Week of 3/23 Pregnancy Check-in

Hello from Lurkdom! LOL It's tough finding time/empty arms lately. = )

Great baby pics, Clarissa, Skyy and Jen! I'll need to take a new pic of Emily soon. She still seems so tiny, but my in-laws think she's noticably bigger.

Jen, that's awesome that your at your pre-preg weight! Woohoo! Um...wish I could say the same. Groan. I think I still have 10 lbs to go. It came off so easily with DS. DS had Parent Day at preschool today and I got compliments about how thin I am. Too bad I knew I was still wearing stretchy waistband maternity jeans. = (

Jess, how was your dr appt? Are you weekly yet?

Tana -yeah I'm weekly now. I just made the rest of my appts till he should be here. well if hes late maybe one more. My last appt is the day after his DD. Good news though my platelets have leveled out (for now). They are the same as 2 weeks ago. Heres hoping!!! that they stay that way till hes born!!
well they are hovering right above the cut off. sigh!! lol. They are at 110,000 and as long as they are above 100,000 they'll let me have one. I'm not holding my breath but I was shocked they didn't drop any the last two weeks. so maybe?
Hi Jess,

Are you having a good weekend? How are you feeling? Not much is happening on this end. I send a peaceful weekend with the baby. I introduced her to the Fray. She was relaxing with me while we listened to their new CD. She must have liked it, because she when right to sleep.

I'm just checking on yu, to make sure you are okay.
Skyy -thanks for asking. I'm fine. Just still having the hips issue. I went walking some today and it is starting to bother me. I can't believe I forgot to ask about it at my last appt. Well my next one is friday. I need to write things down.

Laura-where are you? hope your doing ok too.

Well I'm going to go rest a bit before I have to get up and do lots of cleaning.
That's great news, Jess! How many weeks do you have left? It's got to be getting really close since we're almost into April.


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