Weight-Loss Check-In 6/2/03


Hi there. No loss to report here. I think I should drop out of the weight loss check in since I have not lost any weight for 10 months! Is anyone else losing? Maybe I need to shift my focus to toning and tightening rather than losing.

How is everyone else doing?
I had lost some more but now I am up a half a pound which I think is still a loss from the last time I posted on this thread. So yes I am still losing, my monthly showed up so that may be why I didn't lose any considering I had a really good eating weekend.

Don't drop out, weight loss comes in spurts and I bet the minute you take the focus off of losing weight it will start coming off again. How much more do you have to lose?
Hi gang,

I hope you don't mind but I think I would like to join in. I really need the encouragement. I definitely need to drop a few sizes but I don't want to focus too much on actual pounds lost. My weight fluctuates tremendously (periomenopause) so I can gain and loose up to 8 pds. in one week, and that's on fluid pills. I would like to join the check-in though. I've never participated in one and it might be just what I need.:) Thanks!


Join right in Denise the more the merrier. I am in perimenopause myself and losing weight or inches is tough during this time in our lives. But together we CAN DO IT!!!

Jump right in and we will encourage and support you!!:D
Oh joy! :) Could that be why my weight hops around like a cat on a hot tin roof? Perimenopuase? Cause I can jump some ridiculous numbers just over night or over a few days! And because I know how I'm eating I don't exactly go haywire but it gets really, really frustrating sometimes!

I didn't weigh in cause I got TTOTM Saturday night so I knew it wouldn't be an accurate reading! And I'm still trying to undo the damage I'm almost positive I did on the car ride to and from Jax, FL last week. We hit Shoney's for breakfast coming and going and since I never have pancakes at home, I HAD PANCAKES! And needless to say McDonald's called my name for lunches, and no I don't "do" salads at McDonald's as long as they have the french fries they do! So I'll just wait til next Monday to weigh if it's all the same to you guys!? :)

But, I did weigh before I left just so I could compare the damage when I got back and I was down 0.5#, so hopefully I'll be back there. :) Of course, I did eat an entire package of fat free hot dogs at the cookout on Memorial Day! Everyone laughed at them and talked about how puny they were so I ate them! All of them! Hey, I grew up on "waste not, want not!" Besides, they're only 40 cals each and 0 fat, so I was doing well on the ones I ate without a bun, of course I did eat 4 of them on a bun! :(

Hey, there'll be better weeks for all of us! :)

And Linda: No! Please don't leave the check-in, I need a "plateau sister!" :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
(Oh-O, here I come creeping back with my tail between my legs ! :+ )

Please can I re-join the weight loss check in ? I got stuck in a rut during mid April to Mid May, but now Anna's BACK ON TRACK after recently having 'CONSISTENT' tattooed on her forehead, backwards ! I have lost 4 lbs in the last 2 weeks, people are noticing and I am feeling great !!!!!!!!! :7 (BIG smiles all'round)

Hope everyone is keeping well !!!!!!!

Anna :)
My average serving for FF hot dogs is 4, so don't feel bad. As for pancakes, put jelly on them (you may not use as much as if you had used syrup) or use sugar free syrup. They DO have some pretty good ones out there. And, skip the butter.

I will get pancakes with SF syrup and a side of ham (lots less fat than bacon or sausage), and end up with a guilt-free breakfast. Pancakes are real filling, too. Dearie, there ain't no need to give up NOTHIN', if you eat it in the right form!!!! There is no forbidden food on my list (except liver, just 'cause it's gross).

For what it's worth.
OK, I won't leave the check-in Donna. I was having a very depressed moment earlier when I started the check-in. Seems lately there's no time for anything in life but work, eat, sleep, and worry! Gotta get over this hump. Some warm, sunny weather would help. I'm so tired of being cold all the time.
I'm right there with Anna. I need to come back to this check-in. I have lost a total of 25 pounds since I started this journey back in November, but have been on a serious plateau/slight uphill climb for a month. At my last WW weigh-in I had gained a pound. YUCK! It's nothing but plain ole eating more than I should and not journaling. I miss reporting on this thread and I think it will help keep my motivated throughout the week. Next week I will definetely say I have lost a pound! Heather

p.s. Linda, don't you dare leave!
I'm back from the states....

Hi all: The losing and maintaining troups are doing extremely well it sounds like. I'd love to see where everyone started and what positive changes they've seen! Sometimes we get so down over the daily stuff we forget how far we've come!

I enjoyed my trip home to Oregon. My mom is really struggling with her recovery after being hit by the drunk driver. I think I posted here that she broke both legs and her left wrist? That doesn't begin to cover the ravages to her body... she may never walk again and she has no grip strength. Still, I'm so grateful she's here and has the possibility of regaining a full and complete life, even if there are physical, emotional, and financial challenges in her future.

I'm back up near my starting weight for this year (217). It is still a victory since my all time high was 265.

This week I am going to exercise and rejoice in body. Hope you all can do the same.

Much love,
RE: I'm back from the states....

I hope they threw the book at that drunk driver - I have zero sympathy for someone who would do that!

I'm so sorry your mom's injuries are so extensive! And I'm with HB, I hope they throw the book at the driver!
I pray she'll regain as much back to normal as possible. Sometimes they fool us and are a bit sturdier than we give them credit. Please let us know about her recovery over the future months.


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Hi everyone,
No loss to report this week either for me. I haven't posted for a while. I just keep sabotaging myself, I don't know why. I know how many points to eat, I even plan my snacks and meals, then someone at works bring in goodies and that is the end for me. Thank God for Cathe, because I still exercise which is helping me maintain my weight. Katie, I am sorry to hear about your Mom's injuries. I hope that drunk driver realizes what an awful and destructive thing he or she did.

Well, hope everyone enjoys their week.
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post to this thread and plan on joining. I was on another thread and with the motivation lost 9 pounds but this week has been bad, bad, bad. I need to lose so I hope joining this thread will give me the motivation to start eating better.

Time to get back on track and report in. That seems to help me.

Hi everyone!!!! I just finished a BFL Challenge and dropped about 6 lbs. in 12 weeks. My sis and bro having been doing Atkins, which I was a toatl basher of, but they have been so successful at it, I decided to give it a try. PLEASE don't bash me!!!! I read the book, and he really does promote healthy living. You can use healthy fats, which I have been doing. I made some wonderful Flax Seed Muffins. I actually like this way of eating better than any other I have tried. I throw in a little salad dressing, and a little cheese, but I totally love it. I still eat many vegetables, and after a few weeks I will get back to my oatmeal and some fruit. I am not much of a fruit eater anyway. So, can I check in next Monday??
Lori S.

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