Week of Jan 19 TTC/Miscarriage support

Susan- I live just outside of Orlando. I guess I'm kind of in the middle. I want to move to the mountains eventually but I am such a beach girl at heart that I don't know that I would like it. Good luck on your two week wait! I hope you caught that eggie! I had cramps and a backache a few days after my O this time. Maybe that means it was a powerful egg! :)

Bethany- Yoga sounds like a good rest. I agree with you, if I took a rest week like that without cardio I would feel like a blob too! I don't feel fit unless I am working hard and sweating. I used to take Bikram yoga classes because it was 90 min of 105 degree heat which made me work hard and sweat. The classes just got to be too much for our budget but it really improved my flexibility.

Melanie- No I don't have signs of anything other than a lingering possible yeast infection. I am trying home remedies right now because its not too bad and just in case I am preggo. But I doubt it. My temp has started going down some which would lead me to believe that AF is on her way. But if it jumps up in the next few days then I will suspect that I am. But I don't have any sore bbs or anything so....Its just a waiting game.
Hugs to you all

Sweetpea1, bmmccartney, susank41 and melanalyus: hugs and thanks right back to you!

Thanks for responding to my post and welcoming me with open arms. Means a lot. I do plan to check in with you gals, but may not post a lot. I want you to know that I am doing well emotionally and physically. I worked out through the 9 weeks of pregnancy, except for one or two days when the nauseau was pure hell! LOL. I gave myself one day off after confirming my miscarriage at the hospital and then got right back to it! Weirdly enough, I did not feel like myself until I did a regular workout again. It felt good to sweat and I felt no pain; I was surprised.

When I'm ready to TTC again, I'm going to take the folic acid (something I learned about here!).

I would really love to order the STS series, but it's so expensive to order now (Canadian dollar so low). I will wait for a bit. I'll bet you (with my luck) I'll order the series and then get pregnant and not be able to give it my best! haha.

I wish you guys a great weekend and again, thanks so much for being so kind and welcoming. Hugs.
Do you know that the first thing was that I said, after my anesthesia wore off post D&C?

"CAN I GO FOR A LONG RUN NOW?" The surgeon just stared blankly at me, wasn't sure if I was coherent....along with the nurses and such. I had to repeat myself, "I NEED TO GO FOR A LONG RUN NOW, AM I PHYSICALLY ABLE TO?"

I'll never forget how good it felt,...that run after our loss. It was therapeutic beyond words.

Where do you live in Canada?
I almost cried the first time I ran after my m/c because it felt so good. It was so very therapeutic for me. I was so thankful that my body was so strong and ready to run again. So I get ya.....

Well my temp spiked again this AM so I am nervous again (and slightly excited, but very very slightly). I had horrible back cramps yesterday afternoon and last night until I ran and then stretched and I feel slightly crampy today. But nothing else. Nothing with my bbs or anything. Last BFP my nipples were on fire! So I still think this is AF.... I almost bought a test yesterday at the store but then decided not to waste my money.

I'm going to Dancing With The Stars show tonight. I'm very excited! I love that show and I think they are amazing! Hopefully our seats are good....

Have a great weekend everyone! I'll check in sometime tomorrow!

Hi everyone. I feel bad that I'm not posting much--I spread myself pretty thin around the web sometimes (Facebook, Twitter, my blogs, my Fit at Home site, other forums, etc.) I wanted to come and send ((((HUGS)))) to Melanie--read your post on the Open forum about the foreclosure--so awful. Hope things work out for the best--you never know what doors will open in the future.

I don't know how often I can post here so I might become a lurker myself. Ugh. Today I need to clean house--my little dog is all kinds of sheddy lately.
Jen, I'm (cautiously) excited for you! Whatever happens this cycle was meant to be...and you'll find out soon!! Hope you have a great time tonight, it sounds like a lot of fun. I'm treating a person who works with the Sarasota Ballet and is insisting on giving me tickets (I don't feel right about accepting them really...) but it would be really nice to see - so beautiful and inspiring.

Melanie, where are you at in your cycle again? I'm sorry too to hear about the foreclosure. What a year you've had!:( LOL about asking if you could go for a run as soon as the anesthesia wore off. I bet they thought you were crazy!:p

Ok, speaking of how therapeutic it can be to workout...I'm becoming quite depressed lately. All I can do is abs, upper body, and leg floor work. I'm doing the "right" things but just working with all of the squatting, bending, up/down, crawling, and demonstrating exercises has aggravated things to the point where I can barely walk. Sorry if you all get sick of hearing about this...but I'm sure if anyone understands, it's you guys! And I realized that I won't be able to do yoga at all bc of all the Warrior poses, chair poses, ect.

Susan, have you had a dr. look at you? Pain with walking can be from stenosis of the spine. One way to check this is trying other positions of back extension such as upward dog or just standing back bends and seeing if that affects your piriformis pain. All you'd do to address a leg length discrepancy is to put a small heel lift in the shorter side's shoe and wear it for 3-7 days...and see if it feels better, worse, or the same. And yes, the sciatic nerve is irritated with piriformis syndrome but it's a local irriation under the muscle, which, by the way, I've only seen ONCE before. All other times, people with piriformis pain that I've seen actually had spinal issues causing the pain. If your insurance covers a MRI, I'd look into it!

The Inlets sound familiar but I'd have to look on a map. I'm in Greenbrook Village.

Lainie, good to hear from you! I hope you have time to check in with us when you are able!

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