Weight loss issues


OK. So about a year ago I lost 30 lbs and was 3-5 lbs. away from my goal weight. I never reached my goal and instead have begun -since this past summer- a crazy cycle of gaining and losing about 5 lbs. I don't know what's wrong with me; it's like I'm becoming obsessed with the idea of gaining my weight back. Yet, I have not been able to stay motivated enough to stick to what worked to originally get the weight off so that I can reach my goal weight of 120-123.
For the last 2 1/2 weeks I've been tried to clean up my diet by not eating any sweets made w/ flour (cakes, cookies, etc.) which is my weakness and trying to eat clean. I haven't been perfect but I want better results. I'm back under 130lbs. as I was 132 and now 128-129 on any given day.
Why is it so hard to maintain weight lossx( Sometimes I want to just give up and accept that this weight is OK but I feel like if only I could stick to eating healthier I would reach my goal. Plus, I have all these jeans that I bought that are now too tight and I don't want to get larger sizes.
Can anyone relate to this?
It becomes hard because your body is so efficient at adapting to changes and wants maintain a state of homeostasis (it wants to stay the way it is most used to staying and will fight hard to do so). Something has to be adjusted and you have to keep a food and exercise journal to figure out what. For some it is more exercise or more strength training or more cardio. For some it is more carbs, less carbs or more vegatables, I would change one variable every two weeks until you find your personal formula.
I can definitley relate to this. My goal weight was a 120lbs I now weigh 122 lbs. I was once 120lbs months ago but I could never sustain that weight. If I even looked at a slice of bread I was back up to 122. My weight fluctuates between 122-125 depending on what I eat. What I try to do is eat really good(CLEAN) mon-sat and do my cathe workouts sun are my cheat days. Sometimes I do think Im crazy for being so damn nuerotic about a number but it keeps me working hard. I definitley do feel it when I'm up a few pounds especially in my jeans the leg area.
IMO if you're in a +/- 5lb range around your goal weight I'd say you're there. My weight fluctuates 3lb DAILY.
Really?! I think that would drive me crazy if I saw the scale at one number and then a day or two later it had raised by 3-5 lbs.:eek: . I think that is why I try not to weigh myself no more than once a week now because I had began to get a bit obsessed w/ the scale.
Warnings regarding the counter-productiveness of weighing yourself daily are everywhere. But I do it first thing every morning and I write the number on a table. I rolled my eyes this morning when I went up 3 pounds overnight (got my period this morning so I have an excuse!!!) but I don't take it personal because I've DROPPED 3 pounds overnight before. As long as you know it's just your body's normal fluctuations you can handle it. Besides, when I look at the results over time I'm gradually going down. Keeping track has helped me to notice the little things like the way my weight always increases the morning after I weight train, doesn't go up or down by more than .5 the day after, then drops 1-2 lbs. the third day after. If you're not really sensitive about the numbers it's kind of fun to track them and see how what you do impacts the numbers... That alone helps me not to take it personal.
I know that you weight fluctuates on a daily basis especially for women but if your consistent with diet and excercise why is it still never the same?
This is probably going to sound strange, but I only weigh myself once per year when I visit my Dr.:eek:. I think I do it because my focus has always been on how I look and feel and how my clothes fit on my body (I know I have to step it up if my skinny jeans are feeling too skinny:p). Sound crazy??
i'm having this issue now but I'm farther from my goal weight. I just started getting serious about loosing weight about 3 months ago. I lost about 6 lbs the first few weeks so I thought I was doing great. Then I SLOWLY lost a few more. Now the last month I haven't lost a thing and even think I've gained a lb. Thing is I'd think it was muscle but my measurements are the SAME as one month ago. I don't get it either. I'm eating really well.. WAY better than I was before. and I"m working out regularly and as hard as I can.. so I'm in the same boat. My goal is 120 also since that was my weight before my last son and I want to fit back into my old clothes. I'm about 132 right now. ugh! I started at 140 so I look better and went about one size down. I still fit some of my bigger clothes just fine though. I am ok with loosing a bit slowly.. but one month and no difference? so I'm there with ya. hope to hear good advice. I've racked my brain to figure it out. Jess
I was stuck at the same weight for a couple of months. I would lose a pound one week and gain a pound the next week. I change up my exercise program. I was doing more circuit and cardio so I switched to more heavy lifting. The first week I gain a pound but this week I lost 2 and I'm at my lowest since having baby #2. I'm not saying heavy lifting is your answer but maybe switching up your type of exercise. Before STS comes I think I'm going to switch back to more circuit and cardio so I don't get wore out on heavy lifting. My goal weight is 120 also and I'm at 135. My WW goal is 125. I'm nursing so I'm not going to get upset is the 120 dosen't come.

There is not a single scale in my house. I do know my weight bounces around 128-132 lbs(I'm 5'5", 46 yrs old.) I would love to loose about 10 lbs. I don't sweat it too much, everyone says I look like I lost weight, I think I'm just more toned. I look at it this way, I'm doing thr best as I know how, and as long as I'm doing that, I can't complain. If I had to complain, it would be mt tummy, but I found out I have adnemyosis, and there is not much I can do about it...As long as your healthy and happy:) Kay
>This is probably going to sound strange, but I only weigh
>myself once per year when I visit my Dr.:eek:. I think I do it
>because my focus has always been on how I look and feel and
>how my clothes fit on my body (I know I have to step it up if
>my skinny jeans are feeling too skinny:p). Sound crazy??

To me yes, but I bet you never had a real issue with weight. For someone who has been seriously over weight, this would not work. Some people really have to watch it close or the creep happens. That is just the way it is.
Please toss out your scale or hide it and weigh yourself once a month. When I lost my weight, I only weighted myself once a month. I have put on some weight since then but it's all muscle. I don't stress over the number on the scale anymore. It should be more about being fit and healthy rather than a number. Your weight can fluctuate for a number of different reasons. Your body holds on to weight during stressful times, so stressing over a number could just add to your number changing on the scale.

Focus on being healthy, fit, how you feel and how your clothes fit. Concentrate on eating healthy and giving 100% in your workouts. If you do that, the rest will follow.
I just wanted to add this. A couple of days ago I was talking to a co-worker and we started talking about weight and my co-worker was shocked when I told her how much I weighed. She thought I weighed 20 pounds less than what I do. Our perceptions of what we look like and how much we THINK we should weigh often get mixed up.
I can relate!!!

I lost 95 lbs from 2002-2003 (it took a year and 1/2). I was in a size 4.

The last 2 years , I've put on 7-10 lbs, and can NOT shake it. It's driving me CRAZY! I've changed up my workouts, I've changed up some of my eating. Again, I'm not "perfect" (i eat off once a week), but now I'm a size 8, and my jeans are tight too! I exercise 6 days a week, mostly Cathe workouts or equivelent intensity.

THAT is the key, when the jeans are tight. I reFUSE to buy bigger pants (I got rid of all my big ones after my weight loss).

I'm actually a daily weigher. I would definitely not do well throwing my scale away. I"m motivated by that number (even though I can't get it to go DOWN!..LOL!)

I can relate also. I lost a large amount of weight after I had my last baby 5 years ago, 60lbs. It took about 8-9 months maybe a year to get in to an 8/10. Now I don't know why but I was 160-165 max now I am 170-175. I hate it my clothes are tight I am size 12 boooooo. I have more equipment, more cathe dvds, and a great treadmill since I started a few years ago. I really have to revamp my cross training and eat clean to get back down to my size 10. I just bought my victorias secret tankini so I want to be down 10 lbs by end of April.We at least are aware that it is our eating so we will now just have to do better. I do not weigh my self everyday anymore I used to get too upset over the number. I look good and love my self now whatever the number is.
>>>For someone who has been seriously over weight, this would not
>work. Some people really have to watch it close or the creep
>happens. That is just the way it is.

I agree with this. I've lost A LOT of weight but am still, technically obese. A while back Vrinda said weighing herself daily keeps her honest and I concur. If you have a serious weight issue and you weigh yourself daily you reach a point where the ups and downs don't freak you out. It's not at all unusual for me to go up or down 3 pounds overnight. I KNOW it's not unusual because I weigh myself first thing every morning. I also know if I go up four pounds and my weight hasn't come down in a few days there's a problem I need to address NOW. You just have to approach your weight in a dispassionate, very matter-of-fact way so you don't slip into a state of denial. That IS just the way it is for us fat chicks who are trying to get fit.
It's been a while since I read this post and see many have chimed in. It's good to know that I'm not alone, though I wish for nothing but the best for those who struggle like me. I've been reading the Four Day Win and with that and just my own path to loving myself more I'm slowing realizing that that's what's really important. To take care of yourself and not beat yourself up if your not the weight or exact size you would like to be.
Thanks for agreeing. I think the playing around with 5 pounds here or there crowd can get away with putting the scale away. But for me, it would be what causes me to ignore the problem. I don't freak about the ups and downs, but the trends knock me over the head and say, hey, scale back or you will be in trouble.

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