WAAAAAHHHHH!!! My Panthers lost!! (and me too!!)


The Panthers are SO awesome, and I think that a lot of people may have thought the Patriots would run ALL OVER them. Well, the Panthers proved many people wrong; it was a great game and I'm sorry that they lost after all their hard efforts, but I'm so proud of them -- they made it so far in such a short time. In 1-2 years, they went from being the worst in their league to being the best! How cool is that!! :)

I'm also bummed that I lost my Cathe mug!!!

Oh well -- ;(
I'm with you both but I didn't loose the mug..:)...since I didn't order. The Panthers did so well if they just would have got those 2 extra points 2 times....who knows...I thought the Pats would also dominate but they didn't really and I was pulling for the Panthers. But...very great game....what about that surprise at the end of the halftime show????...wow!...Carole
Hey, can you elaborate on that surprise for me? Was there a streaker on the field? Also, did Justin pull off part of Janet's top, leaving part of her chest exposed? I didn't pay attention to the halftime show, so I missed any strange things that occurred. I pieced together that there may have been a streaker, or something, when the 2nd half began. Then my mom told me she saw the thing with Justin and Janet. I think she was seeing things -- no way would something like that have been part of the program (if so, it would have been an accident).

Can someone fill me in on what happened there?
Yes, Justin pulled off part of her top exposing one entire breast but she had some kind of pasty covering the nipple which I guess made it OK?!!?! Personally I wasn't impressed, but whatever! I guess they were demonstrating that her breasts are real because it definitely wobbled or flung or bounced or acted like a real breast does that's just been disrupted!

Also, the streaker or whatever that was....well they covered up the screen with highlights so the TV viewers couldn't see but you could see behind it (it was kind of opaque writing). Anyway, you could tell all kinds of people were running onto the field so I suspect it was security. But you really couldn't see anything because they zoomed way out. Just looked like there was lots of activity down there. You wouldn't have known anything was going on except one of the announcers mentioned someone had just run onto the field. So of course when they zoomed out I was trying to see if you could see anything.

I had to end up apologizing to my mom because I doubted what she had seen! I didn't look at the halftime show, but could hear the lyrics to some of the songs and thought that just the lyrics themselves were too raunchy. I mean, there were probably kids watching the game with their parents or something! I heard that MTV won't be allowed to orchestrate the halftime show anymore. I can see why.

I knew something was going on down on the field because of what the announcers were saying, but like you, I couldn't see anything, except a bunch of people running onto the field. Mom told me that one of the football players rushed the stipper/streaker guy before security came and took him away. Now that would have been funny to see!

Well -- the game in itself was exciting enough.
Cyn! I agree~they played an awesome game. I liked the fact that it wasn't a boring runaway. It sure kept us Cathe fans who chose a team watching til the end, didn't it? Somehow I missed the streaker??? Was so, so disappointed about the Justin/Janet episode which looked very planned to me.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I never thought the Pats would run all over them. They played an EXCELLENT game (your Panthers!!), and they really gave the Pats a run for their money!! They have come a really long way in a short amount of time, and they played their hearts out last night. There's always next year, right? We say that a LOT here in Cleveland ... LOL!!

I'm glad the game was exciting; I'm bummed the Panthers lost -- both teams deserved a win, they both played so well, but of course, I would have preferred for my team to make it (especially on their first try -- that would have been SO cool!). But hey, the Panthers sure made some good impressions, I think -- longest throw/yard run touchdown in a Superbowl and the longest amount of time for a score to be made in a Superbowl. There was some good defense going on both sides. Awesome. :)

Actually, what is pretty sad is that the game was so great, and all people are talking about is the disgusting behavior exhibited by Janet and Justin. If I were the Patriots, I would be disappointed that such a good win was so overshadowed by the trash that happened. Sad, sad, sad.:-(

That is sooo true! I had class this afternoon and all of my students were talking about the J&J episode. Now that I think about it, not one thing was said about who won or anything about the game itself. It is sad that something like this has to get so much attention and media. It was a GREAT game!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Cyn!

The Panthers did a great job!! You should be proud :) My poor Broncos lost 3 very embarassing super bowls before finally winning back to back trophies. I say this because the Panthers did an amazing job and who knows, maybe they'll bring home that trophy next year!!!

Now what to do with ourselves until football season begins again.....

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