weight loss question


Hi Cathe!
This is my first post on your site, but I am a big fan and have been a lurker for a while. I have most of your tapes, including the new 8 pack and also most of the FIRM tapes. I also have a gym quality treadmill and excercise bike. I have about 50 lbs to lose and seem to have hit a pleateu. I am eating around 1,500 calories a day and working out 5 to 6 days a week. I am so confused about what the proper combination of workouts are to lose weight. I keep hearing and reading conflicting things about what combination of cardio and what combo of weights is the most effective to lose weight. I have been doing 5 to 6 days of cardio for 30 to 60 minutes a day and two days of total body strenth training. I try to cross train with your step tapes, my bike, and my treadmill. I also use the firm all weight tapes for cardio. I do own all your weight tapes but am a little intimidated by them. Sorry my question is so long but any advice you could give me would be great. (by the way, I never had a weight problem before I had my kids- now 16 months and 3 1/2.

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