Trouble with Bodymax


Maybe I was just having a "slow" day or not quite up to my normal self. But yesterday when I was doing the first segment of BM I was having so much trouble keeping up with the pace. It seems so much faster than what I have been doing lately (mostly CTX and RS) Has anyone else had this happen to them and how did they handle it? -Heather
p.s. The part that I'm thinking of in particular is the heel jack, hop across the board, then the jack. I like that sequence but just couldn't seem to get it down yesterday.
BodyMax seems a little "speedier" to me as well, especially the part you're talking about, but it does become more do-able with repetition. Give yourself another few times through it and you'll catch the speed. I use to feel a step behind for a while until one day it just "clicked." :)
Good luck with it, it is a fun workout! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
If I remember, isn't this the one that's the fastest of all the step portions that Cathe does? It seems that way to me, too. But, the step portions over in about 30 minutes, so it's not too bad.
Cathe posted earlier this week that Body Max is about 10 bpm faster than any of her other step tapes. I have been known to schedule BodyMax's step and circuit segment, only to chicken out and end up doing MIC or Imax because to me they are easier. Does that tell you anything? And don't underestimate the power of the upper body section. I did that after LL on Wed. and my shoulders and bis were feeling it on Thursday. But this is one of Cathe's best tapes and really does include everything. Have fun!
Are you short?? I am and I absolutely must do BodyMax on a 6" step in order to keep up that pace, and even then it is tough. I find I can even do BodyMax on a 4" step and I am still in my target heart rate zone. Try lowering your step sometime. Many people seem to look at this as some kind of defeat, but sometimes I find it makes the workout oh so much more enjoyable and fun..
I know exactly what you mean! That's the part I can never quite do at the same time as Cathe does! The heel thing and hop and jack thing! It looks great and is fun to do but I can't seem to catch up and do it on time! It makes me laugh and swear. It's the only move that frustrates me. But even though BMax is fast it's great for people with short attention spans!
I don't do this workout often (too many videos, too little time!), but when I do, I always feel like it goes really fast--both the cardio and the weights. I do, however, find that when I put it in my rotation more often, it seems more "doable". ALso, changing from an 8" step to a 6" step (then down to 4" for the last segment) really helped. Last time I did it (yesterday), I was even able to do the final section almost all the way through without modification.
I've been doing Body Max a lot lately and have been thinking the same thing! Like I always feel like I need one more second to change direction or something, particularly in the part you are talking about the heel toe thingies, the A Steps are so fast I have to do sort of mini ones...I LOVE the workout though so I'm going to just keep plugging away. And as for the weights its the only chest workout where I absolultey can NOT do the pushups after all the chest presses etc. Usually I can pump at least a few out but not after Body Max!

But I love love love it!
RE: BodyMax Rotation - here goes

This fall and winter, I did MIC once a week for 8 weeks, Imax 2x's a week for 8 weeks, now I am going to try Body Max 2x's a week for 4 weeks. Body Max is Cathe's toughest tape in my opinion. The speed of the cardio and then the endurance work aftetwards (which is always harder for me than strength training). Wish me luck! I want to be ready for those Intensity DVDs!!!!

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