

At what age did you start weaning? Nadia is nine and a half months old. And we having introduced one bottle of formula a day, so I can reduce pumping to just at lunch while at work. I have heard a lot of babies self-wean around this time. Just wondering what to expect and what others have done. We are wanting to start trying again in January and I would like to maybe have a month or two of having my body to myself to diet and exercise really hard before gaining again. I know that is selfish, but I want to start out with no extra weight, so I can gain only what I need this time around. Anyone willing to share their experience, I would appreciate it!
My three kids all self weaned right at about 9 months. They just weren't interested. If you're ready, wean. There was only about a month between the time I weaned my first and conceived my second. I think you need that time to yourself. It's not selfish. After all, you gladly nursed for a pretty long time. Good luck!
My oldest weaned herself at 9 months, but many of her friends refused to wean themselves and nursed forever(well not really). I recommend gradually decreasing the nursing/increasing the botles.
My first I weaned slowly around 16 till 18 months. With my second I was actually still nursing when I got pregnant. My daughter was a little over a year, but our nursing wasn't as frequent so my period had returned and I got pregnant right away (we were trying so it's a good thing.) After I got pregnant my milk pretty much was drying up and I was able to give her whole milk any way so we weaned rather quickly. It helped that she was ready for it. If you want to wean it sounds like you're going about it the right way...slowly decrease the amount your pumping/feeding. I would actually introduce a cup if she's up for it too. Nuby ones are great for the soft spout.

Good luck!

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