

susan p

Any other VFers notice that the forum is down over there?? Anybody else hoping that MAYBE this is the new software implementation?? Actually I kind of doubt it since Wendy said pretty recently that they hadn't picked a package yet. . . Surely they wouldn't have gotten from that point to implementing so quickly. Still, a girl can hope! -susan p

It's been down all day, or at least of the of the day that I've tried to get on. I was beginning to think it was just me since no one here had mentioned anything. I wrote Wendy to ask if it was new software, but haven't heard back yet. Did you ever get that ICQ link that I sent you?

I'm guessing it's just down

and NOT the new software implementation. I'm pretty sure I remember Wendy saying on Friday night that they were still in the "red-tape" phase of the new forum software. I have to admit though, when I first logged onto the site and saw the sign for the new Fitness Online site, that I was hopeful! :)
I've got my fingers crossed!


I guess all we can do is HOPE! Can this be the new software?? That would be wonderful!

Bev K.
I hope its back soon

I hope its back up and running soon.. Even after what Wendy said fri. Im crossing my fingers for the new mo betta software.....It cant hurt to think positive.

I just visited there, and it seems to be working---with some odd glitches every once in a while, like on how things are displayed. I soemtimes wonder if we'll EVER get new software over there. Hopefully something where everyone has to sign up and can be identified.
me too

I can't get into videofitness using my old bookmark, so I just come to Cathe's site and click the link from here. OK, so I'm a low-tech kind of gal! -susan p
Heard from Wwwendy

She said that she is 99% sure that is because of an error with the domain name server and not from new software being installed. Sorry all

Boo hoo!

I was patiently waiting since VF forum was down all day yesterday and still today. I've been going crazy. I caught up on Cathe's forum, Collage forum, CIA forum, Karen Voights letter section on thrive online and even had time to fold some laundry(smile:) I miss the VF forum and also the video exchange! But I don't miss that strange lurker who attacks Rose, Susan P and Diane and also Lesia. I'm surprised I haven't been attacked yet since I post a lot. Let's hope that this shut down of the VF forum will make that stranger go away!
No Problem At All

I haven't experienced any of the problems that you all are mentioning. I've gotten in fine without any glitches whatsoever everytime I've logged on. Which is amazing since I tend to have problems with that forums software.
Cannot access Video Fitness Forum !

Monday, I could not access Fitness Online, so I followed susan p's advice and accessed through the link on Cathe's web site. Today, I find that I can access Fitness Online but when I get to the "VF Forum Posting Guidelines" it just does not go any further (error message). I am getting desperate ! How about the rest of you ? Maryan
Same here

I am getting the same thing. It is very frustrating. I can get into reviews but not the forum. Why is it the forum has all the difficulties?
Ack! I'm going into VF withdrawal

It's been two days now & no VF. Is there a special counseling center available anywhere?

I get to the Guidelines, too, and then nothing. I have had this problem since Monday around 5 or 6 p.m.
Where's VF?

I could get in this weekend, but I kept getting booted out of the Forum or it would get hung up in a thread and then I would have to reboot. So I gave up. And now I can't even log in at all. I get those darn guidelines then nothing else.

Has anyone talked to WWWendy today (9/21/99)? Does anyone know what's going on?

Yesterday, I was just musing about how some people can get in and others can't. I hadn't been having the problems other people did over the last few days, but about two weeks ago, I couldn't get in for 5 days! Talk about VF withdrawal! I notified WWWendy, and she said no one else was having the problem. I could get through to the threads page, but no matter how long I waited, the only thing that would show up would be the colored, labeled boxes at the top of the page. It happened both with Netscape and with IE, and only on VF, so I figured the problem HAD to be on their side. Then, when I got into the office that following Monday, everything was fine! I left a message here yesterday (where did it go? Maybe I hit the wrong button ;-() saying I was having no problems now (knock plastic artificial wood-textured material), but I seem to have spoken too soon (guess the artificial stuff doesn't work as well as the real thing). Today, I get some error message.
I can't get on VF either

Yesterday, I used SLH's link and it worked untill last night. It would let me go to VF but not the forum. This is too tough. I just love the forum and hate it when I can't get through. Oh give me patience! Maybe we can stay here and post for a while.
E-mail from Wwwendy 1 PM 9/21/99

I heard from Wwwendy today and she basically said that all she knows is that it's down. I'm thinking of writing Fitness Online and see if they give me any type of explanation.

Same problem

I can't get past the guidelines either. This is killing me! I get very few opportunities to read the forum, and cannot read it at all on the weekends, because my home computer has a MAJOR hardware problem, that no technician has been able to figure out. It is back in the shop today!!! I can only get on at work, so my time is severely limited. Maybe it will be ok by Monday... The new software will be wonderful, if I can glance through threads quickly, without clicking and waiting to read each response. I'll be able to read more in my short time.

Sandi M.

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