up on until then:7 I love it when I don't have to put normal clothes on and do myself up:)

I will check in later to report my run:)
Lori - DrillMax today PLUS a run???? You're an animal! We'll see if you're still WALKING tomorrow if today was the first time you've done DM. Hat's off! ;) :7

Hey, everyone!

Just a quick peek to see what everyone is up to!

Cheryl- WTG. girl!!!! That's awesome about the scale!

LoriG- I could barely make it through DM by itself, but to add a run??? In fact, I had to split DM up (due to time constraints, but I felt like I could give more the second half that way)

Jessica- Like Cheryl and Kali said, most of us started out with WW but have evolved into what works for us. I am with Cheryl in the logging the calories on SparkPeople.com and it really helps me! With WW, I just wasn't getting enough calories for Cathe!

Kali- Welcome back, girl! Missed you! I hear you about the 'alone' time! I hope DH has a good and safe trip!

It's overcast but very nice temperatures...60's here. I'm off to Cardio Blast BM2 now!!! OH, and yes, the DOMS have layered in nicely. I'm feeling more 'creaky' than actual pain, which is nice!!!}( I also think that it's interesting that I can work my tris a lot, but very seldom do I feel DOMS! They're there today!!!
Amy, it seems that is the case for me. I was losing steadily before joining WW, I think because I wasn't watching what I was eating and got many more calories. I get 27pts, but the other day that only came out to be 1100 calories. I do track on sparks too. I LOVE Tosca Reno's book! LOVE IT!

I might start checking in here if you don't mind!
I don't have Tosca Reno's book. Maybe tomorrow I will go to Amazon and order it. I have been trying to clean up my eating, and following the Core plan W/ WW's. My eating wasn't really all that bad before, but now it is a little better.

I did do Super Cardio today. Tomorrow I will rest. I weighed myself this morning, the first time since I got over the flu, and I was up 3 lbs. It was 140.5, and now it is 143.5, so I have some work to do.

Talk to you tomorrow!!
Lori, I think you'll love the book. Amazon was the cheapest place to get it. I loved the glossy print and all of the recipes. I've actually tried quite a few so far, and there weren't any that I thought didn't look good.

Jessica, please feel free to join us! We're a chatty bunch, but I think a really good one :eek:

Here's a good laugh - I went in for the massage and was showing my Cathe calendar and workouts to the trainer and the massage therapist - they were both very impressed with my progress - but the massage therapist laughingly told me I better get a mirror put in my workout area SOON - she could tell by working on me that my S&H triceps dips the other day were getting a lot more of my upper back and neck than my triceps.... clearly I had lost it by then and was scrunching without realizing it.... AAAGH!

Have a great afternoon, everyone!
Forgot to say hi to Amy before signing off - Amy, I hope you're having a wonderful day, and enjoy all that cardio!! (Heh, heh - evil witch's laugh...)

Cheryl, I didn't think DM was to bad. I didn't have a clue how many drills there were either so I thought it was going to be worse, cause I figured there would be 8 or 10 drills....something crazy. But it wasn't to bad.I could very well be sore tomorrow, hopefully I am!

I am letting my dinner digest and then I plan on running. This is a pretty boring house actually. DH wants to take a nap, DD is playing her gamecube and the baby will soon be going for another cat nap, so there really isn't much else for me to do but run. I am hoping there will be something interesting on t.v to watch. Another reason why I am running is b/c I want to try out my new sneakers!

Cheryl, so sorry! I was so jealous when I heard you were going for a massage that I forgot to congratulate you on your loss before! Way to go girl!! Hope you continue to go "downhill"! ;) LOL! Better watch that form on those dips lady! :7 That must've been a good one.

Hey Amy! How was your workout? Glad to hear those DOMS set in! I like your 1st quote BTW. Words to live by. Wish I would.

Lori, I got on the scale today and wanted to shoot it. I too have LOTS of work to do. But hey, we're all in this together right? We'll get there. Have a nice rest day tomorrow.

Gidge, it's so good to be back. I missed chatting with you guys. I've been posting in the Violet check in for awhile but it's dwindled so much. I like to chat. I was so aggrivated this past week or so that I didn't post with you guys. Between DH going, being snowed in last week, plus being in a funk with myself I just went into hiding (which I know is the worst place to go). But I'm not going anywhere again.
Bad weather is always great for lounging. As long as we get our workouts in, which you did! Way to go with DM! I believe you will be feeling it tomorrow.

Well I'm going to go watch a Spongebob video w/ the guys before they go to bed. Hope everyone is having a nice night.


Today was a rest day for me!

My DH odered CTX and Cardio Kick for me:D I can't wait for my DVD's to arrive! I am so exited:p I am almost complete with Cathe's DVD's.

Cheryl WTG on the scale:D I am throwing mine out! LOL!

Kali and Jessica nice to meet you!

Hi Amy, LoriS,Teddygirl, Traci, LoriG and Claude! Hope I didn't forget anybody:(

Have a great evening!

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