Upper Body Endurance - How to make a new workout


I have a knee injury and will be having surgery next month. As a result I've been concentrating on upper body and really seeing nice results. I would like to do an endurance workout once per week, in addition to the two strength workouts I'm currently doing.

I combined the upper body portions of ME and PH, and there's not enough burn for me.

What are some suggestions? I would like to use a tape or DVD for the music and the counting. I was considering doing PUB with all light weights.

Can anyone offer any suggestions?

I really appreciate it!:)
Hi, another great endurance workout is the upper body split of the CTX series DVD too.You can find the workout in VHS format but in the VHS you will find the warm up of all steps and the stretch of 10-10-10. In the DVD split you don't have the warm up and stetch but you can do the warm up and the stretch of the other dvd CTX workouts. Hope this helps.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
You might also try the upperbody only premixes on the SS/PP DVD which offer a lot of flexibility for length and number of reps.

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