TTC/Preg Check in July 17th

i am reading these posts, and its a wonder we have babies at all for all the torture they put us through! Maybe thats why God makes them so darn cute!
KY makes these exocitcs brand that has a warming sensation on contact, and that is the only one I have ever tried that actually worked. dh has a very active drive and all I can say is that I have been a big disappointment over the last few months. i am so sorry for all of you having this problem too. I swear if its not being constipated and bloated then you have to pee and if you get through that then you have turned into a desert, and by then have probably fallen asleep.
Susan-can you dd hold the hair dryer for you? My dd does for me sometimes for fun, but it is helpful!
Melanie-post after your appointment.
JenM-I don't know about the heartrates, my dd was always high 160 and ds always 140's.
Kate-are you reading any good books on the beach?
Hey Mikkia,
Dd does help me dry my hair. Lately I have just been letting it dry by itself though...doesnt look as good though..but I sure havent been the social butterfly. We have tried the warming ky too, but for some reason I like the regular.
Morning girls!

Melanie, I can't wait for your appt tomorrow. I hope they do an ulrasound to find out how far along you are. Sorry about the bad day:-(

Kate, I would also give the ky silk a try. I definitely have to use this when I am breastfeeding. I have absoulutely no sex drive then, but it's totally different when I am pregnant;-)

Susan, it must be nice to have your mom there. Have fun shopping and take it easy girl!

Mikkia, I love seeing the baby move around on the ultrasound. Isn't it great to have an appetite again?

Jen2, 14 hrs in a car with 3 kids?? That will be a trip to remember. I can handle about 4hrs in the car with my 2 boys. Do you have a dvd player for them? I swore I would never own a car with a dvd player b/c kids already watch enough t.v. but it really is a lifesaver for long trips.

Hi Jen, Maggie, Stephanie and Lisa!!

Hope everyone is having a good day. Last night Wilson had his friend spend the night and at 11:30 he wanted to go home. We tried calling his house but no one answered so I stayed up with a crying 6yr old until he fell asleep after midnight. They were up bright and early and he's fine now. I am very tired. I think I am going to try and do cardio sweatfest and then take them swimming. It is supposed to be 98 today which is actually cool for this time of year. I really enjoy the warm weather and dread winter. Talk to you girls later

This is a super dooper small town clinic. No u/s here. DH has to go pick up our eldest son from camp & I have to go to dealership to pick up our van---I won't have time to drive anywhere for ultrasound. I have the 25th off, maybe they can schedule one then.

I won't be able to post until evening---but I"m okay just busy day!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Hey girls!
Sorry I'm late today!!

Mealnie--I am excited about your appointment tomorrow. I hope it goes well! I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way!!

Kate--the ky silk is pretty good, but be forewarned: a little goes a long way!! It's uber runny. TMI? And remember there are other things to do to satisfy him if you're less in the mood. ;-)

Susan--Hope you're still having fun with your mom! Does she live far away from you?

Mikkia--Glad you have your appetite back! I cannot believe you lost so much the first trimester! I was the polar opposite. I ate through the nausea (carb-crazy!!).

Jen--How old are your stepkids? I'd just pack lots and lots of activities for them. When we drove to NY last summer I just packed my boys lots of crayons, books, new (cheap) toys, etc. so they had a little adventure in the car and enjoyed exploring all of their new stuff. I also downloaded lots of fun kid songs and fun songs the DH and I love and made CDs for the car. We have bad luck with car DVD players. Have had two of them quit working on us, so we gave up on them. I kind of like it better without one because the boys are a captive audience and they must talk to us. We have some really great conversations, and we listen to great music!!

Candra--You are a saint for hosting a sleepover. I'm not ready for those yet. That poor little boy! Glad he's better now. Try to get some rest today!!

Trish--Where are you?? Hope everything is OK with you!

Hi to Maggie, Lisa and anyone else I may have missed!!


So Oliver woke up at 1:30 a.m. crying with a tummy ache. Usually those middle-of-the-night calls are followed up by a very bad vomit episode, but he turned out to be OK. Just got overheated in bed. He was fine this a.m. Yey!! I think he ate too much junk food yesterday. I've been pretty relaxed about their eating this summer. Maybe too relaxed! Then Henry woke up at 6:45, so I'm tired!! No workout yesterday. I never was able to work it in. Hopefully today I'll get to do my B&G. In a little bit we're going to the library and to run some errands. DH is off early tomorrow and will start building the boys' "clubhouse." I can't WAIT!!! Hope you all have a good day!! Stay cool!
Mikkia, Thaks for another KY vote - guess I need to go take a trip to the store. Blah. Wish I didn't need it. The most frustrating part is I have no problem with wetness ALL DAY LONG (I actually change my underwear during the day because it gets so bad!) but as soon as we start fooling around - drydrydry. As far as beach books - I forgot the one I wanted to read so I'm practicing hypnobirthing! Kinda goofy, I know!

Candra, Another Silk vote from you , huh? Okayokay, I'll go to the store!:) We don't have a car-dvd player but I do bring my laptop that plays dvds. Yikes on the sleepover - how frustrating! 98 is cool? You poor thing! have fun today!

Melanie, Good to see you! Good luck today!

Stephanie, LOL on other things that satidfy him! There's been a lot of that the lsat few weeks! But I would like a little lovin' too!x( I was carb-crazy in 1st trim too. Another mommy up with a kid last night. Good luck with a WO today. The boys will love their clubhouse - and you'll love how it keeps them busy!

gotta run...bbl.
the kids are 3,6 and 10.
two years ago we drove down from va to florida (same distance) and suprisingly they did ok. we borrowed a dvd player and they mostly slept and sat there. they behaved ok. its just such a long ride, i am DREADING it, especially since i have to be at work at 7am the next day. yikes!!

but my DH cant drive that whole distance alone and he needs my help, so i cant really say no...
Kate-did you get any shopping done??

Melanie-hope you are not too busy today.

Candra-Sorry about your long night! I remember having friends over and them crying and wanting to go home in the middle of the night! Did you find out why the parents didnt answer the phone??

Stephanie-mom lives 3.5 hours away, so we see each other often. I hope Oliver is still feeling ok. Seems like stomach bugs always start in the middle of the night uh...when dd wakes up and says her "throat is tight" I know whats coming. I don't do well with vomit!! DH helps a lot with that but DH cant do I handle that. Have fun doing B&G

I got my hospital bill today. 29,407.47!!!!!!!!!!! And that is not the dr's bill. Thank goodnes for insurance. We have a 2500 deductable. What do people do without insurance...geeez.

We got some errands done and are not baking brownies..yummy but I LOVE them way too much.

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Forgot to ask. Any of you had experience with Tylenol PM. I thought that might help the pain and help me sleep. I don't want to be groggy the next day so Im afraid to take stuff.
Tylenol PM = Tylenol + Benadryl

Do you get groggy with Benadryl (diphenhydramine)? It lasts about 6-8 hours.

Is all the vomiting in the forum done? I don't want to catch anything. ;)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
JenM - I *BET* you're dreading that! Yuck!

Susan, YES to the shopping - just got back and I am too pooped to poop! My feet and ligaments are killing me. I wanted to shop more but I am way too tired. Guess I'll just have to go again later/tomorrow!}( YOWCH on the bill! That's a pretty steep deductible too! I think ours is $1000 per person but we never hit it. I've never taken Tylenol PM. I know what you mean about wanting to make brownies but not. Sweets are too hard to resist! Speaking of which, we went to ColdStone today! I do at least order the kiddie size!
Melanie,thanks for the drug info! I can always count on you! I think Benadryl hypes me up. Maybe I'll just try plain tylenol! Oh how I miss my advil for pain!

Kate-Coldstone YUM! Did you get your Silk for tonight?
<--------- hangs head in shame.

I did not get the Silk.
I was so blasted exhausted and flat out waddlin gto the truck I didn't have any energy to go to a drugstore/grocery store. Maybe later???

Thanks for the kick in the pants! Maybe I'll just use Stephanie's idea for tongiht.....
LOL This thread is so surreal today!! Vomit and KY. LOL

Kate--Maybe you won't need the extra help tonight! Hope you have fun!

Susan--That's so funny about your DH and snot. My DH can't handle poop, but for some reason, it doesn't bother me like vomit does. He has no problem with vomit. I guess I can thank his years in a college fraternity for that. :) As for the sleep... my MIL takes tylenol PM and loves it. She has problems with her legs.

Jen--I know you must be tired after being with three those ages!! My two are 6 and 3, and they wear me out!! I keep freaking out just a tiny bit when they put me through an especially rough day wondering, HOW am I going to add another to the mix!? Then they say something really sweet and I'm reassured. I'm sure the trip will go well. I just worry about you getting enough rest! Also, remember to stop a lot and walk around on the way.

Well, we went to the library, Target :) and I got the kids a Sonic grilled cheese for lunch (but I ate healthily at home). We were going to go outside and finger paint, but Henry couldn't stop his little screaming habit, so we axed that idea. Maybe when DH gets home we'll go out and play some more, but I've been SOOOO hot this afternoon. It's SOOOOOO hot here!!!!! Plus, I have got to go workout. Hope everyone has a good evening!! :)
Susan, that's a hefty hospital bill. My c/s and baby w/circumsions didn't cost that much. Wow! We also have a $2500 deductable, but our monthly insurance premiums are about $300---which isn't too bad. We're still paying DH's deductable after his eye surgery in Mayo. $200/month payments---about a year and it's paid for! I"m very thankful for health insurance.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Stephanie, Sounds like a tiring afternoon for you. Hope you get your WO in and a break from the heat. Let DH take 'em outside and you put your feet up!!

Melanie, Hello! You made it thru the day! Hope your appt goes well tomorrow.

Tonight at midnight the forums close down! We'll have to get by with our pg woes on our own for the next little bit! Hope to see you all soon!
I guess I'll have to do something else besides post while I drink my coffee in the morning!
DH is grilling steaks and I've got salad and baked potatos ready.
Hope everyone has a great night and hope to see ya'll soon.
Another busy day here. What will we all do without the forum for a while? I did not exercise today b/c I was SO tired, but plan to tomorrow. DS went on a lunchdate with my friend's daughter-they had fun and my friend and I got caught up on stuff. My husband teaches one more day of summer school, then he is with me all day from tomorrow at noon until the end of August. We have so many house projects going on right now, so it will be nice to have him at home.
Well, I learned about the KY lub, so it was an informative day here on this forum.:)

I have to put DS to bed right now, and I am not trailing too far behind!
Take care!

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