Walking Lunges


Hi Cathe - I know you've posted about these before, but I'm not sure if you addressed this question. Yesterday I did 100 walking lunges. I did them in 4 sessions of 25 throughout the day. Is this effective or must I do all 100 at once? (I'm not even attempting 200 yet!!)


Hi Mar! If more time or energy is put into a specific workout, it will make that workout a little more intense than doing it in a split format. In the case of walking lunges, you will not build up the same endurance or burn the same amount of calories as doing all 400 at once, but you will still get good leg shaping benefits. :)
As if 200 wasn't enuf! She now has us doing 400!!!! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
OMG - Debbie, I noticed that too. I'm hoping it was a typo. if not, The woman is an animal!!!!

:eek: Dat vas an oopsa daisy!

Well, not really since this was one of my answers on the rotations forum earlier:

Hi Davida! I originally had 400 written down but realized that many of us have not done them before so I kept it to 200. Start out only doing as many as you can. Your endurance will get better and better and eventually you will get to two hundred. Your legs and glutes will love you.....goodbye pencil test

Okay, I think I might be really dense here but I've gotta ask anyway---

When you say "200 walking lunges", does that mean 200 ON EACH LEG? Or 200 "single" lunges (which would in essence be 100 on each leg).

No, she means 200 EACH leg. I know because there was a description of how to do them on a previous post, and it described 1 rep as doing a lunge with one leg and then the other.
It isn't as bad as it sounds, though. The first time I tried I was able to do 4 sets of 25 with only a quick "shake out" in between sets, and I'm new-ish to Cathe (still an intermediate exerciser).
Good Luck!!
I'd like the answer to this one too, Deb. There's quite a difference, depending on how "200 walking lunges" is interpreted. Also, can I assume that because there are so many walking lunges that we are not holding any weights!?!(Oh PLEASE let the answer be "No")
I thought to do 200 walking lunges was 200 strides, which is 100 per leg. Is that correct?
Cathe, please clear up this "basic" confusion. Rut-Row George, am I now excluded from the "educated crowd"? hahaha
Susan C.M.:D
Okay, I found the description from a previouse post, and now that I look at it, I'm not so sure anymore. I think it means that each time a leg lunges, it is one lunge. If this is true, that means I've been doing 200, not 100 lunges. Oh, please be true!
Can you guys read it and tell me what it means to you? Thanks!!!

The Walking Lunge
This exercise requires a lot of space so you may need to take this outside in your driveway or somewhere that allows you to travel a straight distance of say 40 to 50 feet.

How to do it:
Stand with feet hip width apart, legs straight, abdominals contracted, and core muscles engaged. Keep torso centered between both legs as you take a generous step forward with the right foot, bending both knees to 90 degree angles. The right knee stays in line with the right ankle and rear thigh is perpendicular to the floor. The left (or in this case the rear knee) will point to the floor but never make contact with it. Continue to walk forward alternating lead legs until you have alternated the lead for 16 rep's per side. Do up to three walking sets if possible. Remember that even though you are moving forward in this lunge, you need to keep your stride within the range of a standard forward lunge, therefore keeping the lunging motion vertical and upright. As you step forward, sink down and feel the hips lower down as the quads and hamstrings activate. Then push off the back foot to propel forward to the other lead leg.

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