Watercoolers Lazy Sunday


Wow, I think I'm starting the post this a.m. and I'm probably the one that sleeps in the longest in this group!

Hubby made french toast this a.m. so was a nice treat.

Tracy - I know he doesn't read these posts but he must of felt your vibes about Costco and he wants to go there today. It's about an hour drive from here and I was intending to go in 2 weeks but you don't have to twist my arm to go sooner;-)

Sandra - you were right about the Si6. I didn't end up doing anything and have been lazy since then. Decided to take Sat. as my day of rest. Will do Pyramid UP premix today and some cardio.

Wow, that Pyramid LB is still killing my calves. I don't think I'll do the isolated calf work again as I was feeling them still on the roll in the ball work for the hamstring. I took up running a few years ago and immedieatly got PF and feel that is from my tight calves. My PF seems to be acting up this a.m. and it hasn't in about a year. So will take it easy.

Anyhow, time to go and get decent for public viewing:p
I'm going to type veeeery quietly because I sense that most of you are still sleeping.

Good morning Patricia! I am extremely envious of your husband's culinary abilities. I have a feeling that my husband would have made attempts to learn how to cook, if I hadn't gotten all nutritional-crazy a number of years ago. I became too picky about what I would eat and stifled him. So, my own fault that I have to do all the meal prep, I guess. I always found the PLB stability ball work to be sadistic....until I did GS Legs floorwork! They're both tough on the hamstrings, that's for sure. I hope the snow's gone by now?

Jeanette....Well, how nice of your niece to give you her shoes! I think I'm going to get my bike outside for a bit today. I'm not going to attempt a long ride or anything like that. I'm just going to tool around the neighbourhood for a little bit and try to get used to the clip on peddles and what not. It looks like there are 4 of us here who want to do the Tour de l'Alberta in July. I think we're going to do the 100km ride, but nothing's been decided for certain. There's sour cream in your cornbread recipe? How did it work with the ff yogurt substitution? Grandma's weight is "up" to 99#!!! What a bizarre sentence. I'm glad she's improving, though. I saw a family of women at the ymca yesterday who were very, very short, and very, very rotund. They looked like they could have been Maltese or Portuguese, and I thought of your family and your struggles with keeping your weight down due to your petite height. It's not fair, is it? My new iMac has a "post-it note" feature on it, where you click your mouse button and a yellow note box pops up on your screen. You can quickly type little reminders to yourself or whatever. My 7 year old uses this little "paper" to write little notes to me all the time. This is what I discovered the other day: "Dear Mom, I love you toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. Only a few O's will go if I get angery at you. But don't worry, they come back." Cracked me up so bad.

Nicole....I was sorry to hear your appraisal went so poorly, after all your hard work.

Lea....Did you bite the bullet and order STS yet? You know we'll be calling on you to order us some STS tank tops ;)

Well, we're forecast to have another beautiful sunny day like yesterday (23C/73F), so I'm going to try to get out and enjoy it. We'll likely do some running around a bit, but I hope to get out on my bike. Today's supposed to be my rest day. I'm trying to plan my workouts for this week, and I might do the GS again, but one part/day. If I do that, I might do one body part today. I'll have to take some time to figure it out. One thing's for sure - it won't be Legs!!

Oh! I forgot to mention. Yesterday I finally registered in the Ymca's Instructor Training course. They offer this course 2x/year. This session I'm focusing on their "Individual Conditioning" course, which is essentially being a Personal Trainer for the people using the gym equipment. In the fall I might take their Group Instructor course, which would allow me to teach all sorts of group classes. My courses take place at the downtown Y, and are scattered all over the calendar for the next 6 weeks. So, I have a feeling my house will be going to pot for the next little bit, as I have to find the time somewhere. Heaven forbid I should workout less, or spend less time playing online. I also got my thesis back, and have some minor editing to do. I haven't given it a proper review yet, but I think it should be pretty easy stuff, and not take very long. But I'll probably have to go back to writing between 5-9am and working out mid-morning. Not my favourite way to do it, but at least it gets done.

Anyone else up yet?

Hi all,

I got next to nothing done yesterday because I really was feeling lethargic. I feel a little better today. I have legs and core on tap. That shouldn't be too hard.

I just finished making our usual Sat/Sunday breakfast of chocolate chip waffles. I know they are not real healthy, but they sure are good. You can't beat it when you bite into them and hit a warm gooey chocolate chip. Oh with white flour too.

Patricia - I rarely do the calf work. Years ago I got some sort of tendonitis in the tendon that runs behind my knee and every time I do calf work it aggravates it to no end. My calves are naturally pretty big, so I just don't worry about working them in isolation. I had PF about 7 years ago. Tight calves definitely contribute to that too.

Jeanette - It's a constant battle with FIL's weight because of his heart. A month or so ago he was up 15 lbs; all water. He's on a low salt and low fat diet. It makes for really bland cooking. Then he has to stay prone for the lasix to work which seems like a double edged sword because of age/mobility/etc.

Sandra - The class at the Y sounds like fun. So you can teach there without being a PT? I was looking at the June 07 rotation. It mixes the pyramids and S&H. After I finish with 4ds, I might try it. At least for the weight work and sub my own cardio, that is similar in focus. Glad the revisions on the thesis are minimal. Looking back on it, I find the whole process so ridiculous. They make you make do revision after revision so the wording is just perfect and then low and behold hardly anyone past the committee reads it (at least in the US). So I guess you'll be setting a defense date soon?

It's 20 degrees colder here today than yesterday. We are having such wacky weather.

Have a great Sunday.

ARGH:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: !!!! Did someone say STS tank tops???? I will now go back under the rock which I just crawled out of.

You guys are too funny. I did not serve raw food to those kids. I don't want to shock anyone, but....I do eat cooked food now:eek: . I know. What a surprise. My doctor guy told me I needed to eat that cooked food because I was getting cold all the time and had to walk around with layers and layers of clothes on when I was eating raw.

The fair was fun and hot. I was in snow cone he**!!!! Cherry, bubblegum, sour apple. What flavor do you want???? All of the kids had a lot of fun there.

I am now going to get off of my lazy bottom and do drill max. I will bbl if I don't pass out from activity.

Until later guys. Happy Sunday.
Good morning...Well...afternoon, now I guess!! I am still alive...we just had a busy day yesterday...and CBL was around most of the day, too....So I got a chance to read, but not to post. Hope everyone is having a happy Sunday...Patricia and Tracy both had yummy breakfasts...Lea is finally out of sno-cone he!!...and Sandra is going to be training people at the Y as well as working on her thesis and trying to raise 2 children plus make all the meals for her family since she stifled her husband's cooking talents earlier in their relationship....Jeanette is biking in the cold....Traci is out in the sun at the bay, plus there has been a Staci sighting...and Kim and Laurie are digging out of snow! Nicole is back around and not having to clean the house every second....and Wendy is getting those swans ready for their tests and trying to get herself organized....Christianne is probably on a plane some where and I haven't seen Carol in a while. Does that about sum it all up???

Myself, I haven't exercised in a couple of days, but I will be working out, studying, and doing laundry this afternoon. I got some planting done on Friday, but those holes I need to put my trees in the ground have yet to magically appear...Where are the digging fairies?? I have a test, a paper and a group project to work on this week. Also got a pretty nasty email from XDH yesterday, so I am going to jump on my attorney to get XDH's attorney moving so I don't have to listen to his craziness anymore. I simply can't take it. CBL and I have had a good couple of days together...He is off catching up with his friends and errands today. We went to see 'Nim's Island' with DD yesterday....cute movie for those with kids....Met the new neighbors that moved in the neighborhood a couple of weeks ago, and boy, are they crazy!! So things are pretty status quo here in my world. DD is begging to get on the computer, so I will be back this evening to catch up with personals...DD and I are meeting my mom out for Chinese later, so I will see you all this evening. I will be doing GS chest and tris later this afternoon....I promise!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi all,

Lea - Glad to see you survived the snow cone selling. Really it could have been a lot worse like something very greasy and fatty:)

Debra - Glad you are alive and well. I always wonder when you don't show up if XDH is giving you a hard time. I guess, he was, but email is probably the lesser of the evils.

I'm off to workout. I got a few things done this morning, so that will have to do; balanced the bank statement, put away some mail, put away some clothes and washed a few.

Tracy - Oh, but we were also selling funnel cakes too. Talk about very greasy and very fatty. Have a great workout. Sounds like a fun day for you;-) .
Well back from Costco and spent a whopping $200!!! Who know real parmasean cheese was $30 and I still have to grate it. Thats what I get for having a chef in the house. (not a real chef but likes the good things)

Anyhow, working on our taxes then I guess think about dinner. Glad to see some people out and about. BBL
Hi all,

KM WU and 4ds KB in it's entirity are done. I like doing another wu before I start the 4ds KB, that way I really feel like I get my moneys worth. Even though I was having a huge dread factor, I persevered because I think I can see a difference in the shape of my legs. I went a little/lot heavier in some places and stayed the same in others. Because of my back, I'm trying to go heavier on everything that doesn't require me to put the BB on my back. I always seem to have a new strategy, none of which have really panned out:)

Lea - Ugghh... funnel cakes; just what I described.

Patricia - I spent 428 last time at Costco that's why I haven't allowed myself to go back until at least 2 weeks had past. I'm safe now by 2 days, so off I will go tomorrow. I shouldn't spend quite as much since there are some big items, like protein powder $35, that I don't need. I'm trying to hold my food bill/household miscellaneous cra* to around $1000 a month for the 4 of us. I try to cut in down, but really we do not eat anything extravagant. I just don't know where I can cut except maybe the power bars, and then I'd have to come up with something else for them to eat. We also rarely eat out.

I'm going to finish summarizing another chapter in the ACE book. It really isn't anything new, just some memorization of terms.

Have a great end of the weekend.

Hi Ladies,

First thing I need to do:

[font size +1]CAROL[/font] I sent you an email through your profile name. I can't find your email anywhere. Just wanted to give you my address so you could mail me back the books.

I went to power yoga with Jenn again today. I don't know if I messed up my shoulder during Thursday night's yoga, but I couldn't even straighten my left arm out for child's pose when class first started. After I warmed up some more, my shoulder seemed better. I hope I didn't overdo it though. That was major painful!!!

Looks like all is well here at the cooler. Of course I've been lurking!:+ I managed to put up my filters and get my lazy self off the computer though.

Sandra: Only a little editing on your thesis! Congrats!!! What's this? You're going to teach other people how to use the equipment at the Y? More power to you! LOL on your dh cooking. Phil went through a creative cooking MESS about 8 years ago. I had to stop the madness and hide his Chef Prudhomme cookbook when he started roasting and grinding his own hot peppers!!! I still let him in the kitchen. What can I say? I'm LAZY!:7 He finished cooking a chicken dinner I had started last night so I could nap. And, tonight he baked some rainbow trout and burned brown rice in the cooker. Gotta love him though! BTW, your wheat pizza crust turned out great. Do you double over the edges of the crust when you make yours?

Debra: Darn XDH! Did he blow up over your recent retail therapy? Gosh! Why did you have to wait until after the retreat to go shopping?!?! I could have gleefully helped you spend dh's $!}( I can always count on you for a quick Xer/Cooler recap. I think the only time you've needed one was when you moved last summer. Have you picked up a menu at the local Thai restaurant yet? I can't help you unless you help yourself first.:p ;)

Traci: Check you out!!! Chocolate chip pancakes!!! Did you eat more than a tiny saucer sized pancake????? I'm almost positive your bf% didn't change more than an 1/100 of 1%.:+ Good for you cracking the books on a Sunday!

Lea: Wow! Cooked foods are on your menu these days. Have you noticed any changes besides warmth since the changing? Traci was explaining a little about raw to me at 3 AM during the retreat. Very interesting. I don't think I could have the willpower to do it. I cracked yesterday and bought cinnamon rolls loaded with cream cheese frosting. I'm about to toss them into the trash since no one in the house is helping me eat them. x(

Patricia: Nice to see you still around chatting. I don't have any of the pyramids. I hear they are some of Cathe's best workouts though. Maybe after my bank account cools off from STS, I might get them. Will massaging your calves help? Phil always gets stuck massaging out my knots and tight muscles.... makes up for the dirty kitchen he always leaves me with when he cooks.

Okay ladies, I've got laundry to do and a kitchen to clean. I haven't decided if I'll continue with Phase 2 of the X yet. Decisions. Decisions. I did get my Cardio Coaches in the mail yesterday. So, I guess that means I have to put away the clothes hanging on my treadmill.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Hey all,

Rest day here and I'm feeling lazy and very bloated!x(

I hope to get back on track with my eating tomorrow as I had two donuts for breakfast:p I can't imagine why I feel so yucky;)

I think I'll follow the Clean Eating magazines menu again for a few eeks and get rid of some of this water weight.

I have been sitting here planning vacation 2008. I think we might go to Glacier National Park this time. It looks absolutely gorgeous and out pastors family has day camp up there that they rent out in the "off" season. I hope it works out because that would save lots of money:D

I'll be back for a longer chat tomorrow but for now I am off to my mom and dad's for dinner.

See ya,


Feel the burn!!!
We had a nice relaxing Sunday here. I slept in till almost 9 which is very strange for me. We went to church, this afternoon my neice and nephew came over to play with my kids, DH and I did GSL together. Took the kids to the playground and cleaned up the backyard. DH barbequed salmon for supper, Yummy!

DH and I tried another of Eoin Finn's dvds yesterday, he sure gets us laughing. What is with the dog on his own yoga mat?? :p

Sandra How frustrating on the missing post. ;( I bet the kids slept well last night after all the fresh air yesterday. Actually we have been having nice weather too, the snow is almost all gone. It was perfect running weather yesterday. I looooove that post about your dd's post it notes! You're going to be busy this spring with editing and fitness classes!

Patricia The pancakes sound yummy! What yoga dvd are you doing? Did you buy any interesting at Costco? I only go there a few times a year, I always spend too much money.

Traci- I hope you're getting some relaxing time at the Bay!

Jeanette- What a nice day you had yesterday! I love the idea of heading in to the woods to cook and relax! Yes, ds is very well rounded, he's interested in anything and everything. Yes he's still doing his paper route, it's so much easier now with the nicer weather and less snow. We cut walk across most of the yards instead of up and down the driveways, makes it so much faster. He has done it a few times on his own. But like yesterday it was a beautiful afternoon and I didn't mind going for a walk with him.

Laurie Yes, the science project was the one on exercise and heart rates. He was so excited to get a silver! Glad you're enjoying your running! Do you always run outside or do you have a tm?

Tracy- Hope you got outside to enjoy the nice weather! That's good that you're seeing some changes in your legs.

Lea Did you get Drill Max done?

Debra- Did you get Chest & Triceps done? I'm planning on doing this one tomorrow and I'm interested to see how I do after finishing the X. Any digging fairies show up yet?

Wendy - Ouch on the shoulder!

Nicole- Have a nice dinner at your parents! The holiday sound nice, would you go for a week?

Just finished doing Pyramids UB Up only and abs, then popped in a Charlene Prickett NO Jumping 1/2 aerobis tape I borrowed from the libary. It was good but won't be doing it again I think.

Kim - how the heck do you get your DH to w/o with you? Actually, my DH asked me yesterday what yoga video I was going to do as he might do it with me but since I was in a funk I ended up not w/o at all. I got him to do Karen Voights Pure & Simple Stretch a few years ago a few times but that's been it! I'm hoping kickboxing might get him interested but probably not likely. Maybe if he sees results with STS he might join in.

Costco buys - steaks for dinner which were yummy, tabouli, hummus, floating bathing suit for and sandals for DS, diapers, and a book of stickers on different types of transportations. I swear I never come away from there with out a book for DS. I usually have to give it to him to keep him occupied as I walk up and down every isle.

Anyhow, off to join hubby in bed to watch the hopefully the Montreal Canadiens beat Boston Bruins in OT! :p
Hello all!!! Back to catch up a bit...I did get my workout in today...GS CT plus some abs from CTX. I definitely worked my chest to failure...which actually led to my not being able to work my triceps as hard. There was more chest recruitment in the tricep work than I realized. Ugh. Anyhoo...My chest will feel it tomorrow! I am planning on 4DS legs (including calves) and back tomorrow with some abs thrown in. Then yoga on Tuesday and cardio of some sort on Wednesday. My knee was bugging me a bit today, for no reason that I can determine. So I will see what I can do cardio-wise when I get there. Any of you who are interested in my altercation with XDH can read my post to Wendy....and those who are not interested can avoid it altogether...and I wouldn't blame you!!


Glad to see you are out taking a breather!! I thought of you yesterday when I rode past Thai Bangkok (the restaurant)...I thought about running in to get a menu, but it was raining, so I will stop by next week one day. Sorry to hear about your shoulder...I hope it will be okay. And no, XDH's blowup wasn't about money...He has no idea what we have on any of our credit cards or what is in our bank account for that matter...LOL! No...he decided to send me an email detailing how I have wronged him over the past year, how I have wronged him over our entire relationship, what a horrible mother I am, what a slut I am, and how bad he has it in general....I will be happy to forward it to you if you care to know the details...LOL! I, of course, took the high road and did not reply to his nastiness...which I am sure got under his skin even more. But it also gave me great fodder for my communications paper!! It seems he is still useful after all. Have fun with those cardio coaches!!!

Glad DH is a good cook! I love to have a man cook for me. CBL (who is my 'boyfriend', I guess) cooks for me every once in a while and it is great!! Sorry your calves are taking a little abuse...hope the tightness goes away soon. Since it is just DD and me, I never go to Costco anymore...the cost of the membership isn't worth what I could save...especially since you have to buy such large quantities!! Good luck with all of that grating!

Thank you for keeping the typing down to a minimum this morning!! I was still sleeping while you were posting. Sounds like you guys had a super busy and fun day today. I got a kick out of your description about your changing DH's chef ways! Very cute note DD left you, too. I don't know that mine is feeling that way about me right now...I tell you, she has been so moody lately...Enough to drive me freakin' nuts! Seems like you are adding more and more to your plate lately. Hope you don't get to feeling over whelmed....but maybe that is just me! I have absolutely no discipline when it comes to getting up early in the morning...Wait, you probably figured that out by now...LOL!

I think you deserve a nice chocolate chip pancake once in a while! I am glad you are feeling better today. I am sure your legs look fabulous. Are you using a squat rack for the heavy leg work?? I know it is tough to get that barbell up...especially with your back issues. We are having your same weather...warm yesterday, cool today! Congrats on getting some chores done today, too. Good luck with the ACE studying.

Glad to see you are still breathing after the fair....You are definitely a better woman than me...LOL! Kids with sno-cones and funnel cakes sounds awful! God bless your vegan heart.

Hope you have a great dinner with the 'rents. Good to see you out and about! I will be done with class at the end of April....then I start with my 2 online classes and my lab 2 weeks after that.

Sounds like you are having a wonderful weekend. I love fish on the grill. Good that DS's paper route has gotten easier with the lessening of the piles of snow! No darn digging fairies yet...I bet they are off gallivanting with the laundry fairies who haven't been around in a really long time!

Hope you are having a wonderful time at the bay....CBL and I had a great evening together Friday...and last night too, for that matter! And we had pizza on Friday...does that make your toes curl with envy or fright???? I think a weekend of recuperation for us is in order whether my knee is hurting or not!! I hope all of your aches and pains are gone by the time it is time to get back to your weekly grind.

You ARE a sadist...Running is fun?? What a crazy woman you are!I didn't see the insanity while you were here....LOL! Hope you are having a fun weekend with DH and the girls! Polly just goes over the the fundamentalists house to eat their dog's food...then she comes home...well, most of the time!! We have a new dog in the neighborhood that belongs to the new crazy neighbors...It is a Boston Terrier and it jumps on Polly and bites her neck...I hate the dog already...Polly is such a baby, she got completely beaten up.

Sounds like you had an enjoyable day yesterday. I bet the dogs had a great time running around yesterday. Is the painting project done?? New shoes that are already broken in?? What good fortune! Glad you enjoyed your time with your family on Friday....sounds like Grandma is doing fairly well. Hope your ride went well today.

Okay...that about does it for me now...hope everyone else is well...I am planning on getting myself organized this week and finishing up all of my unfinished projects...Well....maybe that is a bit ambitious...I will at least make a PLAN to finish all of my unfinished projects...How about that???



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi gals,
Had a fabulous day today. Started out with our bike ride around a beautiful lake. We did 44 miles, with 5 of us riding (3 ladies and 2 men). We stopped about 30 miles into it for coffee and a cookie. We all enjoyed the warm temps. I even wore a sleeveless jersey and we all put on sunscreen. I was pleased at the strength in my legs. Only thing is all that phlegm still and irritation in my throat and airways. If I don't see a difference tomorrow at work, I will make an appointment at the dr's. Came home and watched the end of the Master's golf tournament, then hit some whiffle balls in the front yard. I just got done loading some pictures from my Mom's camera onto my laptop and burning a CD for her. I'm trying to convince her to upgrade her computer to a laptop like mine. I think she will be sooooooooooooo much happier. Windows ME is just not cutting it anymore. Think her computer is about 7 or 8 years old now and super slow. DH just wants me to go out and buy one for her. He's more generous than I am. We'll see.

Patricia, yummy on the french toast. Nice when our spouses can cook. I'm going to try to get him to do more yardwork. After 28 years, do you think I could get that old dog to change? I'd like to get to Costco sometime too. We finally got cards but have only gone once as it's about an hour and a half drive from here. That Pyramid Upper is a good one. I usually do the bicep work first if I want to use my 15#ers. Take it easy on anything that might irritate the PF. I've never had it, but darn, seems to take a long time to heal. I wish I could get DH to work out with me, but he thinks he is working out by painting that trim. Boy, oh boy, is he getting a lot of mileage out of this little job. Mr. Maintenance Man he is not. How'd you like those Pyramid Abs on the stability ball? Those are killer for me when my arms are fried!

Sandra, did you get out on your bike today? How'd it go with the clipless pedals? I'll have to google the Tour of Alberta and see what it's all about. You should be fine if you start riding now to be ready for a metric in July. If you can get 40 miles in, you'll be good for 60 some on the day of the ride. The cornbread turned out fine with the fat free yogurt. I emailed you the recipe. My Grandma isn't Portuguese (that's my Dad's side and my Mom's Dad that gives me the Portuguese) and I think was around 5'4". She's nothing but hanging skin on bone right now. Very tired looking and acting. Poor Grandma. LOL about the post it note from your DD! You have a couple of characters there! Good for you for signing up for the YMCA program. You will be a super instructor!

Tracy, sorry yesterday was a blah day for you. I've been feeling really, really good. Just wish I could kick this nagging mucous thing to the curb. The waffles sound great. I don't even know if I still have a waffle iron. Your poor FIL. So sad about all that. Sigh. I think I'm going to start a 4DS rotation. Must check it out tonite. Can I still get legs in 2X a week with it?

Lea, how was Drill Max? I've only done all of that one once maybe. Does it have weight work in it? I can't even remember.

Debra, glad you could pop in! Sounds like you have been really busy. CBL hasn't planted those trees yet? I think you recapped everything really well, though I wasn't cycling in the cold today. I actually got a little bit of color on these legs too. Why do you think the new neighbors are crazy? Do they have any kids that are Julia's age? Hope you enjoyed the Chinese food with your mama. Glad all is well in your world, except for XDH's crap. Think I will join you for 4DS Legs tomorrow, okay? That should top them off good after the 44 miles today. The most I'd ridden this year was around 28 so this was a stretch, plus it had some good climbing. Think the 2X a week legwork has helped (thanks, Tracy). Lexxie is doing really, really well now. I think the medication, which we only gave her 2 doses of, has helped her and she's back to her old self. After all the running around she did yesterday, she would have been really sore and not left the couch. Today, she was really busy outside while we were there. She loves to get rocks and bring them onto the lawn. She's also eating normally again. These dogs just get us so worried when they aren't well. The shoes will work well and already have cleats on them that are compatible with my pedals. Painting project is about 1/2 done. I need to get out my whip with the hooks on it. Didn't seem right to crack it on him today when I took off to ride my bike. However, tomorrow I go back to work and if I'm working he damn sure better be! LOL! I'm such a toughie!

Wendy! Sure hoping your shoulder is okay? Did you hurt it doing Child's Pose? That's my favorite one, but I'm so tight in my right shoulder. Not that I ever work on getting it looser. I just know it's tight. Now you know what poor Traci goes thru with her pain. I'm a wimp about mine and never push them very hard. I rarely lift as high as Cathe for overhead presses, and when I do, they talk to me afterwards. Have you done a Cardio Coach yet? I thought you downloaded them earlier.

Nicole, Glacier sounds really nice. My folks went thru there and said it was beautiful. Patricia must have given you the idea on the donuts. I can easily turn down donuts, but cookies not so much. I had a big one today during our coffee break on the bike ride. Mmmmm.

Kim, you had a very nice day today too. I love BBQ'd salmon. Or salmon cooked any which way. My DH and I get out quite a bit to the woods once the weather gets better. He found a camping spot that he thinks I will just love. It's a little damp right now, but he thinks it will be good for Memorial Day camping at the end of May. Plus, it's close to home so don't have to spend an arm and a leg for fuel to pull the camp trailer. That's great that your DS stays so busy with sports, but still has a job. I think it's important that kids have to sacrifice a little too. So many just take their parents for granted nowadays and don't seem to appreciate the running around that parents do for them.

Okay, better sign off here.

Traci, are you back yet??? Finished your 3 tracks?


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